

2018-03-31 JointNew Zealand

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  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFate12 hours ago
    Répondu à Riftley

    Most likely. So long as the highest tier is reasonable, I'll usually buy it. Or if the Arc is moving slow in the story, I'll sometimes pay for a cheaper tier just to see where it's at. But yeah. Keen to get a bulk of chapters from time to time. Even though it's an illusion, I feel like Patreon forces me to let them build up to binge read,mso it's good

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFate2 days ago
    Répondu à Riftley

    For me it depends on how many chapters they are offering and how long those chapters are on average. $20 maximum though but at 20 I would be expecting 12 or more chapters. For a $10 price tag I'd hope for a minimum of 5 chapters tbh, moreis better cause it means I am likely to resubscribe a lot sooner, as the chapters will generally be built up a lot sooner

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFate2 days ago

    Glad you ar moving towards Patreon. I think it's important for good stories like this, fanfic or not, because they get dropped quite regularly due to lack of motivation etc and this will give you a source of income and motivation to continue writing quality work. Not that you don't already but you know what I mean. I just hope it won't be TOO pricey for a decent chunk in advance or I'm gonna end up broke. One thing to note is don't be discouraged by people subscribing, then cancelling and not subbing again for a month or two. What will often happen, from experience as I do this too, is people will wait for chapters to build up again before subscribing again to save money. I follow around a dozen different stories on Patreon that I alternate between and if I was to stay subbed to allmof them, I'd be paying over 200 a month at this point which would bankrupt me lol, so yeah don't be put off by that. Anyway, keen to see where this next arc takes things and how many chapters I'm gonna be able to read and get my fix when you start up again, cause I'm definitely gonna be subbing LOL. I'm itching for more DBA.

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFate8 days ago

    Any news on when you will continue this or potentially open up a Patreon for advance chapters? Really need my fix man hahaha

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFate20 days ago

    Somehow still made him a creep in that last part, even with the BS excuses 🙄

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFate22 days ago
    Répondu à Equuleus_Nox

    I think your version of Nappa is certainly capable of keeping up with the other Saiyan's to be honest and tbh that's a good thing

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFate23 days ago

    Nappa being alive makes me so happy. I feel like he will be a surprise powerhouse down the line, especially if he achieves Super Saiyan. Remember Trunks SSJ max power form? He was arguably stronger than even Perfect Cell in that form..But he was too slow. Well..That kind of form actually fits Nappa to a T. His special ability kind of fixes the issue such a bulky form would have for anyone else.

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFatea month ago

    So happy Buu wasn't forgotten and is being used as a plot point to stop Cold etc from coming to Earth too early. Would have been a bit rushed if someone who is being set up to Trump Frieza and even Super Saiyan to show up likein Canon and get Merced by Trunks. Same for Cooler, hopefully he gets more depth than he did in the movie and turns into a proper threat down the line. I think Frieza will definitely be back, but Cell is my favorite villain so I can't wait to see what you do with him. Something tells me he will get along with Ajax. Just a feeling 🤣

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFatea month ago

    Dual swords as a Ninja... How stupid.

  • SwiftFate
    SwiftFatea month ago
    Répondu à Equuleus_Nox

    If there is one thing I enjoy most about fanfics like this, it is expanding the universe from canon and giving it more depth. If it has 'Angels' then why not Demons? Also, how ironic and cool would it be if saidDemons had their own 'Gods of Creation' to pair up with, opposite to the Gods of Destruction. What a weird concept 😅