
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 63 - A woman's words can't be trusted

Under Zhang Jia's leadership, the students of Deep Sea University's Big 3 class came to a place called ''Tongshan Stream'' and never wanted to go any further.

Yutian couldn't help but secretly praise this place for being truly beautiful even as he looked around.

A flat grassy area of nearly a hundred meters in circumference is very suitable for students to camp here. A small brook slowly flowed beside it, and from time to time there were palm-sized fish swimming leisurely in the bottomless brook.

Although it was already late fall, there were still some unknown wildflowers blooming around, red and white, very charming. When you close your eyes and take a deep breath, you can smell the fragrance in the air.

"So beautiful." Sun Xiaodie praised, then pulled Zhao Yutong and ran to the side, picking wildflowers regardless.

Looking at her classmates' attachment to this place, Zhang Jia could only follow everyone's advice and prepare for a camping picnic here. To be honest, she had come to Wutong Mountain twice, and each time she herself would be mesmerized by the scenery here.

Under Zhang Jia's command, the students also began to get busy. Some set up tents, some set up barbecue stalls, some categorized and put away the picnic food, and some ran to the creek to clean the picnic dishes.

Seeing that her classmates were busy, Zhao Yutong was too embarrassed to pick flowers on the side, so she ran to Yutian's side and helped him set up the tent.

When Sun Xiaodie saw Zhao Yutong also run away, she also put the wildflowers in her hand aside and helped her classmates in the third class, doing some small things that she could do.

There is strength in numbers. Soon, all the preparations were ready and the time was approaching noon, and the students started to prepare their lunch in groups of three or five.

Yutian, Zhao Yutong, Sun Xiaodie is naturally in a group, An Xiaohu is shamelessly hard to come in, saying that Yutian is his boss, as a little brother does not follow the boss, how can it?

There were a few rich kids in class 3 who looked at Yutian's ravishing behavior and were very jealous. They rolled up their sleeves and set up their pots and pans, ready to show off their skills, hoping to catch Zhao Yutong's attention.

Deep Sea University was an aristocratic school, ninety percent of the students inside were non-fortunate but noble. These people were usually highly favored at home, and their hands were not touched by the spring water. At this moment, asking them to cook a meal with their own hands would not be killing them.

Sure enough, after a bout of hand-wringing, one by one, they either cooked the rice, or didn't cook it, or cooked it into a pot of rice soup, and only in terms of barbecuing, a few of them barely made it.

Looking at everything in front of her, Zhang Jia also couldn't help but shake her head repeatedly and sigh, "They're all flowers in the greenhouse, ah, not even a little bit of self-reliance."

Afterwards, Zhang Jia turned her head towards Yu Tian again, she wanted to see how Yu Tian's performance, again, was like most of the students. When she turned her gaze towards Yu Tian, she couldn't help but freeze, her beautiful single phoenix eyes widened, and the smile on her face grew wider and wider.

Seeing that Yutian was not panicking, he washed the rice and put it into the pot, and then lit the firewood that An Xiaohu had picked. Explaining to An Xiaohu, he said, "Keep an eye on it, keep this fire going, and call me when the white gas comes out of the pot later."

After An Xiaojou nodded in understanding, Yu Tian pulled out a dagger he had with him and sharpened several long stretches of branches, one end of which was sharpened to a sharp point.

Sun Xiaodie asked in confusion, "What are you doing? Threading lamb skewers? Aren't there ready-made wooden sticks?" Although Zhao Yutong didn't say anything, she had the same question in her eyes.

Facing Sun Xiaodie's series of questions, Yu Tian smiled mysteriously and asked in a low voice, "I'll take you to catch fish later, are you going?"

When Sun Xiaodie heard this, her eyes opened round and she nodded her head repeatedly. "Go, definitely go, let's go now, how about it?"

Without waiting for Yu Tian's reply, Sun Xiaodie pulled up Yu Tian's arm and dragged him to the creek. Seeing this, Zhao Yutong also followed, wanting to see what was going on.

Coming to the stream, Yu Tian gazed at the fish swimming around in the stream and held his own breath. Suddenly, he threw the branch in his hand in a lightning fast manner. Only to see a bubble of blood, Yu Tian lifted the branch, and a palm-sized small fish was nailed to the branch with a dead weight.

Looking at Yutian's one-two action, Sun Xiaodie's eyes were colorful, she clapped her little hands and shouted with a leap, "Wow, Brother Xiaotian, you are really good, quick, get a few more."

Zhao Yutong, who was following behind, was also looking at Yu Tian with a mesmerized face, that hand just now was indeed too handsome, she really didn't expect Yu Tian to be able to play such a hand.

Walking up and down the creek, repeating the actions he had just done, in no time, Yu Tian caught a dozen or so small fishes. Then, he squatted by the creek, pulled out his dagger, and his hand shadowed over. In no time, the small fish were gutted and cleaned.

Yu Tian used a branch to string the small fish into a string and carried it in his hand as he slowly walked towards An Xiaohu's place. Sun Xiaodie, on the other hand, followed behind with her ass, saying something to Yutian from time to time.

Zhao Yutong walked up, glanced at Yu Tian, didn't say anything, just took out a paper towel, ignoring Yu Tian's dodging, and tenderly helped him wipe away the water droplets that had just splashed on his face from catching fish.

Zhang Jia's eyes were also surprised when she saw the flurry of small fish in Yu Tian's hand, the strength of Yu Tian's survival ability in the wild was too beyond her expectations. Seeing the way Zhao Yutong helped Yu Tian wipe away the water droplets, she secretly said in her heart: the two of them are indeed a very good match. Unconsciously remembering her own encounter, Zhang Jia lowered her head again glumly and secretly wiped away the trace of water mist in her eyes.

When Yu Tian came back, the rice that An Xiaohu had cooked also happened to be steaming white. Yutian quickly ordered, "Xiaohu, put out the open fire, just leave the dark fire."

"Hey, okay." An Xiaohu is also a master who can only eat, can't do, now he, is everything to listen to the command of Yu Tian.

Adding charcoal to the barbecue stall, Yu Tian began to get busy, his hands dancing, from time to time, he used his dagger to make knife blossoms on the chicken legs, small fish, from time to time, he sprinkled seasonings and spices on it.

On the other side, Zhao Yutong picked up a few small fish, put them into the pot, added water, and covered the pot. As instructed by Yu Tian, he paid attention to the fire.

Not long after, with Yutian's cry, "Okay, dinner is ready." The aroma of the barbecue stand An Xiaohu monkeyed with the lid of the pots and pans to uncover them one by one. The aroma of rice, the aroma of fish soup came to the surface.

Reaching out and grabbing a chicken leg, Sun Xiaodie opened her mouth and nibbled on it. Looking at Sun Xiaodie's mouth full of oil gluttony, An Xiaohu swallowed his saliva and asked repeatedly, "How is it? How is it?"

"What's your hurry? Aren't I just tasting the flavor? The flavor is also still average, you first set up this pot ah, bowl ah, chopsticks and whatnot, and you'll know if you taste it yourself later." Sun Xiaodie rolled her eyes and said with contempt. But the hint of smugness that flashed through her eyes was not hidden from Zhao Yutong.

Zhao Yutong's understanding of Sun Xiaodie was not for a day or two. This foodie, when there was something tasty, she would absolutely have to eat a full meal herself before she went to share it with others.

After giving Sun Xiaodie a despicable look, Zhao Yutong took a chicken leg and a small fish, and then handed it to Zhang Jia, who was standing on the side watching.

"Mr. Zhang, come on, taste it. See if it's good."

"Oh, thanks."

"You're welcome." Zhao Yutong smiled sweetly and turned her head to glare fiercely again at Sun Xiaodie, who was there with a meaty face. Zhang Jia was a teacher, so Zhao Yutong felt it was appropriate to send some to her. As for the other students, she wasn't that enthusiastic.

At this time, An Xiaohu, who had finished his work, also picked up a chicken leg and took a hard bite at it. Chewing in his mouth, An Xiaohu was in tears at the chicken leg, looked at Sun Xiaodie with hatred, and said in his mouth indistinctly, "Women's words really can't be trusted, mother, the ones I used to eat, where is the barbecue, I think it should be charcoal burning is more or less."

Then, An Xiaohu looked at the chicken legs as if he had seen an enemy, and buried his head to gnaw on them. Quickly eliminating one, then taking another.

An Xiaohu's speed of eating was really amazing, soon, he left several heels of chicken leg bones and rain thorns around him. Anxiously, Sun Xiaodie jumped up, she desperately ate the food in her hand while staring at An Xiaohu with her eyes on fire, fearing that in the blink of an eye, An Xiaohu would have finished the chicken legs, grilled fish, and lamb skewers.

Zhang Jia and Zhao Yutong sat together, the two of them holding chicken thighs in their hands, and took a light bite in a civilized manner. One bite down, the two of them looked at each other, at the food in their hands there was no longer the elegance of just now, very unladylike chewing in large mouths.

It had to be said that Sun Xiaodie and An Xiaohu, these two foodies, their ability to eliminate food was so amazing that with just the two of them, Yu Tian was a little too busy.

Sighing helplessly, Yutian also only accelerated the action of the hand, well not long, Sun Xiaodie and An Xiaohu two touch their own belly, it is unimaginative lying on the grass, in that a big mouth gasping for breath, mouth also from time to time shouted: "Cool ah, eat really cool."

With less of these two eaters, Yu Tian felt a great reduction in pressure. Just as he was about to take a break, Zhang Jia walked up and looked at Yu Tian and smiled awkwardly.

Seeing Zhang Jia's expression, Yutian thought that she still wanted to eat, so he reached over and handed over a grilled fish, saying, "Here, Teacher Zhang."

Zhang Jia smiled bitterly, reached out and pointed to his class, and said to Yutian with an apology, "Xiaotian, look at the class, they don't have much hands on, I guess there aren't many good eaters, look, can ... you see."

Hearing this, Yu Tian also understood what Zhang Jia meant. He was also a bit helpless, he didn't want to serve those princes. However, Zhang Jia opened his mouth, so he was also too embarrassed to not give face. After a moment of deliberation, he opened his mouth and said, ''Teacher Zhang, this rice and soup is just this much. But we've brought a lot of chicken legs, lamb kebabs, beef and whatnot. Look at it this way, how about I grill some barbecue for them, and I'll get more of the rest when the night comes."

"Alright, that's it, hard work." Hearing Yutian agree, Zhang Jia smiled sweetly, a smile that had a different flavor compared to Zhao Yutong and the others. Like a ripe peach, it was full of tantalizing flavor.

"It's fine, as it should be." After politely saying that, Yu Tian also knew the amount of work he had to do next, so he focused on the barbecue stand and accelerated the speed of his hands even more.

Zhao Yutong wasn't idle either, pulling over Sun Xiaodie and An Xiaohu, helping Yu Tian thread up the mutton, beef, and then handing them over to Yu Tian one by one.

Zhang Jia, on the other hand, called over a few of the class cadres and evenly distributed the food that Yu Tian had baked into the hands of his classmates.

The students took the barbecue from Zhang Jia and the others and tasted it, but they also praised it and exclaimed that they were addicted to it.

Those few rich kids who had hostility towards Yu Tian were a bit embarrassed earlier, they felt that eating something baked by Yu Tian was a bit of a loss of face. When they saw the other students devouring the food, they couldn't resist the hunger of their own stomachs, so they gently took a bite. Under this bite, instantly both eyes were glowing, no longer caring about what face is not face, to the food in the hands of the fight.

Finally, Yu Tian finished his work and sat on the ground to rest. Zhao Yutong thoughtfully filled a bowl of fish soup and handed it to Yu Tian, and filled a bowl herself, so the two of them sat next to each other on the ground and leisurely drank the delicious fish soup.