
Chapter 1: Meet The lovers

What's happening?" *Panting*

" I can't accept this.",*Bang!*

"If this fate, I shall accept, let's become one "*Graaarrrr*

**Two days ago...**

Cars filled the roads, people strolled along the sidewalks, and yet another joyful day unfolded in South Korea. On the digital billboards, news flashed intermittently. "A female scientist from Seonghwa Academy, known as Professor Eun," the reporter announced. "Reports suggest she's working on a groundbreaking project that accelerates plant growth within minutes," the reporter continued. "What a joke," scoffed another reporter. "I've even heard rumors that she's romantically involved with one of her third-year students," chimed in a third.

Outside the gates of Seonghwa Academy, amidst the chilly breeze, students milled about, their voices mingling in the air. It was a special moment for two lovers, Bae and Kung Jisoo. Bae shivered slightly. "Are you alright, Bae?" Kung Jisoo inquired, concern etched on his face. "I'm fine, just a bit cold," Bae replied with a warm smile. "Don't blame me if you turn into an ice sculpture," Kung Jisoo teased, earning a playful smack on the head from Bae. "Dummy," she affectionately chided. "Why the aggression?" Kung Jisoo queried, perplexed. With a sigh, Bae hurried off towards the gate.

Bae Yoo, an eighteen-year-old Korean girl with fiery red hair and a striking countenance, was the object of Kung Jisoo's affection. Eighteen himself, Kung Jisoo boasted jet-black hair and a well-defined physique. He was undeniably handsome, and deeply in love with Bae.

As Kung Jisoo chased after Bae, the unique attire of Seonghwa Academy's students caught the eye. Boys donned red button-up shirts with the school emblem, paired with blazers adorned with gold trim. The girls sported similar attire, with pleated navy blue skirts and Mary Kay style shoes.

"Wait up, Bae!" Kung Jisoo called out, his strides quickening. A playful banter ensued, leading to a momentary pause as they encountered another couple, Kjubok and Iseul, accompanied by Sakura Ji.

Sakura Ji took her seat at the front, while the lovers settled in the middle rows, and Kung Jisoo positioned himself towards the back. Hwang Jin, the class outcast, occupied a solitary spot, his presence unsettling to some.

As Professor Eun commenced the lesson, the classroom buzzed with anticipation. Her graceful demeanor commanded respect, yet an air of mystery surrounded her. With her glasses perched delicately on her nose, she began scrawling genetics-related concepts on the board.

After fifty minutes of engrossing instruction, Professor Eun turned to her students. "Have you all understood?" she inquired, her gaze sweeping across the room. Murmurs of assent filled the air, but Hwang Jin remained silent, his eyes fixed on the floor.

A brave student raised her hand, seeking clarification. "Can I ask you a question?" she ventured. Professor Eun nodded, granting permission. "Is it true you are dating the top student in school?" the student blurted out, prompting laughter from her peers.

Professor Eun's response was measured, her expression unreadable. "It's okay," she said, deflecting the inquiry with practiced ease. "I have to leave and work on my project," she added, gracefully sidestepping the topic as she exited the classroom.

With the bell signaling the end of class, students dispersed for the break. Kung Jisoo's heart swelled with anticipation, eager to reunite with Bae. The bustling cafeteria welcomed them, its spacious confines accommodating the throng of students.

Kung Jisoo and Bae secured their meals and found a quiet corner to dine together. Their affectionate gestures drew knowing smiles from their classmates, who recognized the depth of their bond. Despite the separation imposed by their classes, their love remained steadfast, a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty that surrounded them.

As the break drew to a close, students filed out of the cafeteria, heading towards their respective classes. Class 3B prepared for Physical Education, converging in the changing room to don their gym attire.

Amidst the flurry of activity, Hwang Jin lingered, a solitary figure amidst the bustling crowd. His brooding presence cast a shadow over the room, igniting whispers among his classmates.

Once everyone had left, Hwang Jin emerged from the changing room, his demeanor stoic as he joined his classmates for the physical activities. Despite the scrutiny he faced, he remained unfazed, his focus unwavering.

Hours passed, and the school day drew to a close. Students bid farewell to their classmates, eager to embark on the evening's adventures. For Kung Jisoo, however, the day's end marked the opportunity to reunite with Bae, his longing palpable as he awaited her arrival.

With Sakura and the other couples bidding their farewells, Bae finally appeared, her hand finding Kung Jisoo's as they exited the school together. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, laughter punctuating the air as they crossed the school gates.

"I'm exhausted, please carry me," Bae pleaded, her voice tinged with fatigue. Without hesitation, Kung Jisoo scooped her up in his arms, his love for her evident in every gesture.

Meanwhile, in the school's science lab, Professor Eun remained immersed in her work. The quiet hum of machinery filled the air as she meticulously tended to her experiments, her focus unwavering.

Footsteps echoed through the room, signaling an intruder's presence. Someone approached Professor Eun from behind, their hands covering her eyes in a playful gesture. "Byung-Chul, quit your games," she chided, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Ignoring her protests, Byung-Chul presented her with a single rose, a token of his affection. Their ensuing embrace was fleeting, cut short by Professor Eun's sudden withdrawal.

"Why?" Byung-Chul implored, confusion etched on his features. Professor Eun's response was cryptic, her reasons shrouded in secrecy. With a heavy heart, Byung-Chul acquiesced to her wishes, the weight of unspoken truths hanging between them.

As they parted ways, Professor Eun's attention turned to her work once more. With the plant specimen in hand, she embarked on the final stages of her project, her determination unyielding despite the uncertainties that lay ahead.


They don't know what dangers lies ahead. For their project would turn the earth upside down. Follow for part two to know about the hell unleashed.

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