
Zhang Fei - The Abandoned Son (dont read)

not mine.

Joyboyhahaha · Autres
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40 Chs

Chapter 26: Train Himself

Chapter 26: Train Himself

After they finished bathing, they rushed to the kitchen to cook, Zhang Fei then took out four pieces of White-Tailed Deer meats. Because he only wanted to cook for himself, Zhang Lin, Zhang Chen, and also Qing Yi. And he didn't care about Zhang Hai, Zhang He, nor Chen Xin.

Zhang Lin who was helping him was surprised at the sudden appearance of the meats, and she asked curiously. "Where did you get these meats, Big Brother? Moreover, I've never seen such meat before."

"These are White-Tailed Deer meat, Lin." Zhang Fei replied as he continued to process the beast meat, and unexpectedly the meat was so tender, so he didn't bother to tenderize it anymore.

Zhang Lin also helped to prepare the spices that Zhang Fei would use for his dish. When everything was ready, he grilled the four meats using his Fire Qi, which shocked Zhang Lin, but she didn't ask anything, since Zhang Fei had promised to take her to the Sky Jade Realm tonight.

About half an hour later the four venison grill was done, and they immediately brought them to the table. Zhang Hai, Zhang He, and Chen Xin were jealous when Zhang Fei gave his grilled venison to Zhang Chen and Qing Yi, because he didn't give them the same dish.

Zhang Chen, Zhang Li, and Qing Yi immediately looked at Zhang Fei in shock after they ate a small cut of grilled venison. Because they could feel something strange happening inside their bodies, and they felt healthier than before, but no one asked him where the meat came from.

Since he had no work schedule, Zhang Fei rushed to the backyard, and he began to practice his movement techniques, because he had not had time to train them before, and he always relied on his teleportation ability to move places.

He started learning the Clone Illusion Steps first, before he started his training, Mei had already made a simulation of the technique, and he also gave instructions to Zhang Fei. Even though Mei had done all that, Zhang Fei didn't immediately master it, for almost an hour he still couldn't produce a clone. It was only after the next hour that Zhang Fei managed to produce one clone, and that meant he had already mastered the first stage of the Clone Illusion Steps.

For two hours, Zhang Lin continued to watch her brother in awe, especially after Zhang Fei succeeded in producing one clone, it made her admire him even more, and an urge to become like her brother rose in her heart.

Unbeknownst to them, someone was watching them from inside the bedroom window, and the person's face looked complicated, as she cursed inwardly. 'Damn it! I've been in torment thinking about him since yesterday, and when I had the courage to go see him, he wasn't in his room.'

That person was none other than Chen Xin, and she was tormented by the effects of Zhang Fei's Demon Charm throughout the long night, but unfortunately at that time Zhang Fei was in the Sky Jade Realm.

After he had mastered the Clone Illusion Steps, Zhang Fei decided to train the Nine Cloud Steps, and as usual Mei was always helping him. Unlike the Clone Illusion Steps, he could master the first stage of the Nine Cloud Steps much more easily. In just one move, Zhang Fei could move 50 km, which greatly helped him to commute to the city.

After he had mastered the Nine Cloud Steps, Zhang Fei decided to do basic exercises like push-ups and others, and Zhang Lin kept him company, as she continued to stare at him in awe. 'Hehe, Big Brother is really awesome now, and I want to be like him too, that way I can teach those two bastards a lesson.'

It was three hours later he finished his training, Zhang Lin then walked over to him and helped him wipe his sweat, and she asked. "Can I be like you, Big Brother?"

Zhang Fei turned to her, then he stroked her head, and nodded. "After tonight, you will definitely be able to become like me, Lin. That way you don't have to be afraid of them anymore, because you can beat them later."

"Hehe." Zhang Lin laughed to herself, as she imagined something in her mind.

'Looks like she intends to beat them up for real.' Zhang Fei inwardly muttered, as he smiled wryly. 'Show me my status, Mei.'



Name : Zhang Fei

Age : 19

Races :

> Human

> Lust Demon

> Heavenly Fox

Cultivation :

> 10 Star Elementary Realm [Qi : 500/1000]

Physique :

> Human Physique

> Demon Physique

> Fox Physique

Special Physique :-

Special Bloodline :-

Legacy :-

Elements :

> Fire [Initial Stage]

> Darkness [Initial Stage]

> Light [Initial Stage]

Money : 15,000

Female Essence : 200

Red Jewel : 75

Lower Grade Beast Core : 10

'500 Qi more and I will break through to the Body Realm.' Zhang Fei inwardly muttered with satisfaction, because his cultivation rose quickly in just two days in the Sky Jade Realm, and half of it was thanks to Liu Hua. 'What's the cheapest item in the Modern Shop, Mei?'

(A/N: I find it useless to write details about the items on the Modern Shop, basically the Modern Shop sells things like we usually use, but all the items are much more advanced.)

Mei immediately checked the Modern Shop list, and answered him. [For now the cheapest item in the Modern Shop is Universal Clothes, Master. And the price is at 250,000 Yuan, but if you wear it then you don't need to change clothes anymore, because it can be changed to whatever you want.]

'250,000 Yuan, huh?' Zhang Fei thought of a way to make money faster, and the fastest way would be to sell dishes made from beast meat, but for that he had to work with someone, as he currently didn't have the capital to start his own business.

Mei laughed softly. [Actually, you don't need to bother with that, Master. You can sell a Red Jewel, then you will definitely get a lot of money, because the quality of the Red Jewel is far above the red diamond on earth.]

'Really?' Zhang Fei was surprised by that, as he currently had 75 Red Jewels.

[En, that's right, Master. But my advice, sell a red jewel at the auction house, that way you will get a lot of money.]

'I see, looks like I should ask my mother about that, she must know about auction and the like.' Zhang Lin looked at Zhang Fei who was smiling to himself in amusement. 'Anyway, aren't there any quests from the system on earth? Or does the Quest only appear when I'm in the Sky Jade Realm?'

Mei answered with a sigh. [Frankly speaking, I don't know about the quests, Master. Because the quests are automatically generated by the system, and I'm only in charge of supervising the system.]

Zhang Fei nodded in understanding, then he said to Zhang Lin. "I'll go meet someone first, Lin."

– To Be Continued –