

2017-08-02 JointUnited States

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  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    I enjoyed this one alot. Games are treated with respect and the actual good parts of each game is talk about instead of internet users blindly saying game fun. The feeling of falling in getting over it, the endless replayability and lore of dead cells makes me think the author has actually played these games. Characters were thoughtful and I didn't see any that I hated. It's not crazy complex and don't expect god tier worldbuilding or 100+ chapter storylines, but it's simple and enjoyable to read. Hope this gets picked.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago
    Répondu à Dayside

    The review system is trash, you shouldn't care about my opinion whether it is a 3,4 or a 5. The main idea about my review is to give a general idea about what the novel actually is instead of the useless synopsis and to see whether the novel has a crap ton of racism or dumb characters. If it can pass those two things, I don't care enough to be nuanced beyond a binary yes/no most of the time.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    Pretty interesting read I think. The setting is fine but bland. System is op but not omnipresent and seems to just enable the MC's power. I actually really enjoyed the MC and other characters in this. MC plays the submissive servant role pretty well and switches up to a more pervy/well-aware serious mode when appropriate. Emperor and guard both seemed distinct and likable. The head "villain" eunuch also wasn't braindead and seemed pretty level headed in regards to both emperor's plans and the MC's involvement in them. Enjoyable enough to read until chap 16 alone, that I think was kinda out of nowhere. Even if it was kinda "handwaved" away by the healing and grabbing points reasons, imo it still happened. I'm hopeful it was a one off thing since the rest was interesting but maybe not.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    Extremely cliche with trashy MC awakening and heavenly phenomena appearing to pressure everyone with the MC's glory, then "but ackshually" MC class sucks and is still trash. MC isn't actually strong enough to one hit high level monsters currently, he just receives a skill that makes all beasts kneel down so he can kill them. He's actually a dragon tamer, but also just gets a dragon egg and the material to hatch it essentially just given to him aswell. Basic class awakening story that doesn't actually do the classes right, stats seem arbitrary and skills get randomly introduced. idk also the foreshadowing in this was about as obvious as a brick to the face.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    Chapter 776, another "transmigrator" is introduced. Novel was fine up until the divine gene stage then everything after that was like super rushed with the law stage and everything. -10 stars for introducing a random character that invalidates what makes the MC unique, especially when it's completely out of the blue. Just completely interrupted the arc between the Final boss and MC that was literally the built up this entire novel.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    Think this is just like the novel "Creating Artifact Spirits To Be My Wives: Am I A Blacksmith?". Not much to say tbh, just kinda treads the exact same path as that other novel. That other novel was picked and supposed to be translated, but it eventually got removed off the list so who knows really. Low score since I'm not really a fan of the concept, but I couldn't see any noteworthy differences between the two novels and that other one had good reviews so what do I know.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    I initially thought this was gonna be a novel where MC is a hermit that drinks pure spiritual blessed water casually then blows the minds of mortals as he casually serves it to them. On the contrary, this seems like an actual cultivation novel. He actually sequesters himself to cultivate or practice his skills/spells to mastery stages ect. This isn't a novel where the system is overbearing or seems to be constantly present either. It sometimes pops in to give a mission then leaves for a couple years or something. Characters are also one of this novels strong points, with them behaving as real actual humans would instead of being cardboard cutouts of that same arrogant young master. Not what I was expecting honestly, but seems to be very well done and has that rare quality where some actual thought seems to be put in by the author.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    Class awakening blah blah blah envious people feeling pity for MC blah blah blah heartfelt moment with elder sister providing for family blah blah blah becoming god blah blah blah. Story is extremely standard, but decent. No annoying fatty friends, beautiful class princesses, or villainous young masters to pester the MC so I give it points for that. My primary issue is that there isn't a lot of real good potential or progression in this novel. For context, only a couple rank 3 in city, but MC gets dragon that can fight multiple rank 6's. MC literally has the equivalent of an orbital strike cannon and its just one dimensional. There is no room for real conflict when the MC can just point in a direction and delete that direction. There's so much just raw power immediately there isn't room for interaction with the world. What problem can't the MC solve with just this shear strength, where does he go from here. He doesn't, since any personal strength growth is meaningless compared to the dragon. This doesn't have the worldbuilding or characterization or quality of One Punch Man, so it's a major issue with the novel.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    By the nature of this novel, 80-90% of a chapter is just background characters doing the bragging. In my opinion, its whatever. I'm not particularly enthused with the bragging, but I haven't seen anything egregious within this novel either. This doesn't do anything groundbreaking, but what it does do, it does consistently okay. There is a cast of background characters that become the side characters since they consistently brag, and they are how the author provide some character instead of mindless bragging by giving a more coherent reason as to why they are bragging. If you can't handle bragging, this novel is not for you and you should just move on. If you can handle bragging, it's not really a cultivation novel with actual cultivation either, so you kinda need to actually like bragging to enjoy this novel. Honestly, I can see this novel 1000 chapters in being exactly the same as these 20 chapters except at a different cultivation stage.

  • Farue
    Farue2 years ago

    This actually feels pretty good tbh. Characters feel pretty interesting and the disciple is played out nicely. The world and interactions between characters within the world make sense. If someone came in and took credit for your work that you depended on to get promotions and stuff, you would logically not like them aswell. There isn't any stupid stuff what with people being obsessed with their country either. Tbh not much is known about the larger world, but it seems to be another world's inhabitants descending onto theirs and causing chaos with the federal government trying to stop them. Progression seems consistent and gatekept so the MC can't just immediately out level all danger since his level is locked to "Main Quests". All in all, seems like a novel that can get to 1000 chapters without feeling like it outlived it's concept or the system not being built to endure progression that long.