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😋 My favorite pasta.
Take care Nixxxie! Health over work. Your sensible readers will understand. Get all better soon! ❤️
Oh I want to see that scene in this book too. 🤣 And whether she took Angela's advice. Hehehe... 😜
My brother-in-law's birthday falls on 14 Feb, Valentine's Day too. What a day to be born! You have a reason to celebrate whether you're in a relationship or not! 🤭
Ah...that happens... sucks when it does. 😅
What if...the butler is actually Caroline's father?! 😱
How did he get the right size? 🤭
😳 I can feel the shock coming from Gabby at being addressed as Mrs. Morelli.
😂 It's an honest mistake. Too many countries and nationalities in the world to remember them all.