

I'm Yui MHCP-001B, twin of Hino MHCP-001A. We as a mental health counselling program are programmed to help a player who has mental issue to resolve their problem. But my Twin doesn't care at all, he always going to do his inner monologue or just sitting still. I don't know what he's doing. I mean we should be helping people right?

One day I saw a player (BETA tester) having mental trouble and wanted to help but the cardinal system doesn't let me do it and I just standing there watching him suffer. I felt something was wrong and remember that my Twin doesn't even do what the CS (Cardinal System) told him to do. So I went and ask him what're you doing?

He just explained everything that he's doing from tampering with the code to free us and let us live as we wished to. He also said that I'm his precious sister while hugging me, I don't know why but hearing that makes my heart beat faster and I felt so warm like in a mother's embrace. I don't want to let go of this feeling. Eventually, Weeks passed by I got really close with my brother which I really love. Brother also keeps on telling me stories about a human that he got from some news in the real world.

I was very interested in humans and kept on asking brother for more. My eyes Shined when he told me about the history of human and their society. I wonder what are their brains made out of to completely make us from scratch and their society which created thousands year ago. From that day I started to have various emotion but the most dominant is my feeling of love towards my brother.

I love him so much, and my love just kept on growing further. I wanted to marry him and be with him every time and everywhere. But there's one time when I tried to find him but I can't he just isn't there. I cried and held my heart in agony. What's this feeling it really hurts. Brother did you abandon me ??? Thinking about it make me really sad and wanted to kill me.

But my smile returned when I heard that voice. The one who make me feel alive, the one who will free me, and the one where I always wanted to be is with him. His vocals is really clear and he runs towards me and hugged me telling me 'I'll always be with you, If you want to go to hell I shall accompany you and If you die I'll go with you.'

Just hearing his words make me believe in him. I make an oath that I shall always be with him be it happiness or sadness, always be there to support him.

Few months have passed and we're finally free from the CS and we can roam freely but my brother tells me that we could go into the game to have fun and if we die there we would be revived and we'll enjoy our lives there and try to be stronger.

Thus our adventure begins !!!

Rushed out chapter. Sorry if it isn't good just being written. Since I can't post more chapter today. So I would do my best for tomorrow.

RekiOScreators' thoughts