
Zoans in MHA

A man reincarnated into the world of mha with quirk of ancient zoans

Jaquaviontavious · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

'When I first came to the mha world, I was understandably nervous, from the powerful villains to quirkless discrimination, I had no guarantee i'd be able to protect myself since i'd been reincarnated or transmigrated into a pre quirk awakening 3 year old japanese boy. Imagine the level of panic that went threw my mind when I realized I wasnt even born in the same class a the main cast. Hell their parents were probably just 12 to about early 20's in my guess.'

'When I look back at that time, I cant believe I was that weak,

3rd PERSON——————————————————————————

"Woah, what was that?" the random old man says while being startled.

"Wow, I couldn't even see what happened, Is it another hero?, let me get out my notebook this'll be good." Izuku states

Izuku watches as the dust clears and to his amazement he see's the slumped over body of the villain that seemed quite strong taken out almost instantly.

"I'd say a dirty joke, but you're a little to innocent looking to get it most likely"

'Who was that, oh wait that fur hood-like style, orange and yellow with stripes on the legs, I recognize that costume'

"KINGDOM!, thats Kingdom the Jurassic Hero, he's only been a pro hero for around 2 years, before that he was a sidekick to the R-Rated Hero: Midnight " the fanboy mumbled.

Izuku continued on "His quirk allows him to transform into mutated versions of prehistoric animals such as dinosaurs and mammoths. I wonder, why only prehistoric animals, hmm maybe he likes prehistoric animals so chooses to only transform into to those? Since they're mutated they're way stronger than what those animals may have capable of. With this level of speed this should have been the work of his pteranodon transformation"

"So you're a fanboy huh ?"the man questions

"y-yes I-I guess so"

'So this is Deku huh, looks the same to me, still stuttering and writing hero analysis in his notebook, at least now It doesnt

Look like any canon diverges, which is good.

Izuku watches as the pro hero Kingdom approaches him

"Hey kid I heard that little analysis, nice quirk"

" a-a-ah thats not my quirk"

"Really, I could've sworn how good you analyzed my quirk on the spot."

"Well…you see….I'm quirkless"

"Ah, I see, well you're a pretty smart kid, you thinkin of becoming a detective with that analysis skill ?"

"No, I've a-always wanted to be a hero"




"You don't look like you work out kid, you do martial arts?"


"O-oh no, never"

"Well grab your nuts, and squeeze your butt kid, they aint gonna give you a hero license because they pity you, you should do training. You're gonna have to do twice the effort to get have half the results as kids with quirks. If you really want to become a hero I suggest you get to it because your journey will be an extremely hard one. Goodbye kid" Kingdom coaches Izuku before he flies off in the pteranodon form

"Dammit I couldn't defeat the villain before Kingdom got here" The wood hero exclaimed.


A giant lady peaks between buildings " Canyo— Was I late ?"

"Yes Kingdom already defeated the villain" Kamui says depressingly.

"WAIT, Kingdom was here ?, where did he go, I NEED his autograph" the giant lady say's excitedly.

However while the crowd was focused on the new hero, Izuku was contemplating the animal heroes words.

'Training, huh, maybe I should have long been training.'



The Hero, Kingdom is flying in his pteranodon form

'I wonder If I should interfere with early canon, maybe interfere during the U.S.J attack, maybe Hosu, ok definitely Hosu. All in all its finally here, and I cant wait.'