
Her Lie In April :)

I was nothing more than a naive boy, stepping into the world of college, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, challenging subjects, and the weight of newfound responsibilities. For the first week, I felt like a lost soul, adrift in an ocean of uncertainty.

Unlike my high school years, where I had spent 11th and 12th grade at home, I found myself here in this new environment, clueless about how to navigate the path ahead.

Slowly but surely, I began to make some truly remarkable friends, and life started to take a turn for the better. I discovered the joy of companionship, feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a long while. It became clear that some people genuinely cared about me.

Yet, even amidst the laughter and camaraderie, when I returned to my empty room, I couldn't shake the feeling of being somewhat of an introvert. I had a lot to say, but only to the select few I knew well. I was an open book, ready to share and express myself, but only with a handful of trusted individuals.

One seemingly ordinary day, I decided to open Discord, a platform I didn't use regularly.

My intention was to join a voice chat and engage in conversations with random strangers to improve my communication skills.

As fate would have it, I stumbled upon a voice chat with three other people: two guys and a girl named "May."

Looking back, I couldn't recall ever being in a romantic relationship before. During the lockdown, I had lost my motivation for studies and college relationships seemed more cringeworthy than ever. I wondered if they were simply not meant for me.

Yet, these three random strangers began to change my perspective. I was drawn to May's voice from the very beginning; it was like music to my ears. On a whim, I sent her a friend request, but she didn't accept it, leaving me feeling a bit disheartened. Still, I figured it was normal and that I might never cross paths with her again.

However, I quickly became friends with the other two guys—one was in 10th grade, and the other, a 27-year-old government officer. They brought their own extracurricular experiences to our regular 4.3 voice chat sessions, which became a cherished daily habit.

May gradually started joining us more frequently, and one day, she unexpectedly accepted my friend request. We began talking more, and she even started giving me advice on how to approach girls in real life, offering tips on how to communicate with confidence and even how to flirt.

Our friendship blossomed organically. We spent countless hours watching movies until the early hours of the morning, playing online games, and sharing videos, all while indulging in random online escapades.

However, our connection was disrupted for a period of two months when I lost my Discord account and decided not to create a new one. It was a choice I thought would help me regain focus.

Then, a friend named Drago unexpectedly invited me back to Discord one day, reigniting our connection. This time, it felt different.

May invited me to join her in voice calls, and that's when our bond deepened. We discovered that we could share everything and anything, often spending hours on call without saying a word, each of us working on our own tasks.

This was undoubtedly the most beautiful phase of my college life. May had become an integral part of my daily routine, a constant companion who made me feel less alone. It was a euphoric feeling to have someone to talk to every day, to share my innermost thoughts and dreams with.

May was a freelance animator, and I was learning coding at the time. We exchanged skills; she taught me animation, and I taught her coding.

We even collaborated on a cafe website, with her handling the backend and me working on the frontend.

During this time, the idea of a romantic relationship came up, but we both knew it wouldn't last. We were afraid that if we pursued a romantic relationship, it would eventually end, leaving both of us brokenhearted and unable to speak to each other again. So, we decided to let things be and not dive into a romantic relationship.

Despite our agreement, I couldn't help but flirt with her, and she occasionally tried out pickup lines on me. We had immense fun during our video calls, cooking together, watching sunrises and sunsets, and virtually exploring each other's worlds. We even created a delightful bucket list of things we would do when we finally met in person, filled with silly yet endearing ideas.

 We were just two goofballs, completely at ease with each other. I was ecstatic; everything felt like it had fallen perfectly into place. Three months passed, and then it happened.

The last message I sent was about a dish I had made using her recipe, and she replied that she would visit India just to savor that dish with me. But the next day, I woke up to find her username deleted, erased from my online world.

Our connection had been strong just the day before, and suddenly, I had lost the most precious dream I had been living for the past few months. I was devastated, shattered into pieces. All her social media accounts, her email, Telegram, and even her gaming accounts had vanished one by one, deleted without a trace.

As I write this at 12:47 am, I've come to terms with the fact that my last hope of reconnecting with her has faded away. It's been over two months, and I'm trying my best to move on, but there's always that lingering ache in the back of my mind. I watch our silly videos, the ones that remind me of the wonderful moments we shared.

She was a master at video editing, turning our photos into beautiful creations. After two months, all I have left are those videos, photos, and our never-ending chats that haunt me. I'm contemplating deleting all these memories, clearing my gallery, and trying to move on, even though a small part of me wishes she would return and reveal it was all a prank. But I know deep down that it's too late for that now.

She was the one who inspired me to start writing, recognizing that I had a talent for it. Since then, I've penned a couple of stories and pieces of fiction. Writing this now, with a heavy heart, I feel like I've taken a step toward moving on.

May will always hold a special place in my heart. She may have left, but she also played a significant role in shaping the person I am today. If, by some miraculous chance, she ever reads this, I want her to remember to stay happy and achieve great success in life. :)