GhostyZ is gay!
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Another one falling for Hollywood’s lies, eagles don’t make majestic screeches or loud cries, they chirp like seagulls. If I was a red-tailed hawk I’d learn from the Bee Movie and sue Hollywood.
Is it a "catch them all" virgin bait, or just 2-3 people?
An ICBM is capable of moving as high as Mach 20 while in space. However, I'm pretty sure you launch an ICBM to blow up a designated area, not to track and intercept someone moving at Mach 5. ICBMs move in a predictable ballistic trajectory, and they aren't designed to change course after launch. So, if he knows an ICBM is incoming and runs away, the missile won’t just follow him. A hypersonic missile, on the other hand, can change trajectory, however, most don’t actively track moving targets in real-time (yet). That said, cities, the usual targets of an ICBM, aren't exactly known for running away so it's not crazy that they haven't been designed to track moving targets.
The exact definition of a harem is "the women occupying a harem; the wives (or concubines) of a polygamous man." The exact definition of a polygamy is "the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time." Where is it defined that a harem requires two extra concubines/wives?
The exact definition of polygamy is "The practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time." The exact definition of bigamy is "The act of going through a marriage ceremony while already married to another person." You're weirdly confident for someone stating falsehoods. Do you think people are too bored to Google, or are you so careless that you regurgitate everything you hear without actually looking into it yourself?
But on a boat
Oh, I thought "the light" was a typo but now it makes sense.
Light years is used to discribe distance not time.
"Targs" and "she ded" made me laugh 😂😂😂