A simple man who enjoys to read and relax.
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You nailed it. This chapter, is 10/10 Its really really amazing.
Best regards and take your time.
Its above mid currently. Where it will end is up in the air, but i am enjoying it so far
There are so few Gundam themed stories. But i can't help but sit here and wish there were hundreds of chapters, do i cry for having discovered this gem to early ? or celebrate i get to be here this early ?. This is a really good read so far (11 chapters) and I really wish there was more. So Author, you got yourself a fan. I will be following this one closely.
I can fully respect that. And thruthfully its not that training is bad, its that feeling of let down when you see "New chapter has been released" and you rush to check it out, for it to not really advance anything. My recomendation for future if there is say a 5 chapter training arc in the future, do those as one major release, even if we have to wait a litle to get it, as reading through it is fine, but comming in day after day for it. It kinda kills the excitement a little. But even having said i would wait im still here cause i like your work overall and very curious where it it will eventually lead, good luck and keep it up! :)
4 Chapters straight, that could have honestly been done over a tripskip. I will just wait a couple of chapters to come back, this is dead boring this section.
such an amazing chapter. The family moments, the character insights and devolopments. 10/10
Being burned out is natural. Taking breaks and pacing oneself is an important part also so do take care of yourself, do some other project or so for a couple of weeks. Then take a look with fresh eyes, hope to see you continue this as its good fun.
Overall this is really starting to catch on. Finding myself wanting more. Thank you for the chapter and hope they keep comming.
I think that with his advancement as a Swordsman as well as Haki devolopment, that Logia is likely out, and Zoan is questionable unless its a Human type. I would pick a Paramecia, something that would synergize with him as a swordsman, perhaps Speed-Speed Fruit ? Would synergize well with his current strengths, and act as a tool that could allow him to escape tricky situations. Its also in the hands of a strong swordsman, a really strong fruit.