
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Leaving Skyrim

So I've been walking around Apocrypha for about a week or two now. Would have been boring, but there were a lot of books in this world. I had the distinct feeling that something had been trying to invade my mind, but when you have something like Cthugha inside you. You don't really have to worry much about that, since the Great Old One doesn't seem to like sharing.

If I had to guess, Hermaus Mora was trying to assess the threat that I posed. I guess it's to be expected since I literally intruded into this plane of oblivion with unknown means.

The layout of this world made very little sense. it was like a giant open maze, that was everchanging. Every now and then I would have to dispatch a random Seeker or eldritch entity that sought to remove me from this world. I couldn't even use the stars to guide me, since there were no stars in the sky.

I had the distinct feeling that I wasn't welcome here.

Well, I really don't want to be stuck here too long. I'm not really sure on the time difference Skyrim has to DXD. I didn't check because I assumed I wouldn't be here very long. When I was on Disboard, which was what Tet named the new world. 5 years there was only 5 months for Raynare in Konosuba. I didn't even check the time difference with DXD, which I probably should have.

I just wanted to ask this guy if he would be my librarian. Whether he said yes or no, didn't really matter that much to me. I had other options to consider, but damn I didn't think it'd take so long just to meet with him.

"Well, how long are you planning on hiding up there?"

I glanced up at the foggy sky towards an empty void. It took awhile, but I finally found him. The empty void swirled into a writhe of tentacles. Multiple eyes revealed themselves in the air as Hermaus Mora materialized a part of him above me.

"I am Hermaus Mora, I am the guardian of the unseen and knower of the unknown..."

His voice sounded like he wanted to yawn but couldn't. Like a perpetual yawn was stuck at the back of his throat. Although I wasn't sure if he had a throat. He could be communicating purely with his mind for all I knew.

"I have been watching you... mortal."

"A mortal that you're clearly afraid of. Don't even have the guts to completely manifest your full form in front of me?"

I crossed my arms, honestly a bit miffed that he's made me wait this long. The Elden ring lit up in my eyes as I focused my gaze at his many eyes.

"...Most impressive. Be warned though, many have thought as you do and I have broken them all. Do not mistake my curiousity with caution. I simply desired to observe you, outsider."

"Well, here I am. Got a good look yet?" I held my arms out with a smirk.

"Enough to understand that you are not much different from other mortals. Disappointing to say the least."

"Looks can be deceiving."

"Perhaps... since you have been patient for this long, I will indulge you. What have you come to my realm of Apocrypha for? Knowledge? Answers? Or maybe power?"

He finally asked the big question. Anyone who would come to a place like Apocrypha would obviously be in search of one of those three. The knowledge that I've gleamed from my time here had been fruitful even to me.

"I am in need of a librarian, so I came for you."

I stated my intentions, pointing towards him so he wouldn't misunderstand.

Silence permeated the space. His eyes continued to bore down on my form, as if waiting for me to continue. But there was nothing left to add, I was literally just here for that.


The silence was broken as a chuckle escaped from him, until it turned into full-blown laughter. It was odd, hearing someone like him laugh. It was probably just as foreign to him as well.

Finally his amusement ended, and he locked his many eyes at me again.

"Are you mocking me?"

"No, this is all I'm here to ask for. Will you accept or refuse?" I asked, giving my perfect business smile, honed through years of... hard to remember. Memory hasn't completely recovered yet.

"I refuse."

Was his blunt response. I sighed in disappointment at his refusal. I was hoping my charisma would win him over, but I guess I've been relying too much on luck in my recruitment of people lately.

"Well that's too bad."

"So, what do you plan to do now?"

"Now? Well obviously I'm disappointed in your answer. But nothing I can do about it."

I shrugged, I'm not the kind of guy who forces people to do things. It was beneath me.

"However... I'm quite the petty guy you know?" I leveled my gaze back at him. "You wasted 2 weeks of my time and for that..."

White glyphs appeared around me. Kokabiel and the legion of black winged fallen showed themselves in the air.

"GRAB ALL THE BOOKS YOU CAN!" I immediately shouted my order as the group of 3,000 fallen split up and flew around Apocrypha, stealing as many books as they could.


Hermaus Mora was obviously enraged at my actions. I felt the space through out the realm pulse as tentacles began assaulting the legion. As if I'd let that happen!

"You're damn right I do! ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthugha Fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'lthagn!"

A pair of blazing suns appeared in my eyes. In front of the Daedric prince, the Great Old One blinded his vision.

While I'm not sure if Cthugha can kill a daedric prince like Hermaus Mora, at the very least they should be able to force him to focus all his attention on it.

I generally don't have any control over the eldritch being, but I didn't have to. During my time here, Cthugha had been feeling murderous for some reason. I don't know why, and I won't question it. If it wanted to beat up Hermaus Mora, then I'll let it.

A week later

Zieg stepped back in the physical plane of Skyrim. His body was wreathed in blue flames, yet a smile was present on his countenance.

He was happy, because he managed to steal over 10 million books from Hermaus Mora. If anyone asked him if he had a problem, then he would deny it vehemently. He didn't have a problem, he just liked collecting books. There was absolutely nothing wrong with his hobby.

*Sizzle sfx* Zieg looked to his right, to see a floaty mini sun.

"You know what, gimme a hug."

The man spread his arms out at the ball of fire. He was still on the euphoric high of being able to steal so many books, that he didn't care if he would burn to death or not.

It was an odd sight, a white haired man was hugging a ball of fire. The sound of burning flesh was prevalent in the air. If Zieg didn't naturally have the body strength of an Elden Lord, then he would have burned to a crisp by now.

The strange hug continued until the eldritch being disappeared back into his inner world.

"Well, time to grab everyone and head off." Zieg nonchalantly spoke out loud. Ignoring the fact that his clothes had burnt off and his chest was making a sizzling noise.

*ROAR sfx* However to his confusion, a couple of dragons were duking it out in the sky.

The two dragons were violently locked in battle, but that didn't keep his attention for long. Another two groups of dragons showed up shortly after and began attacking each other on sight.

"What the hell?" Zieg was actually confused at what was going on. He didn't remember dragons having a civil war in Skyrim.

The ground shuddered from their bodies hitting the ground and the sky trembled from their thuums. It was chaos all around.

Miles away from them, red and white light flashed out before a grand explosion erupted.

In the epicenter, a red and a white dragon the size of Slane's bipedal form were duking it out.



The two roared out, rushing towards the other with their wings spread out.

"What the hell are you two doing!?"

Zieg was legitimately bewildered at the sight of the two dragons punching each other to death.

He looked around and noticed that the dragons were watching the two's battle. It seemed like they were split into two groups, waiting for their leader to win.

"Is that all you got red one!?"

"As if! Today is the day I crush you beneath my feet!"

The two obviously didn't hear Zieg as they were too focused on their battle. The Primeval Sorcerer just sighed and decided to spectate the battle, thinking that they would get tired eventually.

But to his annoyance, they continued to beat each other for the next 5 hours. He understood loving battle, which was why he didn't interfere but they were on a schedule.

As the two dragon emperors were about to clash once again, Zieg appeared between them. Catching both their heads and slamming them into the earth. Cracks spread out from the epicenter due to the massive force.

"Oi brat! What the hell was that for!?"

"How dare you get between our great battle!"

"I've been watching you two fight for the last 5 hours! We are on a freakin schedule! You can fight each other some other time, for now we gotta go!"

Zieg ignored their protests and teleported them all away from the area.

The remaining dragons didn't know what to do, now that their new bosses were gone.

"What the hell happened to you?" Zieg asked incredulously.

"I don't know." Emiya responded tiredly from his desk.

It had been 3 weeks and he somehow ended up as the current Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold. His white hair had grown longer and he now had a beard, befitting his position as the Arch-Mage. Instead of his regular red and black attire, he now wore an immaculate looking robe.

"Things never stopped happening, and I just ended up as the Arch-mage somehow." Emiya didn't think this would happen. He just came to the college in hopes of furthering his knowledge on the system of magic in this world.

"You look like you've been through hell." Zieg blinked and bluntly stated. "Anyway, you ready to go? I'm pretty much done with what I needed from this world."

"One moment." Emiya stood up before walking to his balcony. "Hey Ancano!" He shouted out from the balcony.

In the middle of the courtyard, a thalmor heard his name called and looked up at the balcony where Emiya stood.

"Fuck you!" Emiya shot an arrow right through his head before making his way back in. "Alright, I'm ready."

He stated, removing his robes with a refreshed expression.

The group appeared within the Soul Cairn, where Zieg had felt his connection to Slane.

They were greeted with the odd sight of Slane on top of a skeletal horse, with spotlights all around the stage. He was playing an instrument along with the undead inhabitants of the realm.

A crowd of souls and undead beings were cheering for them, as if it were a concert.

"Ah! Boss! You have finally come!"

After the performance, the group had met up with Slane.

"What the hell happened to you?" Zieg asked the question that was on all their minds.

"Ahem... Well I was in search of the bard's college in Solitude. Yet who would have thought I would have ended up in the land of the dead! So I decided to create my own bard's college here. The inhabitants are actually quite talented considering they don't do much else around here."

Slane explained his troubles and time being lost in the land of Skyrim.

"I see everyone's had quite the experience. Well are you ready to go?" Zieg smiled wryly.

"Anytime boss!"

The group finally left the land of Skyrim, leaving new stories for future historians.