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Another review: it doesn't give me a good example of a book, next. Another review: it gives me no description of the book, next. This review: WHAT THE HECK! WHO PUT THEIR SCIENCE QUESTION HERE!
The character situation is great, the World building is great, the main characters Powers interesting, everything is spectacular and the story has great potential.
The concept behind the story is great, the situation it's interesting, and the system is pretty powerful yet restricted due to his situation. My only serious problem is the info dumps it has, I feel that it could cut down on it quite a bit without losing much if anything.
I can't tell if it's the translation quality or just the dialogue and the general way the author wrote it but there's a disconnect or unrealistic feel to the conversation and reactions of the characters. I don't know if it's just me especially because of all of the reviews but I really can't enjoy this story because of it. Also, the story is kind of generic not that alone makes it bad but combined with the translation or dialogue it is pretty bad.