
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 85 - Paying a Visit to the Parents

The next morning, looking at Fan Si Yu who was curled up like a kitten nestled in his arms, Yu Tian gently removed her small hand that was resting on his chest and got up to get dressed.

Unable to stop the love in his heart, Yu Tian lightly kissed Fan Si Yu's forehead, then helped Fan Si Yu press the quilt, quietly opened the door and walked out of the room.

The moment the door to the room was gently brought up, Fan Si Yu opened her eyes to look at it, a happy smile on her face, and then proceeded to sleep peacefully.

At the same time when Yutian made breakfast for several people after a burst of busy work, Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie came down from upstairs with light steps. "Sister Siyu isn't up yet?" Zhao Yutong yawned and looked at Yu Tian and asked . "I'm here. Just got up." Fan Siyu's voice sounded behind them, and the two of them turned around to see that Fan Siyu was using her hands to straighten her messy hair and walked out of the room with a lazy expression.

When seeing Fan Siyu, is Yu Tian's room out, Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie two people's expression is a little unnatural, although last night's movement, so that they already know, but at the moment they, or can not help but some shyness. Looking at Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie's expressions, Fan Si Yu also reacted. Looking down at the door of the room he had just walked out of, he smiled awkwardly at the two of them.

"Hehe, eat breakfast la, or it will get cold later." After saying that, Fan Si Yu lowered her head and floated past Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie.

After Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie both looked at each other, they pretended as if nothing had happened and walked towards the dining table.

After breakfast, Yu Tian was sitting on the sofa leisurely smoking a cigarette, Fan Siyu hastily and considerately poured a cup of boiling water and reached out ready to hand it to Yu Tian.

Looking at Fan SiYu, who was close to people's hearts and lungs, Yu Tian suddenly said, "SiYu, take advantage of the fact that today is Sunday and everyone is resting. How about we go visit your dad together?"

Yu Tian's words startled Fan Si Yu, the water cup she was holding in her hand almost fell to the ground. Trembling, she put the cup of water on the coffee table, Fan Si Yu looked at Yu Tian with a complicated expression, "It's better to wait a little longer, when you're done with this bout."

Although she said it easily on her lips, Fan Si Yu's heart was tossed up in huge waves with mixed feelings. Yu Tian took the initiative to visit his father, which meant going to meet his parents. Fan Siyu was touched in her heart at this, this was a reflection of Yu Tian's love for herself.

But while touched, Fan Si Yu's heart was also worried, currently herself and Yu Tian were in an embarrassing situation as there was still the presence of Peng Yuyan between the two.

Although she didn't care about the name, she didn't know what her father would think. If her father, in a fit of rage, spoke ill of Yutian, then what should she do? Both ends were her dearest people, which one should she help then?

Don't look at Yu Tian's usual picture of peace and harmony, the appearance that nothing is on his mind, but Fan Siyu could feel that behind Yu Tian's indifferent smiling expression, there was a hidden arrogance, an arrogance that disregarded the world's heroes.

Seemingly sensing Fan Si Yu's worry, Yu Tian held her small hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have a measure, let's go, the two of us have been together for a while, and we haven't been able to visit your father. Taking advantage of today are time, we will go to meet his old man."

With that, Yu Tian pulled Fan Si Yu to her feet and greeted Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie. Zhao Yutong didn't say much once she heard that Yu Tian was going to see Fan Si Yu's dad. On the contrary, it was Sun Xiaodie who yelled at Yu Tian to turn back as early as possible, so as not to let her starve for too long.

Completely defeated by this girl, Yu Tian cried and laughed as he pulled Fan Si Yu and drove towards Fan Lijun's residence.

Halfway there, while passing a supermarket, Yu Tian turned in and parked his car, pulling Fan Si Yu inside. "What are you doing?" Fan Siyu was a bit puzzled, and asked towards Yu Tian. Yu Tian thief a smile, said quietly in Fan Si Yu's ear: "This is to see the old man, can not go empty-handed, to the inside to see go, help me reference, see what to buy things good."

Hearing Yu Tian's words, Fan Siyu's small face, suddenly turned into a red apple of shame. Reaching out and pinching Yu Tian's waist, Fan Si Yu's small feet stomped slightly, pouting her mouth and pouted: "Who is your old man ah, I didn't say that I want to marry you, don't be shy."

Looking at Fan Siyu, who showed a small woman's posture, Yu Tian couldn't help but sigh, where in front of her is still half a bit of the might of the Interpol team leader ah.

Thinking of this, Yutian also joked, "If you don't marry me, then who are you going to marry?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe when fate comes along and I meet a looker, I'll marry him tomorrow."

"You dare, if you dare to look at someone else, I'll call the brothers of the Easy Sect, fight and set fire and make trouble everywhere, let you, the chief of the criminal police, be busy all day long, let you be so busy that you don't have the time to fall in love, unless you marry me," Yutian finished his sentence, glaring hatefully at Fan Siyu, and lifting his feet, he headed towards the shopping mall.

Looking at Yu Tian a picture of jealousy, and then think of his lame approach, Fan SiYu can not help but laugh, laugh with flowers, attracted countless passers-by side-eye, Fan SiYu's every move, in the eyes of the crowd looks so unique flavor . With the infinite charm of an adult* person, Fan SiYu walked towards the mall in the gazes of the people gazing at her, closely following Yu Tian's footsteps.

Soon, Yu Tian and Fan Siyu carried big bags, stepping out from the mall. Looking at the mountain of gifts that were quickly piled up on the mountain of cars, Fan Si Yu frowned and snapped, "Buying so many things, letting people see them will make others think that my dad is engaging in [****]."

"Oh, there's nothing much, just some cigarettes, wine, tea and so on, it's not that serious. Besides, buy more things, maybe your dad is happy, today will be the two of us settled. Gah, at that time, you can't even run away if you want to." Yutian smiled indifferently, that smile still had a hint of smug flavor.

"Not talking to you anymore, slick talker, focus on driving." Fan Si Yu's mouth seemed to be complaining, but the smile on her face couldn't hide the happiness in her heart.

Under the leadership of Fan Siyu, the two quickly came to Fan Lijun's unit dormitory. Fan Siyu got out of the car and stopped, at this time she was very nervous in her heart, she didn't dare to imagine what kind of scene it would be after Yutian and her father met.

"Go." Yu Tian didn't think that much about it, carrying the gifts and rushing ahead with a head start.

Come all the way, Fan Siyu can't do anything about it, can't just back out again, right? Fan Siyu thought that the two of them were always going to meet anyway, and gritted her teeth as she caught up with Yu Tian and led him towards her father's dormitory.

Arriving at the door of Fan Lijun's dormitory, Fan Siyu gently knocked on the door, then pushed it in and called out, "Dad."

Fan Lijun was sitting on the sofa watching the news, when he heard Fan Siyu's voice, he hurriedly stood up and said with a smile, "Oh, it's you the child who's here, why, suddenly want to get up and see your dad today?"

Fan Siyu blushed slightly, ever since she moved out, she really rarely came back to see her father. Thinking of this, she lowered her head and pointed behind her . "Yutian is also here."

Following his daughter's gesture, seeing Yutian, who was carrying a large bag and was standing in the doorway, Fan Lijun instantly sank his face and said blandly, "You're here too, come in and sit down ."

For the boy in front of him, Fan Lijun did not have much good feelings, and his own daughter is not clear, in the middle of a Pang Yuyan. Think of this Fan Lijun on fire, now what era, this kid still want to engage in three wives and four concubines?

Even if it could be, who's the wife? Who is the concubine? With the power of the Peng family, it was impossible for Peng Yuyan to be a concubine. If Yu Tian wanted to be with Peng Yuyan, then the legally rightful wife must be Peng Yuyan.

Then what about his daughter? Fan SiYu again how is also a, the hall of the criminal police team leader, is not no name without a title, run to give Yutian as a lover? This is Fan Li Jun how can not accept.

But seeing his daughter's attitude, Fan Lijun couldn't say anything more and could only let her go. Thinking of Fan SiYu's temper, Fan Lijun can't help but have a headache and want to hit the wall. If he were to strongly oppose it, he would really be able to do the thing of severing the father-daughter relationship, Fan SiYu.

Fan Siyu saw her father's gloomy face, her heart was very apprehensive, she was really afraid that Yu Tian slammed the door and left. A pair of apricot eyes constantly in, Fan Lijun and Yu Tian two people between the sweep to and sweep. What makes her feel relieved is that for Fan Lijun's attitude, Yu Tian doesn't mind, pretending not to see it, his eyes swept the gift in his hand, and smiled, "Uncle Fan is good, taking advantage of the fact that everyone is resting today, Siyu and I came over to take a look at you."

Stretching his hand, facing Yutian's smile, Fan Lijun had a fire in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to flare up. His face eased up a bit and pointed to the living room sofa. "Sit down and talk."

Seeing that her father's face had changed, Fan Si Yu's hanging heart relaxed a little, and she hurriedly took the gifts in Yu Tian's hand and pushed him to the edge of the sofa. "Dad, these are all bought for you by Yu Tian."

"Well, put it down." Fan Lijun glanced at Fan Siyu, understanding his daughter's mind, he was not willing to make things too difficult for Fan Siyu.

"Okay, Yu Tian, you stay here with my dad and chat for a while, I'll go get you guys some water." Fan Siyu put the gifts aside and winked at Yu Tian before picking up her teacup and heading for the kitchen.

After Fan Siyu left, Fan Lijun stared at Yu Tian and asked, "What are you going to do with my daughter?"

Hearing Fan Lijun's tone with reproach, Yu Tian smiled bitterly. Lifting his head, he replied frankly, ''To be honest, right now I really can't make a guarantee in front of you. What I can say is that no matter what happens in the future, I won't condescend to Siyu for half a minute, I will spend my entire life's days caring for her and not letting her get hurt."

Hearing Yu Tian's answer, Fan Lijun nodded in satisfaction, at least at this point he was very honest. If Yu Tian had opened his mouth and promised to give Si Yu a name or something, Fan Lijun guessed that he would have gotten up and kicked people out without saying a word. "I hope you can keep in mind what you said today..."

"I will ." Yu Tian looked at Fan Lijun and said with a firm voice.

Fan Siyu, with her back against the kitchen door, is now in tears, she tightly covered her mouth, trying not to let herself cry out, hearing Yutian's true heart, seeing the change in her father's attitude, she cried, happy tears .