
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 9: What's Most Famous

Yutian followed Huang Yuejiao to another bank and withdrew some money, then said goodbye to Huang Yuejiao and left. Huang Yuejiao also took Xiao Wei and Shen Xinghe and their gang didn't make much of a stop, directly back to the Rose Garden.


Yutian then bought two sets of clothes and a pair of shoes in a small store by the roadside, costing him hundreds of thousands of dollars. And bought a bottle of water, from out to now has not had a mouthful of water, throat are almost smoke. Looking at the hand to buy water back to the two coins, Liu pin Tian shook his head with a bitter smile. The heart said: "Earlier found two coins, encountered that mess, and now found two coins, there will not be what happened right?"


People, it's what they are afraid of that comes to them, just as Yutian was saying that in his heart, there came a woman's voice: "Stop, don't run, if you run again I'll shoot you." The voice was coming from a small alley next to it. Yutian considered whether to go over and take a look, then came another muffled grunt, still a woman's voice, it seemed to be an ambush. "Better go over and take a look, maybe it's still a beautiful woman." Someone thought to himself.


Yutian ran over to take a look, damn, is a policewoman, is holding their right hand with the opposite side of the three yellow hair young people against. One of the hands holding a baseball bat size of the wooden stick, is smiling proudly, looks like the policewoman is suffocated by his stick.


The other two were one holding a dagger, and one was playing with a pistol in his hand. Because the policewoman was facing her back to Yutian, she couldn't see what she looked like, but judging from the tight police uniform, she should be a special person. Especially that round and firm buttocks looked so charming.


Fan Siyu heart a burst of regret, in the police station office a group of them are studying the bank robbery video. Suddenly received the alarm, one or two buses on someone to steal, was found to steal failed to turn into a robbery. Zeng Zhiquan because they also want to report on the details of which want to Wu Xianghua them, so she this deputy captain came.


Because of her character, the wind and fire, but also did not wait for colleagues to come after the two thieves, never thought that there are more than two thieves, the two thieves lured her to this remote alley, suddenly appeared an accomplice, at her is a stick. Now her own gun is in the hands of these thieves, and her own safety is also threatened. The gun was robbed for a police officer, this is a very serious problem, he was punished for a small matter, if the gang of thieves with their guns to do something else, then. Thinking of this, Fan Si Yu is a cold sweat.


Just when Fan Si Yu was at her wits end, a voice emerged, "Girl, do you need help." Fan Si Yu turned her head to see a young man leaning against the wall with a faint smile on his face and a cigarette in his mouth, asking towards her.


"It's you?" Fan Si Yu was overjoyed.


Seeing Fan Siyu who turned her head, Yu Tian couldn't help but give himself a thumbs up in his heart. It's really a beautiful woman, it's not a general beauty, a melon face, the five senses are distributed in its face according to the golden ratio, especially the proudly standing chest, let Yutian very worried about whether the buttons on that chest are knotted or not, will not be able to withstand it and suddenly booms open, at this time, Yutian suddenly remembered a song, "Everest". "Oh, you recognize me?" Yu Tian is also a little surprised, looked at his whole body, touched in the chin, he is not so famous, right? : "Am I famous?"


Isn't the man in front of us the one who stepped in to subdue the robbers in the bank? Why is he here? Looking at someone's smelly look, Fan Si Yu felt both angry and amused, and not caring that much, Fan Si Yu rushed at Yu Tian and shouted, "Don't you care whether I recognize you or not, first help me catch the several criminals in front of me."


Hearing that Fan Si Yu wanted the young man in front of him to arrest his three brothers, the three yellow-haired boys all laughed. Among them, the young man with a wooden stick in his hand even walked up: ''You want to arrest us? Kid, don't come and act like a hero if you're not doing anything. Have you seen our brother three? See what we have in our hands? The hero is not so good to block, don't be a hero not as, all of a sudden become a martyr." Said a stick towards the Yu Tian hit, only to see Yu Tian raised his leg is a kick, that take the stick of the thief flew out, hit the wall and bounced back, fell to the ground and did not move, do not know is dead or alive.


Yutian this stunned them, they did not expect the point so solid, this thin and weak looking young man was so ruthless, a foot kicked their companion dead or alive unknown. They were scared, really scared. However, the end of fear is madness, precisely because they are too afraid, so they are also crazy. The gun-wielding criminal, presumably the boss, shouted, "Lao Er, Lao Er how are you?" Turning his head and staring fiercely at Yutian, and pointing his gun at him, he said, "Damn, I'll waste you today, you can fight, can you beat the bullets? Lao San, that bitch is all yours."


Looked at the sky, Yu Tian sighed and said, "Forget it, do not play with you." After saying that is a wave of both hands, only two silver light flash, the oldest gun fell to the ground, holding the right hand wailed, the oldest three dagger is also bam fell to the ground, also holding the right hand in that scream. Fan Si Yu also rushed over to pick up the pistol, reversed and pointed at the two.


At this, a team of police officers ran over, "Team Fan, are you okay?"


"I'm fine, arrest them and bring them back to the station." Fan Si Yu said and walked to Yu Tian, "Thank you. My name is Fan Siyu, vice-captain of the criminal police brigade."


"You're welcome. My name is Yu Tian." Yutian looked at Fan Si Yu, "Ugh, metal buttons are just great, they're just sturdy."


Hearing these inexplicable words from Yu Tian, Fan Si Yu couldn't help but be flabbergasted, "What do you mean?"


"Oh, no, it doesn't mean anything."


"Got something to say?" Fan Si Yu said loudly.


"Really?" Yu Tian looked at Fan Si Yu's affirmative eyes and asked in a small voice, "You just ran after the thief, would you have this button suddenly boom open ah?" After saying that, he took two steps back. Sure enough a fragrant wind floated by, Fan Si Yu is a foot swept over, "You stinking hooligan, I question you to death."


"Alas, I say you girl, just now the scene is a bit tense, make a joke to relax and relax. There's no need to get so angry."


"I thought you were a good man, but I didn't realize you were a rascal."


"Never mind, I'm leaving, take your time to clean up."


"Where are you going, I'll give you a ride, I have a car."


"Then I'll be polite, Mangrove Lodge, and be fast."


Doing in the car, Fan Si Yu looked at Yu Tian, "Didn't see it, you're still rich, all living in Mangrove Villa."


Utena sighed, "Don't, I'm just staying there for a few days, I'm just a parasite."


Hearing Yutian say this, Fan Si Yu nodded her head as a matter of course, as if she remembered something, she asked, "How come your hands are so good, how did you practice? Can you teach me that technique of hurting people with coins."


"Why so good, practice." After saying that, Yu Tian closed his eyes and dozed off.


"Saying it is the same as not saying it. What's the big deal." Fan Si Yu grunted, she wasn't stupid, and looking at Yutian's face she knew that he didn't want to say anything, so she didn't dwell on it, and focused on driving the car.


Not long after, the Mangrove Villa arrived. Yu Tian said goodbye to Fan Si Yu and headed for the second villa. While walking, he laughed there, remembering when he got off the car Yu Tian felt funny. When getting off the bus, Yu Tian glanced at Fan Si Yu's breasts two more times and said to her, "Girl, I think it, you should immigrate to Australia."


Fan Siyu was puzzled, and although she understood that it wouldn't be anything good, curiosity still drove her to ask, "Why?"


"It's not clear that you don't know what Aussie Goliath is most famous for in our country?"


"What's most famous, the kangaroo?"


"I mean in terms of food, think about what aspect of food is advertised the most?"


"I don't know, what is it?"


"Take your time if you don't know, I'll tell you later if you can't think of anything." After saying that and saying goodbye he turned and walked away.


Fan Siyu driving while thinking about Yutian's words, really can't figure out the car parked on the side of the road, made a phone call to their girlfriends, "Xiaoxia ah, ask you a question, what is the Aussie Jurassic is the most famous and advertised in our country, I mean in terms of food?"


"What are you asking for?"


"Hey, just tell me the answer is all." Fan Si Yu said hurriedly.


"This ah, I really can not say, but it should be milk powder. Television is not often said what milk powder produced in Australia, ah, from what pure cows, ah, what." The girlfriend said on the other end.


With a thud, Fan Si Yu slammed one hand hard on the steering wheel. Speaking into the phone, ''Xiaoxia, ah, there's nothing more. Thank you. I'll hang up first, I have to go back to the bureau, I'll talk to you some other time." Hanging up the phone, Fan Si Yu gritted her teeth and thought: no wonder Yutian looked at her breasts twice before he spoke, so he compared himself to a cow. Her mind was now filled with the words powdered milk, cow. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, so she stretched out her head, and in the direction of Mangrove Villa, Fan Siyu shouted, "Stinking rascal, I'm at loggerheads with you."