Keep to myself ,like my privacy and to read.
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Checked it, sounds interesting... I'll consider it.
The bolts actually have no heat (according to wiki), the displacement of matter produced kinetic energy that caused heat: the atmosphere was displaced by the bolt's passage (causing the blaster's iconic sound) and therefore their line of experimentation would only cause any further increase in kinetic energy to produce even more heat.
Not face to face but through the force, they were both on Couscant and he felt Lelouch willingness to crush the entire planet through the force.
The sigils are the bird like patterns, and they were red(ish) but are now blue(Tzeentch influence)
Thinking of either Halo or Mass Effect, but still, im open to suggestions as we do have some more chapters development in star wars :)
Glad to hear it.
Tried, just makes it worse, starts changing paragraphs adn order of events.
I felt that changing things just for sake of it to be different was not worth it, especially since it was a solid plan, and there was no reason for Lelouch to interfere with it, hell, if someone else is paving the road, let them. Also why i fast tracked that part of the story, not really fun for me just writing verbatim after the movie.
Yeah, but i like more the silent version of him on the old cartoon, where he was an absolute chad of a machine, using fear and every part of his body to absolute maximum so that he made even master Jedi anxious. Watching him 1v5 and still have the upper hand was awesome (might have been 6, can't really remember).
I mean, Sidious had both sides of the war in his hands, all he needed was a "show" of an army, it was never a "real" war, just a mockery of one. If Sidious original plan failed, the low number of clones would be just perfect for the CIS to just directly overpower them and have Sidious take the galaxy force.