

When the maidservant came to clean her room, she scrutinized her sharply until Xylene felt completely uncomfortable that she eventually walked out of the room. Xylene joined her mother who was blissfully viewing television in the living room.

She sat closely to her mother and began speaking anxiously, "Could I not be home-schooled?"

Even before her mother could utter a single word, the doorbell rung loudly.

"Kindly get the door for me Xylee."

Her mother told her; with the cognomen she had formed before.

Xylene was completely dumbfounded when she opened the door.

"WHAT! MOM! DAD!" She exclaimed.

"What's going on Xylee? Who's knocking?" Her biological mother asked her as she stood up from the couch.

She was also surprised. Xylene's foster parents were standing at the door. Isabella, Xylene's biological mother, stood rooted to the ground unable to take a step forward.

"Shocked to see us?" Priscilla asked Isabella.

"Welcome dad, welcome mom. I'm so happy to see you!" Xylene couldn't hide her extreme joy when she saw her foster parents. She jumped up and down in ecstasy as delighted as punch, as if she was in the seventh heaven.

She led them in and sat beside them. All that while, Isabella was still surmising on how they'd turned up her house.

She called Xylene aside to the kitchen and discreetly catechized her, "Why did you do that?"

"What? What have I done" Xylene posed in a perturbed manner.

"Why did you direct them here?" Isabella asked adamantly.

Xylene finally understood and said, "No mom! No! I didn't do it. I didn't call them. Remember you refused to purchase a phone for me!" She said shaking like a banana leaf in winter.

"Xylene!" Her foster parents called out for her.

"Coming." She responded.

She walked to the living room and sat next to her foster parents who were over the moon when they saw their once 'biological' daughter

She embraced both of them for she hadn't seen them in yonks. She told them every single thing she was able to about her life after parting with them. Even a single event was not left out. They chit chatted and laughed without even noticing how much time had passed by.

"So father, I called you using mom's -Priscilla- phone when she was preparing dinner yesterday. I deeply miss you. Can you take me back home with you?" Xylene asked amidst sobbing.

"Umm Kiddo," Before Xylene's foster father was done speaking, Isabella sprinted out of the kitchen, where she was busy cooking supper.

"What did I just hear? So you did call them!" She asked Xylene angrily as wrath could be seen all over her visage.

Xylene was totally baffled since nobody, not even her real parents, had ever raised their voice on her before.

"Was she wrong in doing so? You never even allowed her to get in touch with us! Do you not know that it'll affect her mentally and emotionally?" Jeremy and Priscilla said with an exasperated expression.

They began to quarrel until Xylene's foster parents demanded to have her back. The triplicate was now at bad terms. Priscilla then began to wail uncontrollably Xylene just stood there unable to decipher what was going on. She looked at the three of them before Isabella ultimately gave up and resolved the problem by agreeing to take it to a juvenile court of law.

The noises made the maidservant gain interest on what was going on in the living room so she sidled up to the living room. The door was ajar hence she couldn't resist peeping in.

Jeremy and Priscilla took a French leave without saying anything. "Do not worry Xylee; no one will ever take you away from me." Her biological mother told her firmly.

Instead of responding to her mother, she got up from the couch and swiftly ran to her bedroom. She lay on her bed thinking about her foster parents. She thought that her biological mother had made them leave her.

She devised a plan to run away. She packed some things she thought would help her on the way and decided to flee when both the maidservant and her mother were dead asleep.

During the witching hour, she walked up to her mother's room to confirm if she was really dead to the world. Nevertheless, she didn't think that the maidservant would be awake at that time of the night so she did not even bother checking if whether she was asleep or not.

She clutched her duffel bag tightly under her arm and traipsed downstairs quietly up to the main entrance and carefully opened the door. She had finally unlatched the door when she heard a dry cough behind her. She was panic-stricken when she heard the sound so she hesitantly and frantically turned her head around only to see the last person she ever reckoned about.

It was the maidservant. Xylene tried to run but she accidentally slipped over when her foot caught the door-mat. The maidservant walked to where she was and grasped Xylene's shoulder-length fair hair with her creepy long fingers.

Xylene knew that her attempt to escape had failed.

"Madam! Madam!" The maidservant began to call out to Xylene's mother loudly. Xylene's spine was completely shiver struck that she could feel it in your eyelids.

Her mother walked down the stairs and began talking although her eyes were still heavy with sleep, "Why are you calling my name in that manner? Don't you have respect at all? Why are you both down her by this time and...?" She spoke without pausing until the maidservant interrupted her, "Your daughter here was trying to escape. However, I found her just at the right time."

"Is that true Xylee? Were you really trying to run away from me, your biological mom?" Her mother asked as she advanced towards her.

"No mom, I can explain..." Before she could finish her sentence, a whack landed squarely on her face making her land on the tiled floor with a heavy thud. Within two shakes of a lamb's tail, she found herself in her room. She could hear the twisting of a key and when she tried to open the door, it was locked from the other side.

Her plan was messed up and there was no way she could do anything in that locked room. She had to devise another master plot.

Hi my book fans?

`~My 4th chap. is finally out. Drop a comment of this chapter.

*Have some idea about my next chapter*? Comment it and let me know.

Genevieve7Starcreators' thoughts