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since are pests easy to handle and exterminar withouse consequences ? It is easy to finish them but the political hile and other problema Will aries to fuck you in the ass, ironicaly the best way to get ride of them is to take out theyr power little by little until the consequences are easy to Bear and finish them in a single act
" i mean the knife Just so happen to be on a Rubber bed and he Just kept jumping with his back down"
Man THINK the mc is treating It like It is a real World and the Cannon Just provide some info nothing too detailed só at the same time It is not Cannon If It have a logical basis for speculation It can bê true and have to be considerate, we know shit about the otsutsuki except for the few characteristics that are shared betwin then, It was already fuking Said they develop unique skills except for the Basic ones like byakugan so there are literaly fuking nothing stoping it from being a fact except that It wasnt comented anywere because It hás 0 fuking relevance to the cannon
from our point of view and the mc that is obvious but for the people from Naruto World who know shit about them? How the fuck are they suposed to know?
not normaly but If he decide to simply Destroy the box the boy are inside during combat do you Realy think his fragile body Will survive ?
Man while i can understand from where you come from, It is a fan fic, things HAVE to be diferent, If you are so worried with what is cannon and what not, dont Go read a fan fic, the only thing a reader have the right to complain is when they autor state something like the Power system follow the Cannon but start to make thing that dont ad with his statement other wise what ever shit he pull is tecnicaly correct
the thunder god i am blaming on time skips plus focused learning, literaly learning Just How to make the thunder god seals and nothing else
special afinity = SPACIAL my fuking corrector dsnt help