lol why you looking at my description you just wasted your time reading this lol
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Im not a author it felt to wrong trying to write i gave up But i can give some tips from a readers perspective and a failed author who didnt get very far as it felt wrong to write And as for the Harry Potter fanfic suggjestion here are the perks reasons and base for it It will greatly help your growth as a author if you take my suggjestion Harry Potter fanfic without any bonus powers metta knollage Only powers are those granted by the potter bloodline and he has to actually claim it to use them just harry finding out hes bieng manipulated by dumbles during the holladay no super strong powers immediately but a slow burn gaining power by training learning the mental helth of harry him grinding to become strong befor dumble finds out and try to figure out the responsibility of nobility you can make it really interesting by having the mc manage the land granted to him by his nobility and his caslte / fort / army making it feel like actual nobility and old familtys/blood Rebuilding the destroyed buildings /forts in his territory To many author just write mcs with pure power who steam roll everyone no character growth but by having the mc lead his own army he can experience loss of those who he is responsible for without having a wifu get hurt having the mc go from a young boy who was forced to live under the stairs starved and beated forced to almost become a obsucrial(something that can be used as a power up / to be masterd) now has to lead men in battle any mistakes are on him he now must face that realization they are his men who are bieng taken in a body bag he feels compelled to inform the famitlys himself while he did win the war at what cost making him more keen to strathen his territory there equipment and improve the living quality of his peaple to make there sacrifices worth it make him worthy of there trust in him He also has to have a harem considering the potters dont have Any branch family’s left all are dead hes the last potter / perevel The idea he has to fight Voldimorts lackys has more power because they too have old houses there own castles secrets and magica passed down There armys are just following orders if they dont fight there loved ones will be tortured and killed The only respite in between All the pressure is spending time with his harem and the time harry has is with a motherly fae (milf fairy(looks like atroria lancer (lady of the lake)who hasnt tried to steal his soul or anything like the fae in the storys by a lake who originally called him a wierd mix of a tragic king arthor and merlin but less confident and scrawny when they first met But as she got to know him she now she treats him like shes both his mom and a wife wierdly he dousent mind (Duel wield excaliber and the sword of grifindoor end game)
Whats midnight lost ? Also its cool copy pasting for awhile no pressure on you but you will eventually need to tweak her a little put your own flair in and then branch out (also mabie give her her own kekke genkai grow four arms) Dont worry u cant mess up to bad you may be a noob but your doing good when you complete this mabie do a Harry Potter fanfic U do need to complete this exactly because your a noob you cant drop this or hiatus it for any amount of tome to many author get into that Habbit and never actually complete a fanfic or novel The only authors i have seem complete fanfics are the ones that completed there first few storys minus some exeptions You need to build the positive habit of completing fanfics or you never will finish them This is the biggest knollage i can pass to you as a long Time reader of this site Also ignore any hate u may get
Just checked There is now a yaoi tag so yea this is bl might wanna bail considering you were also frustrated as me i have thanked the author for fixing the tags and adding correct tag I have deleted my one star review because they fixed it now ima go XD shame this novel did not have a op harry or a harry who knew about the book/movie but one that was growing slowly with no outside world knollage truly a shame
You have correctly tagged the bl i have deleted my one star review Make sure to correctly tag your story next time from the beggining Also comment on webnovel occasionally so peaple can contact u via your profile latest comments I wont cus im not interested in bl but im sure your loyal readers who like bl will wish to conact you occasionally and its important no hate to u Mabie a little salt for reading 40 chapters only to find out this was incorrectly tagged but ill live lol
Fbi memes are overused Let the meme die
Subaru because welp he died again meme vash the stampede Kisuke urahara Maes huges (father of the year markaplier look alike) Shigure kosaka best wifu of historys strongset decipal (tho renka ma is second personal taste lol) rosorio+vampire Im tempted to say add the mc because it will be funny hearing him freak out in chat but im also tempted to have one of the wifus be one with the chat group because ice wifu Hmm mabie alucard from helsing abrigid Friren Media from fate befor she found The former assasin dude perfect for the mc Mabie the girl from kengan ashura JjK nobara Spice wolf holo best wolf girl Angel beats Bring angel to the mcs world And bring the class to one of the safer worlds they will all stay imortal tho They all get a second chance at life now unable to be killed
Pokerouge you can literally instantly play because its browser based XD EnjoyXD
Honestly i think authors are making there mcs to strong to fast not enough training and character growth Authors are taking the easy slop way In many ways
Pokerouge and pokemon infinite fusions are two more peak games both free Pokerouge is browser based and pokemon infinite fusion is something youl have To download online from the right place