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We swore to never speak of the Green Lantern movie again.
In this fic there will be no Joker 2
I don't understand why he would work for Lex? He could easily be like Rick Sanchez and for a fee remove curses from possessed objects.
Deadpool without looking like a peanut is not Deadpool.
Please don't let anything happen to the family!! I couldn't bear to read that... that's why I wish the relationship had happened in the more distant future. Thanks for the chapter. Fuck you bitches who don't like it, move on to another fic.
the most difficult decision of my entire life. Sydney sweeny She knows how to repair cars.
Sasuke didn't know either and survived... come on, no Kakashi tmr.
I thought I was going to do whatever I wanted... By the way, what would it feel like to eat a Krabby Patty?.