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Update g
Hmmm, this author writes interesting novels, good grammar and the smut is excellent. But a flaw for me in his books is his mc rambles a lot, they act like schizos. It’s like they can’t focus on something, it can be really frustrating. And also terrible buildup, author wastes way too much time on certain things, really annoying. Overall I’d recommend the book for the smut and the world.
Are you done with your previous book
Wasn’t he seducing his girl?
Come back ego
Bro please gimme ur discord. Its a long question.
Hi author, I have a very silly question about your book age of heroes.
Can I please get a discord link invite
Random question do you remember the one website you put your book age of heroes on before you moved it to webnovel. The website also had the dark king on it.
Author can you stop dragging this out.