
Izuku and Jason


-The next morning-

Class 1-A Dorm Rooms


Izuku slowly made his way downstairs, yawning the sleep away. It had been only a couple of days since U.A. had introduced the dorms and began training for the Provisional License Exam. Needless to say, it has been a little exhausting for him.

nevertheless, Izuku made his way to the communal kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. As he did so he noticed Kaminari, Tenya, Momo, and a few other students watching the news.

"Hey Midoriya," Kirishima called out, "You should take a look at this."

The green-haired teen finished pouring cereal into his bowl and made his way over to the couch, his eyes instantly went wide at what he saw.

In front of him was footage of a fight from what looked like a Hotel. The battle was between someone who looked like a staff member with a powerful water quirk and someone who looked familiar to Izuku.

"Is that?" Izuku began.

"Looks to be the same person," Tenya confirmed his suspicion.

The group watched as a sudden wave of lightning swept through the worker's water assault, despite the use of the shield the teen had been using before.

Shields and electricity? Izuku asked himself, had he used his quirk during the Kamino Incident? Or was he just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

The students continued to watch as the teen made his way inside the building. As he did so, the news anchor returned on screen.

"As you can see this individual is considered dangerous to any he comes in contact with." The news anchor flipped to a different paper and continued, "We now have a name for this villain now, he calls himself, The One-Eyed Reaper, though authorities are referring to him as 'The Reaper' for short."

As the news switched to their next topic Kaminari turned to the rest of the group, "The One-Eyed who?"

"He was there." Kirishima whispered to himself, "Is he working with the League of Villains?"

"I doubt that." Tenya spoke, "Just before we escaped I saw him restrain Shigaraki with an ice quirk."

He wasn't using ice on the video. Does he have multiple quirks? , Midoriya thought to himself.

He'd need to keep an eye on this, everyone would. The last thing the world needed right now was another All for One


(Scene Change)

An emerald gaze watched as the One-Eyed Reaper left the hotel, his maroon eyes on the ground in front of him clearly in thought.

The emerald gaze followed the Reaper until he was out of sight. Finally, when the brunette was out of sight a purple flash engulfed the emerald gaze when he blinked the rooftop was replaced with a familiar basement.

"Hello, Brian." A muffled voice spoke, which caused the blonde to jump slightly.

"Ah, Kadota." Brian stood up and turned toward the smaller teen. He had short black hair and had a grey tank top and basketball shorts. Everywhere else except for his hands, eyes, and nose were covered in bandages, "I take it Jason wants a word with me?"

The bandaged teen pointed to the door, "He's upstairs."

Brian nodded and turned away before looking back. He pointed to his nose, "Is that a nose piercing?"

Kadota nodded.

With a nod of his own, Brian bounded his way up. When he reached the top of the stairs he immediately heard the sound of laughter.

Brian's emerald gaze found a welcoming cobalt gaze.

The girl's mouth dropped to the floor when she realized who was staring back at her "BRIAN!"

Before the blonde could respond he was tackled by a girl and fell backward. The girl stood up and helped Brian back to his feet, once he was stable again she gave a quick peck to his lips then spun around and began to make her way back to her prior activity.

Brian crossed his arms and smiled, "Miss me?"

"Of course she did, dumb-dumb!" Another voice answered for Nora.

Brian received a soft punch to his shoulder as he turned around once more, "Connie, good to see- did you cut your hair?"

Connie smiled and gestured as if a camera was taking pictures of her, "I decided to go with a pixie cut, I think it makes my curls look nice."

"I think it does too!" Brian smiled, "Do you know where Jason is?"

"Up in the Lighthouse," Connie smiled, "Have fun, he already knows about Tamaki."

Nora's show paused as she turned toward the two, "What happened to Tamaki?"

"I'll tell you later, matchstick," Brian responded as he turned and left to enter the Lighthouse.

As he made his way up the stairs Brian wondered how Jason was feeling, now that he knew. Tamaki and Jason had been friends long before the blonde had entered the picture, and he had been defeated, now stranded in another world without a way to protect himself. At the very least Jason can bring him back.

What about the Reaper? Brian thought to himself, how are we supposed to kill him when Tamaki failed!

The blonde sighed and collected his thoughts before he opened the door to the top of the Lighthouse.

"Welcome, Brian." Jason greeted his gaze out toward the ocean.

"You wanted a word?" Brian spoke as he made his way to Jason's side.

"It's about The Reaper," Jason began, "I'm sure you know what's happened to Tamaki."

Brian's eyes narrowed slightly, why does he sound like he just ran a mile?

"I was watching the whole thing," Brian told him, "We underestimated him, The Reaper smashed all of our guys."

Jason brought a hand to his mouth and cleared his throat, "I know, but I brought you back for another reason."

The blonde tilted his head slightly.

"There's another syndicate moving into town, near the high school." Jason turned toward the blonde, "We're making a move tonight, we'll need your ability to show them who's in charge."

Brian nodded, "I got it, anything else?"

"After this fight, we'll talk as a group for our next move." Jason put a hand on the blonde's shoulder, "Don't worry, Tamaki will be part of that conversation."

Before Jason could leave the room Brian spoke, "Jason, are you alright?"

The raven turned toward his friend, "Yes, just tired is all."

Vote with powerstones.

Nakaharacreators' thoughts
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