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you deserved it! haha....
hhmmm... is she a mommy's girl? hehe😆 She always think of her mom when there's something going on that she could not understand... hhmmm 🤔
Poor Johnson 😞... he's the most pitiful person here... tsk, tsk! Shawn, you should compensate Johnson for Psychological trauma... haha😁
"Are you, Kathleen?" *Wow! He can really analyze and conclude... you got it right, bro!!! hehe
hhmmm 🤔... will Jiuli teach him to kiss😘?... hehe
hhmmm...Is he a boy or a girl? Im quite confused now coz authornim is using him/his noun...
Su Wanqiu herself is rich... she doesn't need to rely on her biological fam, she just needs to acknowledge and give respect to them...
hahaha! that's cool 😁
So far, so good 👍🏻😃