
The beginning

Immortalian is one of the oldest and greatest races of the universe that live on many planets. They are feared and worshiped for their racial traits the ability called [Denier of Death] which lets it be to where a Immortalian "dies" they will come back to life three seconds later and this ability has a one-hour cooldown. That first ability alone makes many green with envy but the other ability is a secret only known to the Immortalians, the only thing known about their second racial trait is that the trait lets Immortalians grow stronger than the gods themselves. It just so happens that our main character Zenith is born into this race, so let us begin with his tale.

on a planet named Kutonia, two nobles were in a hospital giving birth to a child named Zenith. Zenith's Parents loved Zenith and gave him the best childhood possible growing up until the age of 16. on Zenith's 16th birthday, he was at home watching a movie with his mother and father when an Assassin breaks in and shoots the family of three in the heart. after an hour thirty, they revived and the assassin shoots them all in the heart again after the bodies hit the floor he ran away after hearing police sirens.

when the police show up with an ambulance but the only survivor is Zenith the ambulance quickly rushed him to a hospital the last thing Zenith remembers before blacking out is the Assassin running away and then sirens.

two days later in a hospital room, Zenith woke up being healed and having a headache.

"What happened?" said Zenith as a doctor walks in

"You were shot it missed your heart and barely hit your lung if we did not save you when we did you would have died." said the doctor

"What about my parents?" Zenith asked with sadness in his voice and tears in his eyes

"They were dead when we got there." the doctor said with a solemn look

"You will stay here for three more days just to make sure you are ok and none of the stitches rip." the doctor said as he walked out of the room.

after the doctor was gone Zenith looked around the room and saw some books an old tv with a remote and some water on a little table, Zenith thought they must have given him a particular room because of his background. Zenith wanted some water for his parched throat but when he sat up to grab the water he heard a noise.

[Ding Host has unlocked the Immortailion strength system]

"wha.. what is this" When he heard the noise and a blue translucent screen appeared he jumped in fright and spilled the water before he did anything else Zenith called a nurse in to tell her he spilled the water that was left for him after the water was cleaned up the nurse got him a new glass of water.

As Zenith thought to himself he remember hearing about a second racial trait that only some rare can unlock and it comes in many different forms. Still, the purpose of the trait was to make the Immortalian stronger, so he thought that the screen in front of his face was that second trait.

"What does this system do?" Zenith asked and once he was done the screen changed

[System will make the host stronger than most being in the universe as long as the host works to increase their stats.]

"What stats? and how do I see them?" He asked as the screen changed again

[to see stats host must think or say the command status screen, and since the host asked about the stats here is the status screen.]

[system status screen

name: Zenith Remington

Race: Immortalian

Age: 16

Health: 100%

Mana: 0/0

soul power: 28.8/100


Endu: 5.5%

Str: 4.9

Dex: 5.3

Age: 5.6

IQ: 10

int: 0 (this stat is Mana)

(willpower) WP: 1 (right now the soul power SP regen is at 0.01 a minute as this state increases so does the SP regen)]


[{Denier of Death}



price: 100 SP

when the user dies they come back to life after their body is regenerated the more damage done to the body the long it will take




price- near-death experience]






[System analysis]

[Besides your IQ all your stats are average for a 16-year-old Immortalian and your affinity are just what everyone of your race has- you should really train to get stronger or you will die in this universe just as easily as your parents]

that system analysis hurt Zenith and it made tears start streaming down his face but at the same time it also gave him an uncontrollable desire to grow stronger, it made Zenith want to grow so strong no one would be able to hurt him again.