
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 71 - You can get out now.

The lights are on, and the evening wind is blowing. At this moment, in the Guangyuan Bar, the crowd was booming, and the light and shadows were dislocated. The dyed yellow hair dj, doing exaggerated movements on the stage, controlling the rhythm of the sound, occasionally impacting the eardrums of the crowd.

In the corners around the bar venue, there were a few big men standing in twos and threes, their eyes sweeping towards the crowd in the bar from time to time, just in case someone made a scene. Zhou Chen took two of his men and stood in one of the corners on the east side, his eyes staring at the direction of the bar, not daring to have the slightest relaxation.

In front of the bar sat a young girl in a red leisure suit, was drinking a mulled wine there alone. The long bar is sitting on the girl alone, not no one is not willing to sit over, is not dare. The two ends of the bar each stood a black-clothed man, his eyes staring coldly at the crowd of people who wanted to come over to accost him. The eyes of the killing gas, people look away just have a yellow curly hair of young people do not believe in evil, hard to run up to find a beautiful woman to drink two cups, unexpectedly, was one of the black-clothed hans like catching chickens, grabbed and thrown out, so no one dared to cross the minefield half step.

"One more." The girl in red called out to the bartender. Without using his usual fancy maneuvers and quickly mixing a drink, the bartender glanced into the east corner and hesitantly handed the drink to the girl.

The girl took the glass, tilted her head back and drained it in one gulp, then, again, passed the glass forward, signaling that she wanted more. This time, the bartender was so anxious that he was on the verge of tears, and he could only aim his gaze at the east corner once again.

Zhou Chen sighed helplessly and walked to the front of the bar, pushing the empty wine glass to the side. Looking at the empty bottle of wine on the side, Zhou Chen shook his head with a bitter smile,, "Missy, you've already had almost enough to drink, it's better to go back first, so as not to worry Master Huang."

Zhou Chen also wondered, in the afternoon in Wutong Mountain, Miss is still good, to the evening, this just a light, Huang Yuejiao ran over, a person sitting here drinking wine. Drinking two bottles, Zhou Chen ran over to persuade, but Huang Yuejiao do not listen, under no circumstances, Zhou Chen had to arrange two brothers in the bar this guard, in case there is not long-eyed up, cause Huang Yuejiao temper. For insurance purposes, he also stood on one side of the corner staring, in case of accidents.

"Give it to me, give me the glass, I want another drink." Huang Yuejiao grabbed the glass, *and the bartender poured another full glass. Picking up the glass, Huang Yuejiao looked sideways at the dance floor, madly twisting her body, showing off her dance moves of men and women, her eyes lost in thought.

Although the hero to save the beauty of a very cliché, but also the most able to impress the young girl's heart. Yutian several times saved Huang Yuejiao's life, let Huang Yuejiao on his early love roots deep seeded. To Yu Tian's love, Huang Yuejiao has never hidden.

But today, after the Wutong Mountain incident, Huang Yuejiao returned home and recalled the whole thing. The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became, and the more heartbreaking it became. She realized that when Yutian needed help, she couldn't do anything to help, and could only stay on the side and be anxious.

Pang Yuyan has a strong family background and holds up the sky for Yutian. Fan Siyu, as the captain of the criminal police team, can rightfully mobilize manpower in times of crisis. The Green Dragon Gang seems to call the shots in the deep sea, but at critical moments can not add a little help to the Yu Tian, but instead, he has time and again out of the blue, to save the Green Dragon Gang in distress.

Huang Yuejiao did not want to be a vase, she hoped to help Yu Tian do something, but was powerless to change the status quo, under the bitterness, she once again picked up the wine glass, tilted her head back and drank it all in one gulp, and turned her head to ask the bartender to help her pour the empty glass full again.

Zhou Chen took a look and hurriedly stopped it. Although the degree of this wine is not high, but you can not drink like this, he quickly called two waitresses, set up Huang Yuejiao, ready to send her back.

"Let go of me, I still have to drink. Huang Yuejiao pushed away the two waitresses beside her with force and shouted.

Just as Zhou Chen was about to open his mouth again to persuade a sound when a voice came over abruptly. "This bar its strange, people beautiful girl called to drink, but you do not give. Are you afraid that she can't afford the bill? It's okay, count me in."

Zhou Chen turned around to see Li Zi Cong and a strange young man, followed by four suited and booted men, the one who opened his mouth to speak was the strange young man. Zhou Chen stared at the young man and said in a cold voice, "Friend, please don't talk nonsense, be careful of the trouble coming out of your mouth."

"Oh, am I wrong?" The young man defied Zhou Chen and walked over to Huang Yuejiao, introducing himself, he said, "Hello, beautiful, my name is Hong Wuya, can I make a friend with you?"

"Not interested." Huang Yuejiao gave Hong Wuya a drunken look and said in an icy tone.

In the face of Huang Yuejiao's refusal, Hong Wuya didn't mind. He looked at Huang Yuejiao colorfully, the wine halo on his pretty face was reddish, a pair of slightly drunken apricot eyes, at this moment appeared extraordinarily seductive. "It doesn't matter, surname interest can be cultivated slowly."

This sentence of Hong Wu Ya made Zhou Chen suddenly changed color, long time in the road to mix, how can he not know, Hong Wu Ya this sentence is something else. He coldly looked at Hong Wu Ya, a murderous aura in his eyes. "Friend, please show some respect. If you come to drink, we welcome you, if you come to find trouble, then don't blame us for not being polite. I hope you can understand one thing, this is the Green Dragon Gang's venue, and the one in front of you is our Green Dragon Gang's Missy."

Hong Wuya smiled indifferently and said proudly, "The Green Dragon Gang is great? So what if she's the eldest lady of the Green Dragon Gang? Since she wants to talk about her family name, I will accompany her to talk about her family name. What? Am I wrong?" After saying that, he also turned his head and pretended to look at Li Zicong, and the four bodyguards behind himself.

Li Zi Cong added a timely fire: "Hong Shao did not say wrong, I guess Miss Huang saw Hong Shao a watch, suave, suddenly came to the surname of interest, want to communicate with Hong Shao good exchange."

"Hahahahaha, Li Zicong's words made Hong Wu Ya, laugh even more proudly, and those four bodyguards followed suit in order to give their boss a big laugh.

"Bang," Huang Yue? Jiao grabbed an empty wine bottle and violently smashed it on Hong Wu Ya's head. Hong Wu Ya's head instantly opened up and blood flowed straight down his hair.

Everyone around them looked at Huang Yuejiao dumbfounded, not expecting her to be able to be so fierce. Some of the timid ones saw this and immediately screamed in fear. The black-clothed dudes in the corners of the perimeter hurriedly told the DJ to turn off the stereo and start clearing the floor.

The people who had just jumped on the bandwagon and wanted to come up to find Huang Yuejiao to accost her couldn't help but secretly wipe their sweat and secretly celebrate in their hearts. Fortunately, earlier did not impulse, otherwise now the head open, is likely to be their own.

The four bodyguards behind Hong Wu Ya were ready to rush over and take down Huang Yue Jiao when they saw the Young Gang Leader being beaten. Hong Wu Ya stopped them, reached out and wiped the blood on his head, passed it to his mouth and licked it with his tongue a few times. Then, he laughed maniacally at Huang Yuejiao, "Good, good, good, have a surname, I like it, you'll wait to be my Huang Wu Ya's woman."

"Do your spring and autumn dream." Huang Yuejiao chortled coldly. "Dreaming? Hahaha, there isn't a woman that I, Hong Wu Ya, have set my eyes on that I haven't gotten my hands on."

Hong Wuya's arrogance made Zhou Chen incomparably angry. "Friend, you're doing this, you're not putting us, the Green Dragon Gang, in your eyes too much."

"Hehe, so what if you don't put the Green Dragon Gang in your eyes?" Hong Wu Ya defied Zhou Chen and said in an unassailable manner, "Go back and tell your gang leader that I, Hong Wu Ya, will take this beauty. Three days later, I will come back, if he is sensible, he will obediently hand over his daughter to me, and today's incident will be treated as if it didn't happen. If not. You guys just wait for Lingnan Gang's raging storm."

"You're from the Lingnan Gang?" Hearing these words, Zhou Chen immediately appeared shocked and secretly screamed in his heart. Unexpectedly today, the young lady had caused such a big trouble because of her drunkenness.

"Young Hong is the young master of the Lingnan Gang." Li Zicong introduced himself proudly on the side, having such a powerful ally, he felt that he was also very honorable.

"So what if I'm the young master of the Lingnan Gang? This is the deep sea, don't dream of wanting me to be your woman." Learning that Hong Wu Ya was the Young Gang Leader of Lingnan Gang, Huang Yue Jiao immediately sobered up most of her wine. Biting her red lips lightly, she complained in her heart that she was too impulsive.

As the first lady of the Green Dragon Gang, she often stayed by Huang Yulong's side, and she had heard about what kind of existence the Lingnan Gang was. Green Dragon Gang in the Deep Sea is not bad, but compared to Lingnan Gang, the gap is not half a star. Although her heart is a little worried, but Huang Yuejiao's mouth, but half refused to bow down.

The situation is stronger than the people, Zhou Chen at this moment also has no way, only have to harden his head, with a smile to Hong Wu Ya said: "Hong young, our lady today drink too much, so offended Hong young, you don't take it to heart. In this way, if Young Hong spends money here today, all the bills will be counted on Mister Zhou as an apology. How?"

"Haha, I also don't want to talk too much nonsense with you guys, or what I just said, I'll give you guys three days to think it over before replying to me." After Hong Wu Ya revealed his identity, that arrogant aura appeared even more unbeatable.

Seeing that Hong Wu Ya was not relenting, Zhou Chen lowered his head and secretly pondered, wondering if he should immediately invite Huang Yulong over and let the gang leader decide how to respond to this matter.

"It doesn't take three days, I can answer you now, you can get lost." A voice rang out behind the crowd, its tone so cloudy.

Hearing this familiar voice, Zhou Chen hurriedly raised his head and saw that Yu Tian was slowly walking over with three stunningly beautiful women.

Seeing Yu Tian's appearance, the expressions on everyone's faces varied. A touch of shyness surfaced on Huang Yuejiao's face and a slight mist of water appeared in her eyes. She didn't want her drunken ugliness to be seen by Yu Tian, yet she was touched by the fact that when she was in trouble, Yu Tian would always show up in time.

Zhou Chen and a bunch of his men on the other hand were wearing a face of surprise, with Yutian around, there shouldn't be any problems with today's events.

Li Zicong looked at Yu Tian, a hint of viciousness flashing through his horrified eyes. This plague god who had repeatedly ruined his plans was standing right in front of him at this moment, and he couldn't wait to rush up and split Yu Tian alive. But he also understood Yu Tian's terror, so even though he had this mind, he did not have the guts.

Hong Wu Ya, on the other hand, was puzzled, not knowing what the young man in front of him was about, daring to talk to himself like that.