
The Rules

"You know the rules Troy. My dad can't know about us or even know that we're a thing." A young yet mature looking girl said as she broke away from a kiss. "Come on! I will come in through your window, just leave a ladder out for me. Come on Scarlet?" The boy looked deep into Scarlets chestnut brown eyes, moving his hands to her thigh. They were at school in a small cleaning supply closet, Troy had her up to a wall. But Scarlet know the risk of being in there, the two lover birds have been dating for 2 years now, they meet each other at the beginning of Freshmen Year. Troy was a good-looking guy, he had curly light brown hair with a bright white smile. He was pale and made people stare, he was naturally beautiful and did not have to try but he did. He put makeup on he was a nature. Scarlet was the same, nature beauty glowed from her. She had thick long gold hair, what you would see on Barbie Dolls. The two were madly in love, they imagined them spending their lives together and they genuinely want too. But they know the church would not marry the two of them, it was illegal to date the opposite-sex. They say it goes against God's teachings of course this is not true, but many people believe in this. And they go to a school full of people like that.

The U.S does not have opposite-sex relationships' legalized, but Canada does. The teens planned to run away to Canada. When they are older of course, it was like the world against love. 'Ok Troy? I geta go to Spanish, meet me at the tree at the beach. See you there." Scarlet waved as she turned to the door and walked out. Troy waved smiling; love struck. He knew not everyone well accept their love. He knew that one of them could get hurt for their sexuality. Even though he did not like thinking about it, it was always at the back of his mind. Nagging him to check on Scarlet every second of the day. It was like a tiny voice screaming at him to at least walk by her classroom. Scarlet felt the same but not as bad as Troy's, she still got anxiety for Troy. She truly worried about his well being, no matter how many times they passed each other in the halls they still worried about each other. But Troy had other things to worry about too he was going to be late for his math exam, he needs a 60% or higher to pass. He started to sweat, his legs shock as he ran out of the closet to the hall. He ran into his math classroom just making it. It was not that long of a walk; Scarlet was zoned out waiting for Spanish to be over. "Miss Whaler? Miss Whaler? MISS WHALER!" An older white yelled at Scarlet, snapping her out of her daydreaming. "Yes? Sorry Mr. Tucker." Scarlet said not paying attention, she hated Spanish class. It had a weird smell; Mr. Tucker ate beets for lunch and cabbage. Which make the room smell sour, it is not a welcoming place.

*Ring ring ring* the bell rang as the teens stood up 'Hello? Where everyone going?" Mr. Tucker looked up to the children. "We're getting our stuff together so we can leave..." Said one of the students, clearly confused. "The bell doesn't dismiss you; I do!" Mr. Tucker yelled with a smile and was clearly joking. "Have a wonderful day!" Mr. Tucker was a great guy, unlike the other teachers he accepted opposite-sex marriages and relationships.

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