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Just use a bezier curve to trace the path lol. No need to complicate everything.
The author gives me "I have 300 confirmed sniper kill meme" and edgy 14-y-old vibes.
Angst due to hormones not always due to environment.
People who go to prison under false accusation after a while stop hating because they just want it to end. keeping so much hate for year upon years is not possible. It breaks them. So he didn't stop hating them he is so broken that he cannot even hate.
Who's the irresponsible parent who let their child unattended in the kitchen?
Do you even remember it tho?
Nah, the Doctor is spot on. I have seen what some people with neurological illness come up with. An entire different life is nothing new nor is it extreme as you seem to think it should be lol.
nah he will think normal sea-faring ship rather than spaceship lol
Or even take 2 15% at the cost of 10Sp but with30% so 5% higher than 25% at the same cost, meaning 6 90% at 300SP easy regen or 8 giving 120% for 400Sp. the perfect pill is a scam!
or even 4 25% that will give 100% at he cost of 400SP