


Just Someone who enjoy's reading a good book.

2017-06-18 JointUnited States

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  • Bathory
    Bathory4 years ago
    Répondu à Tome_Reader

    I think its suppose to be like that. she was answering the mans questions in order. “Are they dead?” We fought and they died “Did you kill them?” I did

  • Bathory
    Bathory4 years ago

    I have a read about 100+ chapters of mtl and let me tell you this book is nothing special. it is the exact same as every other type of Urban novel where the MC has a cheat, only difference here is his cheat was in him time looping the same day. Of course hes mastered everything there is and there is going to be literally 0 suspence and all of the characters seem to be cut out of a cookie cutter mold. This isnt going to be interesting, everything is fairly 1 Dimensional. Everything you can posibly think of is going to be in this novel.

  • Bathory
    Bathory4 years ago
    Répondu à OverlordMao

    If im not wrong, he transmigrated once already and took over Alvin’s body. then after living there for a bit, he’s Gone bwck in time and possesed a younger version of Alvin.

  • Bathory
    Bathory4 years ago

    Based off what ive read this novel is poor. i am only a few chapters in and the author seems to be in hurry to Push the plot forward. when he is smithing weapons he seems to pull the materials out of nowhere and his strength is at thus point advancing a whole level every chapter. seems like this author is just in a hurry to release chapters and not even checking to see if his writing is any decent. but im sire this novel will still get a high rating due the u godly amounts of reviews people seem to love to leave.

  • Bathory
    Bathory4 years ago

    Well what can i say? This novel had promise. then it slowly began to fall into the pit of cliche novels and the MC was shown to be nothing more then an idiot. He recieves a meSsage from the previous system owner that said not to trust the system, but guess what he did? Trusted the system and Was shocked when in an unexpected twist, the system lied to him. The MC continued to do noyhing but make dumb decisions such as drciding that for aome reason its safer to have a TOP SECRET document stored on his computer then to have it on paper. like what??? Eitherway this novel seemed to have promise but you can guess everything about the people and the plot by page and age 5.

  • Bathory
    Bathory4 years ago

    This NoVel is a worthy successor to Lord Of the Mysteries and My house of horrors.

  • Bathory
    Bathory4 years ago

    cant believe it took this long for something of quality to be translated. I'm thankful for whoever put it back into the voting section.

  • Bathory
    Bathory5 years ago
    Répondu à zeref666

    You must be new to wbnovel otherwise you would be able to ascertain instantlty that he thinks this book is trash lol. Just like 75% of the stuff that gets chosen on this site.

  • Bathory
    Bathory5 years ago

    Im not sure how the rest of thi novel is going to be due to the fact that i have lost interest after only 10 chapters. So far everything in the beginning has been so tedious. Correct me if i am wrong but majority of the Chapters literally seem to just be of the MC thoughts, then a little action occurs. Then it is back to just being of his thoughts. it eventually got to a point where i just stared skipping chapters and there was still nothing interesting happening. I would say give this book a chance if somehow your able to make it through the slow begiNnign that i still have seen no End too. MC is aerage and overall just seems to enjoy talking To himself and other people then actully doing anything.