
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 80: Fuck Democracy

Eyes again Monday, Yu Tian brought Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie to the school and stood at the gate early and waited . They were waiting for Xia Kexin.

Yesterday, Zhao Yutong called Zhang Jia. She told her about Xia Kexin. Of course, Zhao Yutong, in order to not let Xia Kexin too embarrassed, and Zhang Jia said this matter, some reservations. She only said that Xia Kexin and her homeroom teacher had some misunderstandings, and wanted Zhang Jia to find a way to transfer to their class, and also declared that this was also Yutian's intention.

Zhang Jia heard, full of promise, hung up the phone and immediately went to find the principal. Chen Runhe heard Zhang Jia's intentions, coupled with the knowledge that it was Yutian started, without saying a word, agreed to handle this matter on the spot.

For Yutian this classmate, Chen Runhe had a headache. As long as it was about Yu Tian's matter, his attitude was to solve it as fast as possible, otherwise, he had a handful of old bones that could not withstand the successive tossing and turning.

Getting Zhang Jia's reply, Yutian, who knew that the matter was satisfactorily resolved, waited here early in the morning, ready to accompany Xia Kexin to his class. From afar, Xia Kexin scowled as she walked towards the school, moving a step in half a day. The original aura of the eyes, at the moment full of melancholy.

Even though Utena told herself that day that it was resolved, she was still worried. She didn't know how she would face it if her homeroom teacher did tell the school about that day. Explain, who would believe it? Escape, where could one escape to?

Looking at Xia Kexin, Zhao Yutong shook her head and sighed, hurriedly running up, pulling her small hand and softly consoling her: ''Kexin, don't worry . Xiaotian has taken care of everything. No, we're waiting here, ready to take you to the classroom ."

Hearing this, Xia Kexin's small heart, which had been hanging in the air, finally fell back into place. Reddened eyes looking straight at Yu Tian, Xia Ke Xin pursed her lips for a long time, before gently spitting out a sentence: "Thank you."

"Hehe, between friends, what to say thank you ." Yu Tian wore a smile and said gently, "Let's go, it's getting late."

After Sun Xiaodie and Yu Tian left separately, Yu Tian and Zhao Yutong led Xia Kexin into the classroom of class 3, Zhao Yutong dragged Xia Kexin to the edge of her seat and sat down, Yu Tian also hurriedly returned to his own seat. At this time, An Xiaohu came up and pointed at Xia Kexin and asked, "Boss, who is that beauty?"

"A new classmate ." Yutian smiled, then looked at the gauze wrapped around An Xiaohu's head again and asked, "Is the injury serious? Xiaodie told me that you were very brave that day, thank you."

"Ugh, brave what, head opened up, don't even know how to get down the mountain ." For the boss's compliments, An Xiaohu felt a little red in the face.

"Oh, you do already very good, these two days are too busy, is ready to go to see you at night, did not think you actually came to school, how not in the hospital for two days hospitalization ."

Yutian's concern for An Xiaohu was very touched, he pretended to be indifferent. "It's okay, the head is only traumatic, the bones on the body, have done CT, also not broken. Luckily we have thick meat ah, it seems that obesity is not necessarily a bad thing."

Yutian couldn't help but be happy, helplessly looking at An Xiaohu and cursing with a smile, "Crooked reasoning ."

"Hey, boss, let me tell you, I snuck out of the hospital for two days, and it almost bored me to death, so I might as well come to the school to see the pretty girls and talk to you, boss."

"How can that be?" Yu Tian raised his voice in surprise, he didn't expect An Xiaohu to come up with such a plan. Staring at An Xiaohu, Yu Tian's face was serious. "Go back to the hospital right away, return to school when your injuries are completely healed, I'll visit you when I have time."

"No way, boss." Hearing that Yu Tian wanted him to rejoin the hospital, An Xiao Hu was a bit reluctant.

"Go back, immediately." Yu Tian let out a stern cry, startling the entire class, Zhao Yutong and Xia Kexin also turned back to look at Yu Tian and An Xiaohu with puzzled eyes, as if asking the two, what had happened.

"Alright, I'll go back right away." Seeing that Yutian was furious, An Xiaohu had no choice but to get up and go back to the hospital. Walking to the door, he was still resentfully screaming in his heart: if he had known, he wouldn't have told the boss.

Not long after An Xiaohu went out, Zhang Jia walked in holding the textbook. Placing the textbook on the podium, Zhang Jia looked in Xia Kexin's direction and spoke to the class, "Before class begins, let's introduce to the class a, newly transferred student. Xia Kexin student, please stand up and introduce yourself."

Xia Kexin stood up in response, scanning the class, her voice like a warbler, "Hello everyone, my name is Xia Kexin. In the future, please take care of your classmates."

The entire male class of class 3 let out a wolf howl and applauded like thunder, in their opinion, a new stunning beauty in the class was something worth celebrating no matter what. The rest of the female classmates naturally followed the trend and applauded in welcome.

Zhang Jia reached out to suppress the applause and said with a straight face, "Alright, class will now begin."

Soon, one class period passed. Zhang Jia walked over to Yu Tian and reminded him softly. "Don't forget what you promised me." After saying that, she hugged the textbook and floated away with lotus broken steps.

Leaving behind the doubly helpless Yutian, he sat on his desk with a bitter smile.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, the end of school time arrived. Yutian followed Zhao Yutong and Xia Kejian out of the classroom, ready to go home.

When they arrived at the school entrance, Sun Xiaodie and Huang Yuejiao were waiting for their arrival with expectant faces. "Why are you guys so slow? Sister Yutong, didn't you say that there was an activity after school? We've waited so long that the flowers are almost gone."

"Activity, what activity? How come I don't know?" Yu Tian was a bit puzzled and hurriedly asked.

Zhao Yutong sent a Yutian a sanitary eye and proposed in a serious manner. "In order to celebrate Ke Xin's transfer to our class 3, I'll mention Yi, let's go to KTV to celebrate."

"Good, it's been a long time since we went karaoke." Sun Xiaodie clapped her hands and shouted excitedly. Huang Yuejiao also agreed.

"No, I think if we want to celebrate, we should go home and cook a good meal, that would be more practical." Utena immediately voiced her opinion in opposition.

Glancing angrily at Yu Tian, Zhao Yutong turned her head and looked at Sun Xiaodie. "Xiaodie, the old rules, Ming Boiled Vote."

"Don't, don't ever do that. Go to Karaoke, whoever doesn't go I'll be in a hurry with." Without waiting for Sun Xiaodie and the girls to vote, Yu Tian hurriedly expressed his agreement with Zhao Yutong's proposal. In his heart, he secretly screamed, "Ming Boil, go to hell with Ming Boil. Last time it was three to one, this time it might be four to one, or at the very least three to one. Having suffered a loss once, Yutian did not want to suffer a second time, he felt that it would be better to do a favor. Satisfied with a glance at Yu Tian, charming phoenix eyes seem to say: "Comrade, your awareness has improved ah." Then, Zhao Yutong waved her small hand and chirped, "Depart."

A few people came to the entrance of Guangyuan Bar, and Yu Tian unexpectedly saw that Fan Si Yu had actually waited there a long time ago. "Why are you here too?"

"Seems like you're very reluctant to see me, doesn't it? Could it be that I can't come?" Fan Si Yu's eyes glared as she pretended to be angry and asked.

"How could it be, it was just a bit of a surprise, aren't you at work?"

"It's off duty now." Fan Siyu rolled her eyes, a bit skeptical of Yutian's intelligence. Earlier, when Zhao Yutong called her, she was still at work. Thinking that she hadn't come out to relax for a while either, she agreed over the phone. When she got off work, she rushed over, not realizing that when she arrived, Zhao Yutong and the others hadn't come yet, so she had no choice but to wait outside the door.

As soon as Huang Yuejiao saw her doorstep, she warmly greeted everyone and headed inside the bar. Led by Huang Yuejiao, the few people went straight up to the second floor. The first floor was a haunted bar and the second floor was a clear bar. After arranging for everyone to enter the private rooms, Huang Yuejiao went out and ordered the waiter to get Yu Tian and the others wine and fruit plates and such.

When everything was ready, Huang Yuejiao started to call everyone to order songs, she stood on the side, acting as the role of the box 'princess', helping Yu Tian and the others to choose and play the songs.? Sun Xiaodie was the most playful, and without any shyness, she grabbed the microphone and sang to the lyrics on the screen. Then Fan Si Yu and Zhao Yutong also joined in the Karaoke. Yutian, on the other hand, was alone, hiding in the corner, leisurely smoking nicotine.

After fooling around for a while, Zhao Yutong pulled over Xia Kexin as she handed the microphone to her. "Ke Xin, today is a welcome ceremony aimed at you, you also give everyone a song."

"I won't." Xia Ke Xin was a bit shy and hastily refused to.

Fan Si Yu looked at the shy girl and helped to encourage and cheer. "Ke Xin, don't be afraid. There are no outsiders, it doesn't matter if you sing well or not." Huang Yuejiao and Sun Xiaodie were also at the same time, handing her an encouraging look.

"Alright then, Yuejiao, play a song called 'Flowing Years' for me." With so much encouragement, Xia Ke Xin gathered her courage and ordered a song from Huang Yue Jiao.

With the accompaniment slowly ringing, Xia Kexin lightly opened her red lips, sang to the microphone: "Love an angel's shortcomings, with a devil's language, God in the clouds only winked a wink, the last eyebrow a frown head a little bit of ... a lifetime of narrow paths can not be spared in the end, the palm of the hand suddenly grows entangled curves, know things Before the love affair later long but one day, which year to make a lifetime change."

When Xia Kexin finished her song "Flowing Years", the scene was silent. Xia Kexin looked at everyone a little nervously. "Don't laugh at me if I don't sing well."

After a long time, Sun Xiaodie dejectedly threw the microphone in her hand, to the coffee table, and let out a long sigh. "Alas, after hearing Sister Ke Xin sing, I really feel inferior."

"Good." Yu Tian, who had been sitting in the corner without making a sound, suddenly bellowed. Then he rushed over and hugged Zhao Yutong, laughing, "Haha, Yutong. It was a brilliant decision on your part to come to Karaoke today."

Being suddenly hugged by Yu Tian in front of so many people. Zhao Yutong's heart was like a deer in the headlights at the moment, and her pretty little face was practically red. She pushed Yu Tian away with force and glared at him with feigned anger.

Knowing that he was out of line, Yu Tian laughed, pulled Xia Kexin's small hand, and hurriedly said: ''Kexin, you have to do me a favor. Specifically, I still have to plan, so, today you first go back with us. Wait for me to think about it and then talk to you in detail."

"Go, go home immediately." After saying that, and ignoring the puzzled eyes of the crowd, Yu Tian laughed loudly and headed for the door.

"Crazy, Brother Xiaotian is crazy." Sun Xiaodie murmured.

Fan Si Yu looked at the women who were frozen on the spot, wide-eyed, and said breathlessly, "Let's go." Then, she led the way and followed Yu Tian's footsteps.