The Paws giveth and so shall they taketh, seeking the one true dao through your understanding and my own. We can do so peacefully with cookies or i can take all for myself 🐾🍪🗡
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The cliff my old friend, sigh 😮💨 I shall just enjoy the view for now
Thank you looking forward to it for sure
Thank you I enjoyed the pov switch for sure! Waiting to get more so we can go in-depth for those charcaters
Boy wtf?!! 💪🏾
Thank you for the story
Okay so that means the other ones may not be as high caliber where he has to conquer them all, well doesn’t mean he can’t get a invite to one with stronger beasts
🤣 no that’s fine I need to get an egg it would be easier to keep tabs on them now lmao, assuming I couldn’t get the one that asaeya used
You know reading this chapter seeing how the abilities were used I think I can say I might not have done too bad on sumatara
Let’s go let’s go!