
School Start!

Today was the day that Jack was going to start is years at school. Jack had always wanted to be like his grandfather, so he applied to Willstone Academy to become the strong warrior his grandfather once was. In a world where demons existed, schools were everywhere to train people in magic and to become a warrior. You weren't considered a coward if you didn't want to fight, but Jack was determined to be just like his grandfather once was. Everyone had some form of magic, even if it was just a simple lucky charm, anyone can have any type of magic you could think of. There were some rare cases of people that have more than one type of magic, and Jack was one of them. Jack was gifted with the ability to use every type of magic, but Jack didn't want the attention, instead he pretended to only be able to use wind magic. He was aware of all the consequences of having too much power, and that is what this story is about.

"Okay! I'm ready to leave now!" Jack called up to his family as he stood by the door, ready to start his journey. He was wearing his usual yellow hoodie and blue jeans to go with it. "Brother! Don't leave!" Jack's little sister, Rue, was very loving and obviously didn't want her brother to leave as she hugged him as tight as she possibly could. "Don't worry, Rue. I promise I will call you and mother at least twice a week." Jack promised Rue as he patted her head to calm her down. Rue let go of Jack with a sad look on her face. "Do you have everything, Jack?" His mother, Elizabeth, was always protective of Jack, worrying about every little detail to be found. "Yes mother. I'm going to be fine. Remember, I will call at least twice a week, okay?" Jack put on a loving smile as he comforted Elizabeth, "Okay. If your father was here, I know he would be proud. Good luck!" As a final farewell, Elizabeth gave a smile in return as Jack opened the door and started to run towards his dreams, "Bye!" He shouted, waving back at them as the sun shined above him. Elizabeth and Rue stood at the door, waving until Jack was out of their sight. Jack's house was on top of a hill with a perfect view of the city, so already he had a distance to run as his journey begun.

Jack grabbed his hoverboard from the straps on the back of his bag and unfolded it. As he glided through the curvy path down the hill, his perfect green eyes glistened with joy and his messy blonde hair flew with the wind. Jack lived in a city called Leicesterfield, and the Academy was in Willstone which was 60 miles away, so Jack had to take a train to get there. Luckily, Willstone Academy was well known for being one of the few warrior academy's with dorms, so Jack was able to live on the campus whilst he trained to be a warrior.

Jack was excited to start a new life with new friends, but was nervous to find out who his roommate was going to be. He couldn't stop thinking about it, he was waiting anxiously at the train station but as the train arrived, he got excited again. The train took about an hour before it finally arrived at the location that Jack needed to be at. The train station was so big and yet it was still filled with people coming on and off the trains, but that was only the start. After leaving the train station, Jack was blinded by the sun light until a sparkling clear ocean appeared in front of him. Some of the people around him had the same reaction of excitement. The ocean looked so beautiful. Jack looked around to find that many of the people around him was about the same age as him, so Jack thought that they were most likely here for Willstone Academy as they were around his age, but the Academy allows students to wear personal clothing, so he couldn't be sure.

Willstone Academy was only a five minute walk from the station. Jack ran towards the gates of the Academy to reveal a huge building worthy of being called a fortress, of course, that was because there was dorms as well as the actual learning area. Jack finally arrived at the reception desk after nearly 10 minutes of waiting to get his room key, this was the moment he had been nervously waiting for since the start of his day: finding out who his roommate is. At door number 307, Jack stood anxiously with the key in his hand. Even though Jack was shaking beyond control, he still managed to put the key in the key whole, but the door had already opened. The roommate was already there. "Ah. So you are my roommate?" The boy who was unpacking all of his items onto the left side of the room turned and smiled at Jack. The boy had black hair and brown eyes, but his skin seemed too perfect to be true. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm really nervous right now. My name is Jack!" As Jack introduced himself, the boy laughed and put out his hand, "My name is Nico, nice to meet you, Jack!" Nico and Jack shook hands as they both started to unpack their items.

A few minutes passed and they had finally finished putting all of their stuff in order when a soft voice came from across the room, "Jack?" It was the light voice of a girl that Jack knew, "Emilia!? No way!" Emilia and Jack went to the same schools as each other since they were kids, Jack always knew that Emilia wanted to be a warrior with him, but he didn't know that her room would be right in front of his. Emilia ran in to give Jack a high five, he blonde hair falling behind her. "It's nice seeing you again." Said Emilia, although it had only been a couple of weeks since they last saw each other, it was a long time for them. "Yeah, nice seeing you too." Once Jack finished his original sentence, he instantly had a question, "So, who's your roommate?" He asked excitedly. Emilia pointed over to a girl standing by their door, looking over at Nico with an emotionless face, "That's my sister, Rei. She's really antisocial, but I'm sure that you will eventually get along." With a warm smile, Nico introduced his sister. His sister was the perfect example of what Nico would look like as a female, except Rei had perfect, ocean blue eyes that stood out from her black hair.

"Well it looks like we have our own group going on here. This is going to be fun!" Jack announced his excitement as he smiled uncontrollably. "I hope we all get to be in the same class, that would make life so much easier." Emilia agreed with Jacks idea of being in a group, identifying the benefits. But then Jack realized something important he had forgotten: Class. Jack forgot when class had started, though he knew where he was meant to be. The bell rang to tell students that class had started, "Oh crap! We're gonna be late." Jack looked pass Emilia and towards the door where Rei was nowhere to be found, she knew when class was going to start and didn't bother telling them. Jack, Emilia and Nico ran as fast as they could, though they were not allowed to use magic in the hallway. With the map that guided them, Jack opened the door out of breath to reveal that the class had finished their introductions. Rei was sitting at the top right corner of the classroom, looking out of the window in an attempt to hide her face. "Late on your first day? No worries, just come up here and introduce yourselves." The teacher stood tall at the front of the class with a warm smile on his face at all times.

"Sorry sir, I'll introduce myself now." Nico being the first one to speak up, he stood in front of the class with a strong posture, "My name is Nico Roswell! I use wind magic, like my sister Rei. I ranked 14th in the entrance exam. I look forward to meeting you all." Nico bowed and walked over to sit at the table next to Rei as Emilia stood at the front of the class, "Hello, my name is Emilia Adams. I use water magic and placed 20th in the entrance exam." Emilia smiled and walked over to sit in front of Nico. Now it was Jacks turn. Jack stood nervously but confidently in front of the class, "My name is Jack! I use wind magic like Nico and Rei. I placed 21st in the entrance exam." Once he finished his introduction, Jack started to walk until he got interrupted, "Wait." The teacher halted Jack. "Since you wont tell them the truth, I will. This is Jack Gottfree, he is the only person in the history of this academy that got in through a High-Priority recommendation. But he doesn't seem to enjoy too much attention." Once the teacher fully introduced Jack to the class, everyone but Emilia stared at him. Jack could hear the murmurs among them, "Gottfree? High-Priority?"

To become a warrior, Jack knew he had to have skill. Jack's grandfather used a Katana that was passed down from generations, and Jack used the same Katana. The weapon was special because it can appear from thin air when the user requests it, and the user has to be part of the Gottfree family, which Jack was. Jack nervously walked over to sit in front of Rei. "That didn't go as plan, did it?" Whispered Emilia. Jack looked over at Emilia and shook his head in same, "The fact that you are a officially a historical figure to this school does change a lot, but we can still be a group. I mean, you did plan for us to work together from the moment we all met!" Nico cheered Jack up. The last thing Jack wanted was attention, but luckily Nico was going to treat him the same way he always was, "Thank you, Nico. Looks like the group is official!"

After the introductions and small conversations to get the class together, the teacher finally started the class. "My name is Mister Lui Marishima, but you can just call me Lui." Lui finally introduced himself as he begun explaining what's to happen next. Lui spoke about the demons, it was all common knowledge, but maybe it needs an explanation. God and Demons did exist, the king of demons was a man known by many as Malum. Demons can come in human form but they will have a natural feature that wouldn't be natural for a human to have without other humans changing it for you, although some may be able to disguise themselves. Demons roam around, preying on humans. That is what a warrior is for.

Lui finished his beginners talk for the school, now was the official start of Jacks training. "Now for our first lesson! A simple game of tag!"

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