We're a married couple who love reading & writing webnovels, online shopping, cooking & playing with our kids. Not quite hikikomori yet, but nearly (laugh). Please read our novel (ASTHW)!
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that would be mindblown haha
tq for the kind words..atm we're a little tied up to do anything extra for ASTHW..but don't worry, the worst it can go is just some delays
mrs moooncat got doodles of shi-chan in patre,on..you can check it out
haha..our uncle is just that cool XD
at the moment, our RL is too jumbled up due to the arrival of our new baby, 2 toddlers, caring for our mom n sis..mrs mooncat's hands are full..once we got our rhythm back, expect that we'll update in more places..now we upload in p,atreon & scri,bblehub
it doesn't matter.. mrs mooncat wrote this to release stress, so the updates aren't too frequent, just one chapter a week..our readers had to be patient ahaha
Thank you for your kind praise..super happy to hear from you