
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 87 - Cultural Performance

Night falls, the Chinese stars are dotted. The cold wind of late fall blew, walking in the road crowd, the customary last name will be the collar tightened, unconsciously accelerated the footsteps home.

Inside Deepsea University, it was a different scene. At this moment, in the middle of the * field where sports training activities are usually conducted, a large stage was set up, and a banner was hung on the top of the stage, on which was written a line of golden letters on a red background: Warmly Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Deep Sea University.

The stage scene facilities are done very aesthetically, the lights are not all turned on at this time, can not see the effect, but from that intricate arrangement, it should be very powerful.

The stage in front of an open space, neatly placed rows of seats, and obviously then prepared for the audience. In front of the center rows also placed a dozen round tables, it seems to be for the school leadership and the school specially invited VIPs to prepare for the successive arrival of the students, three to five groups of students gathered around, laughing and joking, as if they do not even realize that the cold wind under the curtain of the night.

Yutian took Fan Si Yu, Zhao Yutong, and Sun Xiaodie, and slowly walked towards the school * field. Fan Siyu had already said that she would come to cheer for them today, and Zhao Yutong and the girls were definitely welcome.

Yutian they just appeared at the edge of the *field*, Zhang Jia ran over in a hurry, splitting his head and asking, "Why did you guys just come ah, I've been waiting for half a day, several of you are the main actors, if you miss the performance because of the lateness, then our efforts during this period of time will be wasted."

"I'm sorry, Teacher Zhang, we were a bit stuck in traffic on the way here." Zhao Yutong hurriedly apologized to Zhang Jia.

For his part, Yutian smiled indifferently and looked at Zhang Jia and asked, "Have Ke Xin and the girls arrived yet?"

"All have arrived and are waiting for you." Zhang Jia said in a good-natured manner. Why did she feel like Yu Genius was the teacher and she was just someone helping him out?

"Oh, let's go over there then." After Yu Tian finished speaking, he lifted his feet and walked towards the front.

Past a look, hey, Yu Tian suddenly froze. Xia Kexin and Huang Yuejiao stood there waiting not to mention, 409 dormitory brethren are all together not to mention, Peng Xiaofeng that kid actually brought, Cui Hao and Tian Yuan two boys, also stood there waiting.

"How did you guys come to pull this?" Yu Tian couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and opened his mouth to ask.

"Hey, Brother Tian, knowing that you have a program today, I'll bring these two boys over to give you a shout out, so that they'll know that not only is our Brother Tian capable of fighting, he's also not tops in this literary aspect."

"Can you die if you don't blow?" Yu Tian looked at Peng Xiaofeng and said helplessly.

"How is this blowing it, saying that back ... then," seeing Yu Tian handing over a warning look, Peng Xiaofeng shrunk his head and didn t dare to say anything. However, he was still a bit undeterred. "Brother Tian, are you really not going to prepare?"

"Scram." What answered him was Utena's furious roar.

Soon, as the school leaders and invited guests, as well as the students took their seats one after another, the cultural performance kicked off.

A man and a woman, two students from Deep Sea University, acted as the hosts of this party. Under their impassioned introductions, one after another wonderful program was performed on top of the stage to their heart's content. The students below also sent warm applause from time to time to show their support. Only Yutian sat on a chair, his head leaning on Fan SiYu's shoulder and dozing off. Sitting next to him were of course Fan Si Yu, Zhao Yutong, Huang Yuejiao and a few other women. Peng Xiaofeng and a few of 409's roommates were sitting not far in front and behind him.

When the host, with an excited tone of voice, introduced the fifth class of the third year, the students below launched a burst of earth-shattering cheers. The shouts also woke up Yu Tian, who curiously looked at the graceful young man on the stage, wondering what kind of charm this person had that made everyone so crazy.

Seeing Yu Tian's somewhat puzzled look, Jiang Bo turned back to him and explained to him, ''That person up there is called Luo Yuanhao, just like me, he is also from Jiangzhe and is the heir of the Luo family in Jiangzhe. He plays the piano quite beautifully with one hand, and since he is also very handsome, he has a high popularity in Deep Sea University, ranking in the top three on the school grass ranking list.

Utena laughed at that and didn't react, closing his eyes and continuing his sleep.

When Luo Yuanhao's piano sounded, everyone below held their breath and quietly listened to his performance. It had to be said that Luo Yuanhao did have high attainments in the piano, and when he finished his piece, thunderous applause rang out from below. Luo Yuanhao looked at the frantic admiration of the audience below, his heart bursting with joy, he was enjoying this scene. With a smile, he gave a salute to the audience below before he reluctantly walked off the stage.

Zhao Yutong sat on Yutian's right side, looking at Yutian who was still sleeping there, she couldn't help but say, "You also give a little reaction ah, people play so well, how can you just take it as if you didn't hear it?"

"Good? Just average." Utena didn't even open her eyes and said blandly, then, she stopped making a sound.

"You." Zhao Yutong felt that Yu Tian was being jealous, she was a little disappointed, this man's heart was too small.

Sun Xiaodie, who was sitting beside Zhao Yutong, gently tugged on her sleeve, glanced at Yu Tian with complicated eyes, and attached herself to Zhao Yutong's ear and spoke. "Everyone in the capital knows that Sister Yuyan's zither playing is out of this world, but there are rumors that Sister Yuyan's zither playing was taught by someone she loves dearly. If the rumors are true, then he really is qualified to be indifferent."

Hearing Sun Xiaodie's words, Zhao Yutong froze slightly and looked at Yu Tian with increasing curiosity.

Right at this moment, Zhang Jia bent over. With both palms lightly hitting each other twice, Zhang Jia shouted in a low voice, "Everyone go and get ready, we'll be performing in the next program."

Hearing Zhang Jia's shout, Yu Tian immediately stood up and led Zhao Yutong, Xia Kexin towards the back of the stage. Fan Gang waved his fist at Yu Tian. "Boss, cheers." Jiang Bo and Yang Mingqi then shouted, "409, stand up."

Fan Siyu and Huang Yuejiao, also waved their little hands and shouted, "Yutian, Yutong, Ke Xin, cheers."

Peng Xiaofeng made a face and roared with an evil smile. "Brother Tian, the two sister-in-laws are majestic, the rest of the sister-in-laws and I are cheering you on from down below."

Peng Xiaofeng's roar shook Yutian and the others who were walking forward, and they almost all fell to the ground. Looking at the puzzled eyes sweeping over from all around, Zhao Yutong and Xia Kexin's faces turned red with shame.

Yu Tian looked at Peng Xiaofeng, whose evil surname had returned, and said wordlessly. "You kid is really good, you wait for me." Then he took a few women and stepped away.

The male and female hosts walked slowly up to the center of the stage with charming smiles. When it was the third class' turn to perform their program, the pair of male and female hosts walked slowly up to the center of the stage with charming smiles, and the male host said in that voice with a magnetic surname, "Huaxia is a multi-ethnic country, and we at Deep Sea University also have students from various ethnic minorities."

The hostess took over the male host's topic with a sweet voice. "That's right, in this season of autumn winds and maple leaves, in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of our school, the Hmong boys and girls, dressed in their festival attire and stepping in a joyful dance, are coming towards us."

The male host changed to a loud voice and spoke in an impassioned tone, "Please welcome the students of the third class of the junior year, who will bring us a wonderful song and dance, 'Cottage Love Affair'."

As the two hosts walked off the stage, a melodious hulusi slowly sounded, and the background on the front of the stage was switched to a Miao cottage scene with bamboo forests, flowing water, and hanging footstools. The students of the third class of the third year, stepping on the rhythm of the music, came to the center of the stage and began their performance.

The rough plot is that a Miao guy, played by Yutian, and a Miao girl, played by Xia Kexin, meet and fall in love during an encounter.

Zhao Yutong and a few other women play the sisters of Xia Kexin's character, and when they learned of this, they opposed the romance, and Xia Kexin had no choice but to listen to her sisters.

Suddenly, one day, Yutian brought along a few of his own brothers, and met Xia Kexin and her sisters unexpectedly, so they used the custom of their ethnic group to talk to each other in mountain songs. As the performance progressed, the * part of the program, that is, the part where Yutian and Xia Kexin sang to each other, was about to begin.

Yutian came out from his side of the camp, cleared his throat, and sang with a very devoted look: "Little sister to shout three times {le}, listen to my brother to say the reason {le}, since the day I met you {Ya}, the soul fell in the body of my sister {le}. Xia Kexin walked up, shy face in the light refraction, more and more delicate. Looking at Yutian's encouraging eyes, Xia Kexin plucked up courage and sang with her ethereal, clean voice: "Shouting out to my brother, you hear me clearly, it's not that my sister doesn't want to come with me, my sisters advise me that I'm good for me, I'm afraid that my brother's heart isn't true". As soon as Xia Kexin's voice rang out, the audience below was shocked, and then stood up one after another, letting out a thunderous roar that went straight into the night sky. Chen Runhe looked at Zhang Jia thoughtfully, firming his thumbs up at her.

Zhang Jia was smiling at the moment, during the rehearsal, she was also shocked by Xia Kexin's voice, and she didn't expect that, during the formal performance, Xia Kexin played even better.

The roar from offstage didn't stop the performance on top of the stage, as the students of the third class went about their business and continued their performance.

Gave Xia Kexin an appreciative look, Yutian with a magnetic voice, continued to sing: "Shouting a sister you listen to the real {le}, listen to my brother to tell the truth {le}, talking about the two of us love and intention {hey}, have not been openly said tearful {le}. Xia Kexin, who has long been fully committed to the moment to throw away all the shyness, revealing the appearance of heartbreak, pear blossom with rain received: "see brother tears sister sadness {le}, in this life and this life to you with {le}, sisters advise me I do not listen {a}, even if the legs broken hamstring {le}.

Yutian rushed over, a pull Xia Kexin's small hand, affectionate singing: "love sister for me to break affection {le}, difficult to thank love unforgettable heart {le}, from now on I and you {Ya}, hand in hand with the white head of this life {le}.

Then, the brothers on Yu Tian's side rushed up and blocked the sisters on Xia Kexin's side. Yu Tian then took the opportunity to leave with Xia Kexin.

Seeing the main characters leave, the remaining dragons naturally followed and chased after them, and as the actors left the stage, as the lights dimmed, thus, the performance of class three came to an end]. When the students of the third class stood on the stage again to give their curtain call, the audience below all stood up. Despite the fact that their hands were red from clapping, their mouths were shouting loudly, and they were shouting for another one. The applause, shouts, and whistles were so loud that they did not stop for a long time.

In a corner far, far away from the stage, there stood a girl with a flowing white dress, and what made it strange was that the girl was holding an ancient sword in her hand. The girl's eyes gazed at Yutian, who was giving his curtain call on the stage, with a smile on her face as she whispered under her breath, "Yutian, Senior Sister is satisfied to be able to come over to see you, even if she goes back to Heaven Mountain now." .

Suddenly, Yu Tian on the stage seemed to notice something and looked his eyes towards the direction where the white-skirted girl was standing. When the girl saw Yu Tian's sweeping line of sight, her delicate body flicked and she shot towards the outside of the school.

Yutian did not chase after the past, just looked at, the girl left the direction of the eyes flowed out a let a person pungent thoughts and vicissitudes, standing on the stage of the figure also appears to be so vicissitudes.