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I'm aware of the problem, it was a mistake in posting that repeated over time. Unfortunately, I can't delete the mistaken chapters due to the novel being contracted. So the problem can only be fixed when I write new chapters to replace the mistaken text. It will take a while to rewrite all the broken chapter, but I will eventually fix it all.
Thanks for pointing it out, it has been fixed!
it's an accumulated number, the king achievement doesn't give 25 on its own, its the number that the lower tier ach gave with an addition to it.
New Class perk.
Not dropped, just slow releases for a while, should be back to a normal schedule soon.
Yup, trying to get back to schedule.
chapters 163 & 164 have been fixed, the following ones should be fixed throughout the next month. Sorry for the inconvenience. >.>
Thanks, fixed.
Fixing the following chapters is in the works. Will try to fix them soon(there was an issue in posting)
Because detective novels(in this case Sherlock books) actually explain the process in which a piece of information is realized.