


The Abyss devours the Moon

2017-12-19 JointGlobal

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  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à EnergyDao

    isnt the entire idea behind this novel that he is/becomes a formation master like i think he wont be physical weak anymore once he gets his foundation or so but becoming some meele body cultivator is unlikely

    "Mm," Mo Hua didn't hide his intention, "My constitution is too weak. I'm afraid I can't become a Monster Hunter. If a Monster Beast hits me with one swipe, I'd probably lose half my life. I need to find a way to make a living. But talking about this now is still too far off. Let me first see if I can earn some Spirit Stones. If I can make some, I'll treat you guys to pastries!"
    Immortality Through Array Formations
    Oriental · Observing the Emptiness
  • Abyssmoon

    Sacred Romani Imperii is the proper name for the Holy Roman Empire Sacred it is by being the defender of all Christians Romani it is by having several laws and positions of the Roman empire (there was alot of effort to fullfill that) Imperii it is (if any nation could claim empire at the time it was the Sacred Romani Imperii)

    Ch 227 Chapter 114, New Holy Roman Empire
    Holy Roman Empire
    Histoire · New Sea Moon
  • Abyssmoon

    even that wasnt really true Rome lacked a good chunk of it

    It wasn't for lack of wanting to unify the European Continent; rather, it was simply unfeasible. Except for ancient Rome, the European Continent had never been unified since.
    Holy Roman Empire
    Histoire · New Sea Moon
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à Tims232

    in taiwan, japan and some others its a bit above 600g meanwhile in ccp china its exactly 500g it seems in acient times it was the 600g variant and the 500g was adopted to make it fit into the metric system but based on the writer he could think about the 500g one or the 600g one

    Carrying twenty catties of rice, He Song finally felt somewhat relieved.
    Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation
    Oriental · ZZMHNQ
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à Leopard2A7

    not really if you look at his lifespan he increased his max more then he aged in that time so there is no real worry in that regard i think in this world cultivation is just slower in general compared to others

    "If they encountered the demonic beings in the Blood River, I estimate they would be killed in an instant."
    I Can Accumulate Proficiency, Starting from Alchemy
    Oriental · March of the Groping Fish
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à webnovel_1862

    1st lvl of qi was in the discription(already somewhat above our mc) might have been true at that time (tought might also be the person asking for help didnt have enough money or didnt really see it) but it might have now recovered somewhat and is already 6th lvl of qi combat power and orginal foundation establishment way above our mc

    "What the hell!!" Jiang Lei's heart pounded in his chest as he read the information displayed before him. The words etched themselves into his mind. The realization that he is facing a being of such immense power left him trembling, a pit of despair forming in the depths of his heart.
    I Can Copy Talents Unlimitedly
    Oriental · Supreme_V
  • Abyssmoon

    concrats hope it went well

    Chapter 66: Bloodlines (Looks like I have a date, seems like I won't be able to post three times in a short period~)
    I Can See Your Combat Power
    Oriental · Stinky Pig is chubby
  • Abyssmoon

    how good that the sect leader most likely gave it to her which is weird that they dont suspect that cosidering - the saintess never apeared - the sect master that normaly has it apeard late and usesd a 8 peral offshot till the end meaning he didint hat it anymore most likely case he took here out of retreat brought here to safety and gave her the lotus and then went back to fight

    Wei Tianlun shook his head slightly: "It is not easy for someone from the Hundred Sect to break through to the Celestial Human Realm, especially without the help of the sacred objects of the White Lotus Sect. For the Saintess of the White Lotus Sect, wanting to break through to the Celestial Human Realm is nothing but a dream."
    Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation
    Oriental · Sad wind turns the sunset
  • Abyssmoon

    well he could since his battel record shows that he already killed a rank 3 even if it was 2 vs 1 it would mean he has a understanding of the strengh needed to kill one

    But could he say that? Of course not.
    Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation
    Oriental · Sad wind turns the sunset
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à Dowbgunsv

    while some nice maths it does make sense that he took them since h only has 500 points (the extra reward taking some time) and he has a debt of 200 points to that one guy so he can only spend 300 meanwhile 3 meridian would cost 360 which is to much while he could only get 2 for 240 and save the rest he most likely simple wants the power now so that he can quickly go and earn more

    Lu Yun said, "In that case, I also want two bottles of Meridian Pills and two bottles of Body Tempering Pills."
    Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation
    Oriental · Sad wind turns the sunset
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à mateo88

    i guess it makes some sense being bald pften seems more agressiv it also means you need to take care of your hair meaning less maintance and your hair can be used against you in a fight so for a rough person like a bandit there is a decent reason to shave his head

    Among them, the leader was a bald man.
    Unstoppable Martial Arts: Starting from Attribute Points Allocation
    Oriental · Sad wind turns the sunset
  • Abyssmoon

    like what ? wasnt grandmaster literaly the highest level achived there ? how are they sjddenly guards sure he didnt mean just master ?

    Jiang Ming was shocked. These were Grandmasters! 
    As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills
    Oriental · Vast Sky Drizzle
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à InnerPeaceOhm

    no 40 since 10 years lifed + 30 years taken by the skill = 40 years

    If he were to perform the Vitality-Snatching Technique once a day, he would lose three days of his life every day. If he practiced it for one year, he would lose three years of his life. Thus, practicing it for ten years led him to reduce his lifespan by forty years! 
    As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills
    Oriental · Vast Sky Drizzle
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à Farry_Tale

    well yes but also the emperor is massivly hurting himself and his dynasty just for something that was pretty much a romour so its a massive gamble with incredible low odds of succes if not zero like if i told you that jumbing down mt everest you could find a gate to another world where you would be an immortal would you do it ?

    The cause and effect were finally clear, but Jiang Ming did not feel it was absurd anymore. Perhaps the world was like this. The interests of all parties, the stupid emperor, and the unpredictable and absurd opportunity of "an immortal encounter" could create extreme chaos.
    As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills
    Oriental · Vast Sky Drizzle
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à Ulala_Ulala_0517

    the issue is that he has immortalty but not the strengh of a immortal if people discover he is immortal it would defently give powerful people who would disect him or otherwise try to gain his secrets if they cant figure it out they would trap him forever and while maybe after a long time he would be able to free himself but spending alot of time with turtore and lonelynes is not nice

    "That's why I have to keep a low profile," Jiang Ming thought.
    As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills
    Oriental · Vast Sky Drizzle
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à CynicalMaestro

    still exploding your body still hurts and sometimes a herb is good but only if taken in the right way so just taking it would be a waste

    "Only by becoming stronger can one survive more steadily. So, my first goal is to practice martial arts in secret, to become stronger and live a better life."
    As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills
    Oriental · Vast Sky Drizzle
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à Killerfreak2112

    because they are woman and Shikaku dosent want them parcipating in the war

    Ch 353 I Really Don't Want to Go to the Battlefield
    Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer
    Anime et bandes dessinées · nyawdao2
  • Abyssmoon

    why should chu nan feel pain its time for the Noctum Chamber of commerce to pay him compensation for what their people did and tried to do because at the end it happend by on of their people in their facility

    Seeing a middle-aged man in neat clothes walking towards him with an obvious symbol of the Noctem Chamber of Commerce hanging on his chest, Chu Nan immediately felt a sharp pain in his head.
    Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain
    Romance · Eight O'clock At Night
  • Abyssmoon
    Répondu à OfcSoccer4

    it was actually shown that he helps the 2 kids train he also helped the orphanage with making them winter ready issue for rui is that he basicly needs money him self while he good alot from the doungen he paid back the loan for the academy and then a good chunk for techniques also while i think that it wasnt mentioned he probadly already gave them some for example buying supplies for the winter etc

    Ch 478 Missions
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Abyssmoon

    well he isnt breaking the rules but dosent mean he isnt doing something bad he could have won without killing her and considering she had 5 loses and still lives she shouldnt be a hated/evil person and getting used to killing can also be done if you kill the bad ones

    He said to himself, "I'm not doing anything bad," and after lighting a cigarette, he started drinking his whiskey.
    Lord Of Hunters - Hunter X Hunter
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Adenlia