
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

No game No life Zero

Destroyed wasteland, no vegetation for miles and falling black ash in the air. That was the first thing that greeted me on arrival to this new world. I would have mistaken it for snow, but my eyes saw differently.

'What is this?' I thought to myself. Primeval eyes scanning the falling black ash present in the air. It was bouncing off my aura, yet it was also attempting to corrode it.

'The aftermath of war.' Kokabiel concluded.

'Perhaps. But it looks like there's been too much war.' Emiya grunted in distate.

After some time, I was able to get a good idea on what this is. It has relations to elementals, perhaps the corpse of one? No, if that was the case then there wouldn't be this much. Is it oversaturation of spiritual and magical energy? It would make sense, considering the state of the land.

Unfortunately I didn't really pick a world to go to. I just thought of what I needed, which were the corpses of dragons and a place where war is common.

The wind kicked up along with the black ash. "A storm?" I muttered out loud, staring at the tornado of black ash in the distance. Honestly the effects of this black ash would have killed me, if I didn't have aura on me. Even with the aura, it would have been corroded if I didn't have unlimited energy from the Primeval Current.

'I suggest getting away from that.' Emiya stated

'Agreed.' Even if the regular black ash couldn't pierce through my aura, I didn't want to push my luck against the storm.

Quickly moving away from the storm, I used the stars as a guide to find the closest human settlement. I stopped right above the settlement and confirmed that there were humans beneath me. However when i arrived there was something I didn't expect to find.

A collosal red dragon soared through the sky, intercepted by a group of people that looked like they had mechanical alterations to their body. Cyborgs? Androids? I don't know, but my instincts are telling me that they aren't human.

Flames cloaked the dragon's body, releasing a scorching heat hot enough to melt the machine's exteriors enough for me to tell that they are indeed straight up androids of some type.

'Wait... this design looks familiar...' I thought to myself. Where have I seen it before? I'm pretty sure I've seen this before, but where?

I didn't have time to ponder it. The dragon flew above the battalion of androids and released a flame large enough to be mistaken for the sun. Damn it's a good thing it isn't pointed at the settlement. I can probably make a barrier to stop the aftermath of the attack.

[Losen: Org. 2807: Umweg] Were the words I heard as a spell matrix of sorts were released from the machines. A complex matrix was visible in the air that I couldn't read in short notice appeared.

"Shit." my eyes widened as the fireball bounced right off the spell matrix, heading straight for the settlement and myself.

White glyphs appeared in the air, interconnected with a field of gravity. Basically a hastily put together gravity wall. The 20 white glyphs shattered on contact with the inferno. Sound drowned out in the explosion.

*BOOM sfx* It was as if someone set off a nuclear bomb. I swear a mushroom cloud appeared.

"Well. Damn." Was all I could say in the aftermath.

I survived. But the settlement was destroyed despite my barrier taking in some of the damage. On the bright side, I just figured out what world I was in.

No game No life. That show about two neets getting isekai'd by a gaming god. Except this was during The Great War. Thousands of years in the past.

I definitely remember hearing those words before. I watched the movie and remembered it was a move used by the Ex Machina. Well shit, I may have bit off more than I could chew. This would be a good time to leave, find a safer world to grab corpses but...

My heart won't stop beating... My blood is rushing... Dear gods I really I want to fight, even knowing that I could actually die here. A smile was present on my countenance despite my hellish surroundings of scorched earth.

I turned, noticing a survivor. A boy with white spiky hair and lavender color eyes.

I squashed the feeling of battle lust. Let's do some good first, battle can wait.

"Come on kid. If you want to live, you've gotta move." I bluntly told the kid, reaching my hand out to him.

He silently glanced at the hand for a moment before glancing past me. His eyes had the determination to survive in them.

I turned my gaze to where he was looking at. An Ex Machina girl had perched herself on top of some of the rubble. She was looking at us, content to just observe us for some reason.

I quickly grabbed the kid's arm and teleported away. Honestly I wasn't confident I could get away with just teleporting in the same reality. But luckily we weren't followed.

Eventually I dropped the kid off at another human colony before leaving. I had things to think about.

"The humans of this world. Are in dire straits." Kokabiel stated. Looking up at the unfamiliar sky. It was bleached red, perhaps because the sun was incapable of breaking through the black ash in the atmosphere.

"It's to be expected. Being the only race without any ability to connect with this spirit circuit, I believe it was called? Is it like a leyline or something?" Emiya pondered out loud.

"Unsure, however the power it grants to the inhabitants of this world. Gives them enough power to transform the very landscape itself." Slane was impressed by such power that was witnessed through Zieg's eyes.

"Being incapable of utilizing such a wondrous thing... It is unfortunate for them." Kokabiel sighed.

"Thus, the only option for them is to run, hide and survive." Zieg concluded before turning to the group. Zieg had sent Raynare to another world, in order to get stronger since she was still weak. "I'm guessing you guys think we should do something about it." He stated.

"Whether it's possible or not is the real question. Even if we were actually strong enough to contest against these other races. It's not like we can solve the issue with the black ash in the air." Emiya frowned at the situation.

"Indeed, if these beings are already this powerful. How powerful are their gods?" Slane wondered as he found himself lacking.

Kokabiel turned to Zieg, who had simply listened to their responses. "Is there a method?" Was all he asked.

"There is one." Zieg nodded with a frown. "However I don't know if it can be a permanent solution."

"What do you need?"

"Blood. And a lot of it." Zieg began to chuckle as his frown turned into a bloodthirsty grin matched with Kokabiel's own.

Slane and Emiya stared at the two chuckling people who were exuding bloodlust as if they were excited at the prospect of war.

"I am the bone of my sword."

Standing atop a peak. High enough to spot the incoming enemy. An archer stood in their path.

"The Flugels have provoked the dragonians recently, leading to an entire legion of them heading straight for the continent of Ariena. Which is the home base of the God of War, Artosh." A memory of Zieg's words played out in Emiya's mind.

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."

Above him, black feathers blotted in red sky.

"The Flugels were created to kill gods. Their bodies can easily break physical laws. Without saying anything about their magical capabilities. They are capable of superhuman strength and reflexes. Flugels are basically immortal, capable of shrugging off powerful attacks and healing from even the most fatal wounds."

"I have created over a thousand blades."

Kokabiel and his legion of three thousand fallen licked their lips in anticipation.

"Unknown to death, nor known to life."

"Naturally Artosh will send a group Flugels to exterminate the approaching dragons. But we can't let them do that."

A green haired Flugel stopped in the air, along with her 1500 sisters. They were outnumbered.

"Have withstood pain to create many weapons."

Despite outnumbering the enemy, Kokabiel and Emiya knew they had no chance of victory.

"You should be able to cut off their connection to the spirit circuit with your reality marble. Though that won't remove the spirits that are already inside their bodies."

"Yet, those hands will never hold anything."

The Flugel leader finally realized something was up, as she broke the sound barrier to charge straight towards the legion of fallen. Kokabiel grinned viciously.

"However, your victory will be how long you can hold them there for me."

"So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works."

The world of unlimited blades erupted and engulfed all combatants.

The Flugels found themselves in awe for a moment, as their expressions were marred in confusion.

"BROTHERS! SISTERS! OUR HOME BELONGS IN WAR. LET US WELCOME OUR GUESTS!" Kokabiel rallied the fallen as the legion let loose a battlecry.

Swords rose up from below and spears of light fell from above. The Flugels would have to work for it.

In the sky, roughly 500 dragons of different sizes and variety were flying towards the Flugels. However they didn't expect their path to be blocked by a man standing on top of a winter dragon.

"Slane, thanks for coming with me. Honestly I was worried that you would be against me fighting dragons." Zieg spoke from atop Slane's back.

"In the past, disputes and war were common between dragons. I have thrown my lot in with you, and so I will see it to the end." Slane's deep voice was neither sad nor happy. Merely acceptance thrummed through his words.

"That means a lot to me, I'm counting on you to pick me up after this. My body will be out of commission but with this armor, you should be able to keep yourself materialized." He said as the dragons finally got close enough for him.

He would have to use the strength of an Elden Lord. Even if it incapacitated his body afterwards. He needed to kill as many dragons as he could before the Flugels came. He doubted he could kill them all before the end, but he would spill as much blood as he could.

The ground shimmered away into a watery surface. A thousand meter tree manifested itself into existence. A chill moon hung over the horizon.

"Welcome, dragonians." Zieg's voice reverberated through space, despite being spoken normally it was still heard clearly.

"For at this moment you face Humanity's Elden Lord." The Erdtree bristled in anticipation. The Elden Ring shined through Zieg's eyes.

From above the winter dragon's back. The Elden Lord disappeared.

*SPLAT sfx* and blood spilled from the skies. The dragons turned in shock at the man, wielding a god killing spear as he dropped the head of one of their own onto the watery surface.

"Blood for the Erdtree!" His roar signalled the beginning of the bloody carnage to come.

In another world with Raynare.

After Zieg had dropped her off in another world. He told her to go to the nearby adventurer guild to register and start doing quests until she got stronger. Supposedly he said that she could get stronger twice as fast with his own familiar system and this world's leveling system.

It seemed like a very promising way to get stronger, but....

"I can't help but feel disgusted..." Raynare cringed at the sight of two girls being eaten by giant frogs as a boy in a green tracksuit attempted to rescue them.

She looked down at the bounty that required her to kill giant frogs. "He could have at least left me with some money..." she frowned.

Raynare finally sighed before a light spear erupted in her hand.

She was never getting near something as disgusting as this ever again.