
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 73 - Two Requests

After Hong Wu Ya and Li Zi Cong left, Zhou Chen hurriedly called his brothers to drag away those four bodyguards on the ground.

Yu Tian looked at Huang Yuejiao and said, "Now you should also go back, I'll see you off."

"No, I'm not going back, I still have to drink." Huang Yuejiao pouted, savagely rejecting Yu Tian's proposal.

Frowning slightly, Yu Tian revealed a trace of displeasure. Seeing such a situation, Fan Si Yu and Zhao Yutong hurriedly came up to help persuade Huang Yuejiao, the two of them picking up Huang Yuejiao with one on the left and one on the right and were ready to walk out.

Pushing Fan Si Yu and Zhao Yutong away forcefully, Huang Yuejiao ran to the bar, grabbed a bottle of draft beer with her hand, opened the cap, and gulped a few mouthfuls into the mouth of the bottle.

Rushing over and snatching the bottle, Yu Tian slightly angrily picked up Huang Yuejiao, flipped her body and laid it across the bar, reaching out to Huang Yuejiao's arse, snapping, slapping it several times in a row. "Have you made enough of a scene? Look at you, what do you look like now?"

Having never seen Yu Tian get so angry, at this moment, Sun Xiaodie shrank her neck in fear. Fan Siyu and Zhao Yutong also unnaturally put their hands behind their backs and secretly touched their plump buttocks, secretly thinking in their hearts that if they pissed off Yutian, would this bastard do the same to them.

Zhou Chen and the gang of brothers under him, seeing the situation in front of them, hurriedly each turned their heads away and looked up at the ceiling. Their own family's eldest young lady had been spanked by Yu Tian in full view of everyone, and they could only pretend not to see it. Yu Tian had saved the Green Dragon Gang and themselves personally.

Besides, it was obvious to all fools that Huang Yuejiao liked Yu Tian. With all the fighting between the two, they weren't stupid enough to get into the muddy water.

Thinking of herself being spanked by Yu Tian, in front of so many people, coupled with a fiery pain coming from her buttocks. Huang Yuejiao under the shyness, do not feel sad from the heart, lying on the bar, whimpering and crying.

Huang Yuejiao cried this time, but it made Yu Tian's hands busy. "Ok la, I'm sorry, I was too heavy handed, I apologize, don't cry." Saying that, Yu Tian immediately carried Huang Yuejiao down from the bar.

Huang Yuejiao jumped into Yu Tian's arms and cried even harder. As she cried, she shouted, "You're right, it's my fault. I know that I'm very willful and only play the temper of a young lady, I can't do anything to help at critical moments, and I'm also giving you trouble. I don't want to be like this, I really don't want to."

Under the emotional excitement, the wine gas upward, Huang Yuejiao in Yu Tian's arms wow vomit up. Without revealing any trace of disgust, Yu Tian laughed bitterly and took the tissue handed over by Fan SiYu, gently helping Huang YueJiao wipe away the stains around her mouth.

Zhou Chen immediately ordered a waitress to bring a basin of hot water. Fan Siyu and Zhao Yutong Sun Xiaodie thoughtfully carried over the hot water and carefully helped Huang Yuejiao wipe away the stains on her clothes.

Yu Tian also took this opportunity to remove the jacket on his body. Zhou Chen handed over a suit at the right time and said, "Brother Liu, the weather is a bit cool, make do."

"Thank you, I'll send Yuejiao back first." After saying that, Yu Tian picked up Huang Yuejiao and walked towards the door, Fan Si Yu and the others, after giving a slight nod to Zhou Chen, turned around and left right behind Yu Tian.

Walking to the front of the car, Fan Siyu immediately took two steps in a hurry to help Yu Tian open the car door and put Huang Yuejiao into the car. Reaching out to help Yu Tian straighten his collar, Fan Si Yu softly said, "You send Yue Jiao back, I'll take a taxi with Yutong and Xiao Die."

Looking back at Zhao Yutong twice, Yu Tian wanted to say something.

Knowing that he was worried for himself, Fan Si Yu smiled sweetly. "Don't worry, with Jack and the others following behind, nothing will happen."

Glancing a few times toward a Toyota parked on the side of the road, Utena nodded. "Alright then, you guys be careful and give me a call when you get home."

"Well, you should be careful too." Fan Si Yu nodded her head in agreement, in turn admonishing Yu Tian. Then, she pulled Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie, stopped a rental car, and headed in the direction of the Red Tree Villa.

Yu Tian looked at the direction of the cab's departure and gestured at the Toyota, which immediately started its motor at Yu Tian's signal and followed the cab without slowing down.

Turning back around, Yu Tian also started the car and drove Huang Yuejiao towards the Rose Garden.

Rose Garden door, received Zhou Chen phone report of Huang Yulong, has been waiting there for a long time. When Yu Tian's car drove in and stopped, Huang Yulong hurriedly stepped forward and opened the car door. Seeing that Huang Yuejiao had fallen asleep, he hurriedly called over the maid and helped Huang Yuejiao in.

Pulling Yutian into the living room to sit down, waiting for the maid to brew tea, Huang Yulong said: "Xiaotian, just now Zhou Chen gave me a phone call, the matter of the general I also have some understanding. Thank you words will not say more, I Huang Yulong owes you a favor, also not once or twice, here, I want to say is that in the future, you have what need to help, despite the opening, Uncle Huang spelled this old life, but also do not want to spare."

"Uncle Huang is overstating it, we are all friends, and Xiaotian is only doing his bit." Yu Tian picked up his teacup and gently took a sip, his expression was indifferent.

"Fine, fine, that's enough of that." Huang Yulong looked at Yutian and laughed, then asked with a tentative surname, "How's the consideration of what I told you a few days ago."

Slowly placing the teacup on the coffee table, Yu Tian's face became grave. He had been hesitant regarding whether or not to take over the Green Dragon Gang.

Drifting in foreign countries these years, Yu Tian has long been tired of the life of fighting and killing. Originally wanted to go back to China to complete the mission, then find a place to live a quiet and comfortable day. But did not expect not long, on the offense so many forces. Domestic has the Li family, Lingnan gang, foreign has the Black Dragon Society, black alliance.

Offended them, if they are just alone, just, with their own hands want to protect themselves, no problem at all. But now he has been around Peng Yuyan, Fan Siyu's existence, from childhood lack of loved ones love Yu Tian, Peng Yuyan and Fan Siyu of this tenderness, extraordinarily important. So, for the sake of their safety, Yu Tian felt the need to establish a force of their own in the country.

Coupled with the experience he just had at Wutong Mountain, it also deeply stimulated Yu Tian, he did not expect that the Li Family had cultivated such a group of manpower. Thinking about his past knot with the Li Family, Yu Tian understood that he and the Li Family would eventually come to a showdown. Thus, towards establishing his own forces, the idea in Yu Tian's heart, also became more determined.

In order to establish one's own forces, one had to gather manpower. Speaking of manpower, it wasn't like Yu Tian didn't have any, the real boss of the Exploding Bear Mercenary Group was him.

However, pulling the Exploding Bear Mercenary Corps over, it was impossible, the Chinese political axe would not allow, these foreign mercenaries to enter the country. Therefore, taking over the Green Dragon Gang turned out to be the best option.

Seeing that Yu Tian was silent, Huang Yulong couldn't guess what was going on in his mind for a moment. Thus, he hesitantly asked, "Xiaotian, you?"

Huang Yulong's question interrupted Yu Tian's contemplation. Taking a deep breath, Yu Tian deliberated for a few moments, and said in as euphemistic a tone as possible: "Uncle Huang, let me take over the Green Dragon Gang, I can promise. But I have a few requirements to say first, if the Green Dragon Gang can accept it, I will take over, if I can't accept it, let's just pretend that we didn't talk about this today, and we will all still be friends in the future."

"You say." In the face of these words from Yu Tian, Huang Yulong was not only not angry, but on the contrary, he was greatly appreciative of Yu Tian's candor.

"Then I'll be blunt, if I were to take over the Green Dragon Gang . First, the name has to be changed . I hope that the group of brothers I'm taking with me will no longer be purely triad, and I hope? I want to change them in essence. Train them into a group of hot-blooded men with ideals, aspirations and righteousness. , flying without being domineering, wild without losing justice. This change of name is only the beginning, there will be other subsequent modifications. As for the Green Dragon Gang to call what, that is the aftermath, let's not mention. Secondly, no drugs, at least not in China, this is not negotiable. What I'm going to say is these two points, Uncle Huang consider it first."

"Well, the two points you made, the first one, I can answer you right away, I agree. And I'm also very supportive of you, and I hope that they will change essentially by following you."

After a moment's silence, Huang Yulong continued, "As for the second point you mentioned, I won't lie to you, the Green Dragon Gang does have a drug business. Since I established the Jade Dragon Group, I have gradually reduced the Green Dragon Gang's share of this business. Of course, the current share of the business is very small, but it also brings huge profits to the Green Dragon Gang. If you suddenly cut it off, the expenses of so many brothers in the gang will be a problem. I'm afraid this is not something that can be understood so easily in their eyes."

"Oh, this Uncle Huang do not have to worry, just started, difficult is difficult. To make money we can think of other ways, but absolutely can not get involved in drugs. You should know, China's political axe on drugs this piece of the fight attitude, is how tough, so we want to do strong and big, in the road to mix a sky, we must not touch the bottom line of the political axe. Otherwise, under the political axe's thunderous bombardment, even the strongest will be in vain."

After hearing this, Huang Yulong lowered his head in deep thought, gently tapping the edge of the sofa with his fingers from time to time. After a long time, Huang Yulong raised his head, his eyes staring straight at Yutian with an extremely determined gaze.

"Alright, let's do as you say, I'll go and convince them. For the brothers who can't accept it, I will take out a portion of money from the Jade Dragon Group to compensate them. The brothers of the Green Dragon Gang have followed me for so many years. For the sake of the future of most of the brothers, what's the harm in scattering the Jade Dragon Group?"

Yu Tian smiled faintly and said, "Uncle Huang, don't worry. Since I'm taking over this errand, I'll do my best to take responsibility, I won't let them go hungry."

"What are you talking about? No matter what this Green Dragon Gang changes its name to, I'm still a part of it, so can't I do something for the gang?" Huang Yulong said with bravado.

"Haha, then it's a deal. You can discuss it with the other brothers first, and I'll wait for your reply."

"Okay, I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"Then without anything else, I'll go back first." Yu Tian stood up and said goodbye to Huang Yulong.

"I'll see you off." Huang Yulong followed suit and got up, walking side by side with Yu Tian towards the door.