
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime et bandes dessinées
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156 Chs

Chapter 83: Mute vs Yuki

Three minutes before Mimiko and Nanako met with Suda. A massive loud bang could be heard rippling throughout all of Shinjuku, a massive pillar hundreds of feet tall slammed through a car park, debris flew wildly in the air, falling onto the street, raining down on the sorcerers fighting in the street.

On the humongous pillar, two figures could be seen fighting in close combat, exchanging blows. Mute crossed his arms blocking a powerful kick from Yuki. His feet skidded across the stone pillar making a squeaky noise. Mute grits his teeth in pain before lunging toward Yuki throwing an overhand. The punch flew through the air, grazing Yuki's left ear.

Yuki slips the punch while bending her knees. Mute feels something grab onto his right arm before his feet get lifted off the ground. Mute's body sails through the air before getting violently slammed onto the ground.

Mute's body bounces off the hard pillar gritting his teeth before he spins in the air throwing a kick. Yuki leans back predicting the kick movements until the distance between Mute's heel and Yuki's jaw shrinks making the powerful kick slam into her jaw. Yuki stumbles back before dodging a quick jab from Mute.

Mute throws a barrage of lightning-fast punches at Yuki. Yuki sways her body dodging the punches before her cursed tool flies at Mute causing him to dash back. Mute's feet start to slide down the pillar. Mute glances at the ground hundreds of feet below him before an idea clicks into his mind and he dashes forward ducking under Yuki's cursed tool.

Mute zigzags while sprinting towards Yuki. Yuki's eyes track Mute's movements trying to predict Mute's movements. Yuki's eyes calculate all of Mute's movements before a slight muscle twitch gives Mute's attack away. Mute throws a swift cross at Yuki as she tightly grips her fist getting ready to counter Mute's punch.

Mute feet come to a sliding stop as he leans on his lead foot heavily. The punch inches closer to Yuki's face until it stops. Yuki throws a hook trying to counter Mute before her eyes widen seeing Mute's head ducking under her fist before circling around her. Yuki spins around before the pillar she's standing on shrinks, disappearing. 

Yuki's blonde hair flows through the air wildly as she starts to fall through the air before she crosses her arm blocking a powerful kick from Mute, Yuki flips in the air rapidly descending towards the ground before he notices a small cylinder floating next to Mute's body, Mute smirks before tapping the stone cylinder with his index finger pouring a massive amount of cursed energy into it.

A massive shadow is cast on the ground as wind gusts out wildly from the massive pillar reappearing, quickly shooting toward the falling Yuki. The pillar violently slams into Yuki's propelling her into the ground creating a tremendous crater. Mute however, didn't seem to be happy with the result. Instead, he stared at the massive pillar, like something odd had occurred unbeknownst to Mute at the base of the pillar. Yuki could be seen standing in the crater holding up the massive pillar. 

Muscles bulged out of her body as she held up the pillar with both hands, before tightly gripping the stone and piercing her fingers through it. Yuki takes a deep breath before spinning the pillar and swinging forward at Mute who was descending through the air. Mute's eyes widen before the pillar slams into his body launching him back and making him flip through the air wildly. 

" How the hell is she so strong?"

Murmered Mute with blood pouring down his face. Mute glanced at the ground before shrinking the distance between him and the road, appearing on it in a flash. Mute tries to take a breath before a punch slams into his chin. Mute's eyes become hazy as his body is slammed through a glass window before flipping over a receptionist's desk, and slamming into the wall causing massive cracks to form in it. 

Mute stumbles forward in pain before he crosses his arms again blocking another kick from Yuki. Mute is propelled back slamming through the wall before he glances back and his body flickers appearing next to an abandoned car. 

Mute leans on the car breathing heavily. Mute listens to the sound of footsteps watching Yuki step out of the hole in the building with her cursed tool floating around her.

" What happened to the fight in your eyes? Have you given up already? "

Says Yuki staring at the tired Mute. Mute smacked his lips while pushing off the car behind him, stumbling forward. While Mute stumbled forward a grin appeared on his face as he suddenly clapped his hands together.

Yuki's eyes widened as a sudden veil started to fall from the sky. Yuki dashed towards Mute throwing a punch before his body flickered reappearing hundreds of feet away from her near a broken bicycle. Before Yuki could respond the veil touched down on the ground, trapping her. 

The reason for Mute creating the veil was simple. He was desperate. Yuki's relentless attacks made Mute drain almost all of his remaining cursed energy. Sweat covered Mute's body as he stood still motionless until the sound of crashing could be heard above him. Mute snaps his head up seeing Miguel getting violently dragged through a glass skyscraper. 

Miguel grits his teeth in agony before being tossed through another building. He rolls onto his feet before getting kicked across the jaw by Gojo. Mute watched as Miguel got battered before he let out a loud sigh and shook his head. Mute had hundreds of thoughts running through his head...

Where the hell is Geto? He said the battle between him and Yuta wouldn't take long. I wipe sweat and blood off my face while breathing heavily. I'm running out of cursed energy quickly. I knew fighting Gojo would be insanely difficult but I didn't expect fighting this sorcerer to be this hard. 

I don't know anything about her. And my sister never mentioned anything about her so, who the hell is she? I watch the veil I created start to falter before a massive hole opens in it and the woman walks around it with her cursed tool hovering above her head. 

At this rate eventually, her relentless barrage of attacks will defeat me. However, if I can last long enough for Geto to beat Yuta, then I might have a chance to make it out of her alive. I listen to her footsteps echoing out until they stop and her body vanishes.

I feel a gust of wind blow onto my face before a punch slams into my head rocking my head back. I stumble back while watching her spin and throwing a kick. I track the kick before freezing it in the air. Her eyes widen from her kick being frozen before I shuffle my feet and throw a kick that slams into her back making her drop onto the road before she rolls back onto her feet. 

Tch, I haven't been able to freeze attacks her attacks for a simple reason. My eyes haven't been able to track her movements. Freezing Gojo's "Red" has taken a toll on my eyes, making them process her actions more slowly. I could always cover myself in distance however, that would drain too much of my energy. I stare at Yuki before a shadow is cast on me. I glance up and see her cursed tool flying towards me.

The cursed tool flies towards me until a figure leaps up into the air, grabbing the tool. Her right arm blurs as she whips the cursed tool at me causing me to dash back. The tool slams into the ground creating a massive crater, and a huge dust cloud forms engulfing my body. 

That weapon shouldn't weigh that much. To create such a crater it'll have to be hundreds of tons. I dash back out of the cloud before I lean to my right slipping a punch from Yuki. She's relentless, she isn't giving me time to figure out her technique. I jump over her cursed tool before blocking a spinning kick. 

Her attacks are heavy. Every time I block one of her attacks, it feels like my bones are going to break. I throw a jab at Yuki that slams into her face before pivoting and throwing a cross that narrowly misses. Yuki's eyes lock onto mine before she throws a kick aimed at my chest. I sway my body left feeling the kick graze my chest before I throw a powerful uppercut that slams into Yuki's jaw rocking her head back. 

I follow up by throwing a cross, shrinking the distance between my knuckles and her nose causing the stiff punch to slam into her nose. I start throwing a barrage of punches and kicks into her body while shrinking the distance. My attacks connect propelling Yuki off her feet. I appear next to her flying body throwing a swift knee that contorts her body launching her up into the air. 

I stare at Yuki floating in the air before I hear something flying towards me. I snap my head right and see her cursed tool flying towards me. I stare at the tool before extending my palm forward. The air starts to warp as I shrink the distance between Yuki's neck and my palm, making her appear directly in front of me. Yuki stares at me in shock until a smirk appears on her face. 

I stare at her confused until the cursed tool flying appears on my left. I lean my head back as I feel the razor-sharp wings of the cursed tool grazing across my face, before a sudden shock of pain ripples through my chest. I glance down at the Yuki with her right hand extended forward. I vomit blood out of my mouth as my feet skid across the ground from the force of the punch. 

She didn't wind up that attack at all? She basically just tapped my chest and yet the force of that attack was that strong. What the hell is her cursed technique? I hear a loud bang as Yuki lunges toward me. The road under her feet cracks with each step. I focus on her movements before my feet stop sliding and I slap away a jab.

But she doesn't falter after I parry her jab. Instead, she throws a volley of punches and kicks at me. I sidestep the attacks before I see a blur in the corner of my left eye and a powerful kick slams into my temple causing me to stumble to the side. My eyes become hazy as another kick slams into my chest launching me off my feet.

I stare forward with blurry vision hearing powerful footsteps until I cross my arms blocking a punch from Yuki. I hear shattering glass as my body flies through a glass skyscraper. I flip on my feet and drag my hand across the ground. I channel my cursed energy into the ground before creating a massive pillar that shoots out the side of a building. 

The skyscraper starts to topple over as I breathe heavily feeling sweat pouring down my face. Forget about stalling for time. At this rate she's going to kill me. I gingerly stand up straight as the skyscraper slams into the road creating a thunderous boom followed by the sound of shattering glass. 

Yuki walks out of the smoke cloud created by the fallen skyscraper before she smirks and speaks to me. 

" You're slowing down a lot? What happened to the fight in your eyes? "

She's clearly mocking me. I smack my lips before responding to her. 

" Don't worry you're going to fight my best from now on. "

I tap my foot on the ground shooting five massive pillars hundreds of feet into the sky. One of the pillars slams into Yuki's body carrying her body high into the air. I start running up the pillar chasing after her. I only have enough cursed energy to make a final push. The battle will be decided by this barrage. 

Yuki rolls onto the pillar before lunging towards me grinning wildly. We dash at each other throwing a punch. Our fists connect making a shockwave ripple out. My fist is violently flung back from her punch. She easily hits harder than me. The grin on her face grows wider as she throws a kick before my body flickers reappearing on one of the other pillars.

Yuki snaps her head at me until a pillar slams into her back launching her forward. I leap off the pillar throwing a punch that slams into her jaw before I have to flip in the air narrowly dodging her flying cursed tool. 

I land on the pillar before I place my hand on the pillar and it starts to morph the pillar we're standing on. The pillars start to swirl around each other until they form into one massive pillar hundreds of feet tall and wide. I've never tried this before but I'm running out of options. 

I shrink the massive pillar making me and Yuki start falling out of the sky. Yuki stares at me confused until I shrink the distance between me and her throwing a kick that she blocks. However, the force of my kick still propels her toward the ground. 

While Yuki falls quickly towards the ground I extend my hand above my hand and start to pour my potent energy into the shrunken pillars. I'm stealing this move from the cursed spirit I fought a while ago, the shrunken pillars start to break apart before they form into thousands of small needles that hover in the sky, the thousands of needles are connected to the strings wrapped around my forearm. 

My vision becomes blurry. I'm running out of cursed energy but this attack isn't over just yet. I yank my arm forward propelling the needles at the falling Yuki who stares at the falling needles in surprise. The needles fly towards her until I pour the rest of my cursed energy into the needles enlarging them to be 30 feet wide. The thousands of massive pillars start to rain through the sky, crashing through buildings making thousands of thunderous bangs ripple out. Debris flies up into the sky before raining back down on the destroyed city. 

I stare at the destroyed city before I feel my body become weak. I fall out of the sky, insanely fatigued. My hair blows wildly in the air before I stare at a blurry figure leaping up into the air towards me.

I smack my lips seeing Yuki appear directly in front of me with a grin on her face. Blood is pouring down her face before it disappears from her healing. Yuki watches as I throw a weak punch toward her until I feel a sharp pain covering my right arm. I glance to my right and see my arm flying off into the air. Blood spews out of my missing arm.

I stare at my missing arm in shock before Yuki slams her fist into my chin launching me through a building. I lay on a pile of rubble in the middle of the street. My skull is definitely fractured, and I'm all out of energy. Is this really the end for me?...