

2018-07-01 JointGlobal

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  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One5 days ago
    Répondu à Nevarus

    Exactly this. It's entirely based off the author's decision on how things work. My only problem is that many authors simply use the logic of "focused builds are the only good use of points" without any further explanation. Such a thing would not apply to reality. You can't "min-max" in real life without serious consequences. Increasse speed to max? The acceleration alone would probably kill you if your constitution is the same as a normal human. Don't have a high enough perception? You'll probably run straight into walls. And speed times mass equals force. You can't have super speed without super strength. The only way for these system points to actually make sense is for the author to either follow gamer logic (Common, though almost always implemented half-heartedly, only applying gamer logic where convient for them. It's almost never explain either.), or explain the limitations of each stat while doing their best to avoid overlap by using unique stats outside the standard "strength, intelligence, consitution, etc."

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One11 days ago
    Répondu à JSirMixalotL

    I can't believe thaf I actually miss the old days when WebNovel was full novels with poor grammer, but all the ai text makes me feel like the novels are now being imprted directly into my brain. It's extremely mentally tiring over time, and it lacks any soul. I'm fine with the use of ai, but ai is clearly absolutely terrible at writing stories in an enjoyable way. If someone wants to use ai, they should only do so as reference, and they definitely should not copy past a single word from it. Also, I feel like I'll smash some unlucky passerby's head the next time I read the word "determination" in one of these ai novels.

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One14 days ago
    Répondu à Abracastabya

    I never commented in any way on what the author said. I was specifically replying to Mari, whose own reply was implying (whether he meant it to or not) that having an MC in a world where killing is normal, makes it normal to have an MC with no moral compass. My response was that killing in iteself has nothing to do with your moral compass, or lack of it. Though, I do have a problem with the authors way of putting it as well. He was saying he would take drastic actions "if necessary," so he has no moral compass. However, that "if necessary" is literally implying that he would only take drastic actions if the situation forced him to. In other words, he DOES have a moral compass, contrary to the second part of the sentence. He would only do extreme things when he feels justified/forced to do so.

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One15 days ago
    Répondu à KiemaAraragi

    No, the original author is obviously trying to appease an angry crowd... and making it worse.

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One15 days ago

    This chapter is... absolutely awful. The fact that the original author had the gall to post this insane. It completely cheapens the last few chapters, and it seriously enforces what I hated about the chapter this one is based off of. The last few chapters helped build an emotional connection between the MC and Yae, and it reduced "some" of the issues with the contract by making it obvious that Yae Muko likely knew/guessed his work is plagerized anyway, so he probably didn't have the "rights" to it in the first place. Of course, it had its own issues, like the rather messed up action the MC takes of leaving a "family" picture and hanging himself at the same time. As if he wanted Yae to suffer even more. But this chapter, it is basically an admission that the whole contract thing must have made the Chinese audience extremely mad at the author as well. And by reposting much of those events right after the previous emotional chapters makes it obvious the author wrote all that to purely to say, "See!? They are close! These actions were acceptable because they are close!" The fact that they are close only makes it worse. It's even more painful when a loved one betrays you than when a stranger does. And this type of "comedy" where the MC is abused by girls who "like" him are never funny. I wish authors would learn to stop.

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One16 days ago
    Répondu à SirFawzi

    Yep. I get that is standard cliche "comedy," but other than phycopathic sadists, I have no clue who would actually find this funny. Seriously, how desperate for women do you have to be to have this done to you and let it go with just a bit of grumbling after the girl teases you? If he behaved like a normal human, he would outright hate her for this. I'll keep reading for now, as the rest of the story has been rather enjoyable and I'm sure this will become an irrelevant matter quickly. After all, if the story made him actually write 10k words daily in a realistic manner, the story would have to stop right here. He would be too busy writing for anything else in the story to happen. Regardless, the likeability of both Yae and the MC have seriously taken a nosedive due to this.

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One19 days ago

    The story itself is fine for now, but the ai feel is seriously overwhelming.

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One20 days ago
    Répondu à Daotianshen

    You aren't. This was translated before by someone with the usename with Chasing The Wind. I read to chapter 170. I don't know to what chapter count he got to, but he has deleted all the chapters and renamed the book to simply "I drew!!"

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One20 days ago
    Répondu à Mari_Depressed_Guy

    Being willing to kill is not the same thing as having no moral compass. I seriously don'y get why people have this idea that if one thing we consider as very bad is seen as normal by another group, then they have no morals at all. Besides, do you think real life soldiers have no morals? Just because they kill to protect their home country? Or in some cases, are forceded to do so? In real life, basically everyone thinks their actions are justified. For example, thieves might explain it away as taking from the rich and giving to the poor, that society is against them, that they need the money more than the person they stole from, that the person they stole from deserves it, that they aren't paid as much as they deserve, etc. Same with basically everything else. Only a mentally i'll person would do evil for no reason at all. Everyone has their own moral compass. The exception is if they are insane, or have no sense of self.

  • Unstable_One
    Unstable_One20 days ago
    Répondu à RAAAHHHHH

    You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but you aren't reviewing the novel, despite this being the review section specifically for it. You are reviewing the genre. That's like a person who hates RPGs going on a game review website, and giving negative reviews to every RPG, hating on the fact that they are RPGs. Everyone will just think you are an idiot. You also mess up the scores for anyone who is specifically looking for those genres. It can still be acceptable if the author doesn't reveal the genre and you end up with an unexpected surprise after being invested for many chapters, but that's not the case here. It's revealed early, and it should have been obvious from the tags alone.