I like reading light novels, I find the more action-type ones better than the romance ones
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This will lead to (what might feel) contradictory statements. e.g. a man kills someone in their sleep. they do not feel it. when he is put on trial, he says "I didn't harm him, I just killed him" after all, only living people can feel harmed, and he is no longer living.
I'm guessing that the balance still hasn't wavered, it's just that the one guy with the time powers is using all the excess up
I'm guessing normally it is a double edged sword, but since he has a shadow core rather than a soul core, it is a free attack with no side effects
the broken armour he got a while ago, that didn't have a complete name or description. he wasn't able to feed it to the stone saint to buff the shadow as she refused to break/consume it
potentially she is involved and her spirit is warning her against telling her - next paragraph says she is studying acting, she likes women, she may be a member of the bliss society. I hope not, would be bad for Franca
I feel like, similar to the fool, further down the dancer path may involve playing different roles, since the convergence of his corruption may be preempting his acting.
Mr door is from the apprentice pathway, was that the Abraham family?
I forget how much padding is in this. there was a whole paragraph to cut right there. "the audience wondered what he was going to do. clearly the wisest choice was to refuse the fight, despite the damage to his reputation." also, if the obviously wisest choice was to reject the battle, then wouldn't this improve his reputation by showing he is wise.
A bit late, but in the Chinese 5 elements say that wind is part of wood, as the only way you detect the wind is by the trees swaying. for things like dark, light, lightning etc. sometimes they deviate from the five elements and add extra, but often they'll say it's just a portion or a combination of the main five e.g. lightning being refined fire, or lightning being fire + wood (air) they also have yin and Yang as options as one explanation I have seen is that "the one (dao) becomes the two (yin/Yang) becomes the five (elements) becomes the many (everything else)" or sometimes they won't use any elements beyond the five elements.