Enjoy reading, video games, and imagining my own stories.
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It is more that she chose Tang Chen, but didn't want to directly reject Qian Daoliu to his face. She just said that she would choose whoever would reach rank 100 first, knowing that Qian Daoliu could never meet that condition.
Actually, the sage attribute just boosts any other magic he has. Irene is dangerous because she uses it to make her enchantments without equal
The only one whose location is not totally confirmed in a way that Damien would already know if Rocks gained it is Uranus. The problem with that is that it is hinted that Uranus has always been in the hands of the world government. So I doubt that.
Don't you mean: Uh, this is definitely not How to Master the Monk of Resistance Class.
Am I the only one reminded of Lihto's initial encounter with Raian Kure in Kengan Ashura?
Should be Eiken, if memory serves.
I'm fairly certain she was still married to Adam until she became a demon. So it should be that she got pregnant after becoming a demon because of the relationship between Zadkiel and Adam.
Erina is from Guardian Tales. It's a video game/app.
If he was smart, he would have used the information to help form his own theories while admitting Spirit Hall was the data source. Instead, he just blatantly plagiarized most of it, claiming he did it all on his own.