I'm just your Normal Person whose a bit out of touch with reality.Likes to Read, Write, Comment and Review books occasionally.Likes Music, Games, Coffee and Sweets.
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Thanks for the chapter. Looking forward to more. ichigos sage mode, zetsu also guessed zangetsu slash is half truth ball, im looking forward to it. Training for that maybe? The truth ball addition zangetsu + other abilities in a fuinjutsu bankai form to sixth sage lvl? looking forward to him being potentially hokage. Looking forward to kage lvl. impatiently waiting for chuunin exams, sound sand invasion + mini army o ff undead. Thanks overall for your hard work.
i have mixed feelings of the perks. if i were her, purified blood lineage uzumaki from mito , sage body n wood from hashirama, otstsuki ashura, sage of 6 paths, ootsutsuki kaguya. enhanced intelligence, surpassing or rivalling indra, tobirama, itachi, kakasi, red scotpion. longer life, better summons, time travel ability, etc something intere sd t ing for the 3rd perk. she didnt pick badly, just she couldve chosen better. still better then many in that world.
he made a karma hope it fuses them
.2 to .7 kakashis worth of chakra would be funny improvements
why hasnt he brought a wand from the shop? ughhhh
ugh. personally not a beard person. clean shave or no beard looks better for eye candy
do it urself. or travel dimensions.
why not a boy?
i hope he doesnt get a hashirama face on his chest like madara
2. Neutral