love to read, read to love
de la lecture
Lire des livres
did i miss a chapter? or is it skipped?
okay, dear author... in this chapter and some chapter before you promoting others' work and your other work, but where should we check on them?? it seems i cant find it here, or here its written in different title
nice and great read actually...from the writing is good, the concept is great, the pace is natural, characters have their development well written..actually to help new reader, or to better imagining the world, you could make a glossary of the world building, what known planet or something...and the power level of the Lord, and summon, what make them different etc.
wait..isn't white feather should have met and know blue sea when raiding wolf guild?
actually this one has a good future, but dont know why but the story is rushed and everything just fall in to Mc's lap out of ñowhere... dont if the raw like this as well or its just the tl on here got the story "cut" so miserably
so here the day 2, and before he log off and just a little nap
so, is it day 2 or day 3?? why he just use the level up on first day, and the description got chance to level up just say 2times a day, and not stack when not used, right?
okay, at this point i think the story is good and have potential to go up... but one thing is please decide to use first person or third person pov, bcz sometimes it confusing
dont say it that was a flag...