

2017-09-04 JointGlobal

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  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0ng9 months ago

    The gender switched pronouns is getting annoying.

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0ng10 months ago

    Connie then Kony. Are there just different writers or translators?

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0ng10 months ago

    Similar to Lord of the Mysteries, but not a rip off. The translation is fairly decent, except names are interchanged. A lot. Contextually you can follow along, but it ruins the pace when you have to stop and figure out who’s doing what since it seems like a new character is introduced. Also flip flops for ability categories.

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0ng10 months ago

    The different name translations are getting annoying.

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0nga year ago

    Solid idea, poor execution. The grammar is horrendous, which is confusing since the first 20 chapters were okay. Then chapter 21, where the titles are all capitalized for whatever reason, it gets really bad. I dunno if it’s English as another language or poor machine translation copy-paste. Unpalatable regardless.

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0nga year ago

    The author skips over the difficulties of making guns. Like where did the gun powder come from? Make good percussion caps so the cartridge doesn’t misfire? How did the blacksmith know how to make the scope, specifically the lenses? Did the other two guys practice before?

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0nga year ago

    The writing, grammar wise, is fairly terrible. It’s all in passive voice, so everything sounds funny. It makes it less enjoyable to read. Honestly it seems to be on purpose to make the word coung longer. Even if English isn’t your first language, you have to actively try to sound like Yoda all the time. I think the wrong tense choice is also because of everything being in passive voice. Grammar aside, the story is wonderful thus far. Interesting magic system and world development. It’s not one size fits all, you have X tiers of power with X subtiers. It seems different enough to stick out, but not unnecessarily complicated just to be different.

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0nga year ago

    The passive voice is driving me mad. It’s like Yoda is talking. All. The. Time.

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0nga year ago

    Mixed feelings about this chapter. I think if there was more internal monologue cementing that he isn’t Alex anymore since he can’t even think of his old name and had to be Shang now it would have been better. Instead it’s the author describing what the character feels and thinks instead of the character telling us.

  • D0nk3yK0ng
    D0nk3yK0ng2 years ago

    I like the world building set in medieval times. The protagonist isn’t shielded by plot armor left and right. Side charactes are developed and have a distinct feel. Magic & knight system are kind of glossed over, same with the enemy’s power level. My only big complaint is the over use of rhyming. It started as a distinctive MC trait, and now every other character is doing it. Like characters who were introduced earlier weren’t doing it are now doing it. It’s kind of becoming a detriment to the dialog, because instead of working on different character’s tone it’s become how can I make things rhyme and kind of get my point across.