
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 60: That's what you said

Followed Zhang Jia to the office, Yu Tian's throat knots also with Zhang Jia's footsteps up and down slide. The beautiful teacher's professional suit short skirt below the plump buttocks, with her pace appears more and more erect round, slender waist let a person have unlimited reverie, the body of the fragrant wind also from time to time to stimulate the Yu Tian's nose.


Looking at the beauty in front of him, Yu Tian felt his nose get hot, and a liquid inside his nose was about to flow out. He hurriedly raised his head too much and swept his eyes elsewhere.


Zhang Jia also seemed to feel Yu Tian's hot gaze, a touch of shyness rose on her face, and she hurriedly accelerated her steps, walking towards the office.


When they arrived at the office, the other teachers were not there. Zhang Jia was at the water fountain, pouring a cup of water and handing it to Yutian, her eyes full of apologies, "Student Yutian, this time, it's the teacher who got you into trouble, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble."


"Oh, it's nothing, a man in that situation would have stepped in. Besides, I'm not fine, am I? You don't have to blame yourself too much."


"Anyway, I'd like to thank you."


"Teacher called me over, not just to say thank you to me, right?" Yu Tian didn't want Zhang Jia to get too entangled, so he hurriedly changed the topic.


They say that women are fickle, and Zhang Jia was no exception, and the expression on her face, all of a sudden, became serious. "That's right, you helped me out, I thank you. Now, what I want to talk to is, the matter of you sleeping in class"


"Uh, this ..." Isn't this nothing to worry about? Yu Tian thought in his heart.


Zhang Jia looked at Yu Tian with a look of hatred. "I know that you speak spoken Yin fluently, even I, the Yin teacher, am inferior to you. But speaking fluently doesn't mean that your grades will be good. You are a student, I hope you can cherish every learning opportunity. Besides, when the teacher is lecturing in front of you and you're sleeping below, it's a sign of disrespect for the fruits of the teacher's labor."


"Then what do you think should be done about it?" Looking at Zhang Jia's incessant lecturing, and also had the appearance of being ready to go on, Yu Tian hurriedly stopped. Being alone with a beautiful teacher was a more pleasant thing to do, but if he allowed her to go on like this, Yutian felt that he was afraid that he wouldn't have the patience to listen.


Hearing Yu Tian's inquiry, Zhang Jia sighed with a sad face. "I don't know what to do, I just hope you can sympathize with the teacher's difficulties, so that we can do the teacher's less * point heart. When a classroom teacher is also difficult ah, I just accepted, a lot of the situation do not understand, like today is ready to mobilize students, sign up for cultural performances, I did not think that no one has participated in the past. I also boasted in front of the principal, said this time our class will be the art of the whole school it, now it looks like, our class 3 is to lose face."


Looking at Zhang Jia with a pitiful look, Yu Tian didn't even think about it, patting his chest and opening his mouth. "Just for this? Don't worry, I'll help you out." As soon as the words left his mouth, Yu Tian regretted it, but Zhang Jia didn't even give him a chance to change his words.


His eyes flashed with a strange color, and a weird smile appeared on Zhang Jia's face. "Good, this is what you said. Seeing that you have such a sense of collective honor, I'll give you a verbal warning for sleeping in class this time, so pay attention in the future."


Viciously slapping himself, Yu Tian accompanied his smiling face. "Teacher Zhang, you should still deal with me according to the school rules, as for, the thing I just said, you can just pretend you didn't hear it."


Stretching out her right index finger and waving it a few times in front of Yu Tian's eyes, Zhang Jia smiled smugly. "I just heard it very clearly, you promised to complete the cultural performance for the sake of collective honor. A man's word must be his word, so this is settled."


Fuck the collective sense of honor, is not he a bitch? What words are going out without thinking, Yutian despised himself in his heart. "Can we discuss this again?"


"There's no negotiating. Okay, I'm going to prepare for class. You go back to class first, I'll wait for your good news, cheers." Zhang Jia clapped on the spot and then opened his mouth to send off.


Seeing Zhang Jia's resolute attitude, Yu Tian had no choice but to walk out of the office with a sad face and head towards the classroom. When Yu Tian walked out of the office, Zhang Jia couldn't help but laugh out loud, although she had used a little mind trick, she didn't feel guilty. She felt that it didn't hurt much, if Yutian could really accomplish this matter with excellence this time, it would only be beneficial to Yutian, and she herself would thank him properly at that time.


Halfway there, Yutian reacted at once that he had been fooled. Zhang Jia first apologized to himself to win his favor, and then made a churlish and pitiful appearance to win his sympathy. In the end, when she had impulsively promised herself, she clapped her hands rigidly and did not allow herself any room for remorse. Even, Yutian now began to suspect that Zhang Jia wearing a sensual suit, walking in front of him with a twist, is also deliberately to mess up his mind.


Thinking through these, he was ready to go back to find Zhang Jia, but he didn't know what to say when he went there, he couldn't say that Zhang Jia was counting on himself, it was all because he himself opened his mouth and promised to do so.


After a long time, Yutian didn't go to Zhang Jia after all, shook his head, dejectedly went back to the classroom, buried his head and sat in his seat without saying a word.


Looking at Yu Tian's abnormality, Zhao Yutong and An Xiaohu came up with concern.


An Xiaohu opened his mouth and asked, "Boss, what's going on, the beautiful teacher saw you sleeping in class and got mad?"


Facing the concerned eyes of the two, with a long sigh, Yu Tian told the story in detail.


After listening to Yu Tian's complaints, An Xiaohu had a look of sympathy on his face. "Aren't you looking for trouble for nothing? Lol, did you see a beautiful teacher with a sexy surname and get spermatic?"


Zhao Yutong, on the other hand, had a look of contempt, this guy, so shrewd a person, would also do such a low-level stupid thing? Seeing that Fatty was right, he must have seen a beautiful woman and casually agreed regardless.


"Uh ..." Yu Tian was speechless, he didn't know how he should retort to be persuasive.


Time passed unknowingly in the midst of Yu Tian's depressing entanglement. Soon, it was time for lunch. Yu Tian strengthened his spirit and followed Zhao Yutong towards the school cafeteria.


"Wait for me." An Xiaohu also followed behind with his ass, determined to keep up with this boss.


Just as he walked to the door, Jiang Bo was waiting there. When he saw Yutian appear, he hurriedly waved his hand and shouted, "Boss, here."


"What are you boys doing here?"


"Hey, yesterday, Lao Si said that he met you, and heard Lao Si say that there are several beautiful beauties beside you, so he didn't dare to phone to scratch. We estimate that you should come to school today, just wait in this cafeteria. I met Sun Xiaodie, Huang Yuejiao, and Xia Kexin earlier. Lao Er has already taken them to the second floor private room. Sent me to wait for you here, today we have a few brothers to get together."


"Then what are you still waiting for, go." Yu Tian fanned at Jiang Bo's head and said with a smile, the depressed mood seemed to be thrown to the sky all of a sudden.


"Uh, boss ... "Seeing that Yutian was invited, An Xiaohu was a bit anxious, he still wanted to invite Yutian to have a meal and improve their friendship.


Looking at An Xiaohu's anxious appearance, Yu Tian laughed a little and pulled him to introduce him to Jiang Bo, "Lao San, his name is An Xiaohu, he's my deskmate."


Jiang Bo hastily stretched out his right hand and said enthusiastically, "Hello, my name is Jiang Bo, I'm in the same dormitory as the Boss, ranked the third in line, I'm glad to know you."


An Xiao Hu also extended his obese right hand, his eyes narrowing into slits on his face. "Hello, it's nice to meet you too."


"Since it's fate to know each other, let's go up together to eat some, and by the way, I'll introduce a few friends to you, all of them are from our dormitory." Jiang Bo enthusiastically pulled An Xiaohu over and headed upstairs. Yutian and Zhao Yutong, on the other hand, followed behind unhurriedly.


Walking into the private room, the table was already filled with a table full of dishes, and there were also white wine, red wine, and drinks on the table respectively. In addition to the several people that Jiang Bo said earlier, Yang Mingqi brought Liu Fei Fei also arrived, the two sat there and whispered. Looking at Liu Fei Fei's face full of smiles and the love that flowed out between her eyes, Yu Tian secretly praised, "Old Four, this kid, coaxing girls is really something."


"Boss, just waiting for you, come over and sit." Seeing Yu Tian and the others enter, Fan Gang hurriedly stood up and greeted them. The others also gazed at Yu Tian with heartfelt smiles on their faces.


Yang Mingqi and Liu Feifei also stopped laughing and hurriedly got up to greet Yutian and Zhao Yutong, the two of them were still able to sit here today and speak sweet nothings, they really had to thank Yutian and Zhao Yutong.


Yang Mingqi went home yesterday and finished Zhao Yutong's words with his father, who was still skeptical. He then moved to South Cloud Group and found Zhao Zhennan.


Zhao Zhennan received his daughter's phone call, after understanding what happened. Very enthusiastic reception of Yang's father, and then called the business manager, on the spot with Yang's father to talk about the intention of cooperation, and make an appointment to prepare for the specific cooperation signing.


The stone in Yang's father's heart was finally put down, and when he returned home, he tacitly agreed to Yang Mingqi and Liu Feifei's relationship.


"Is your injury still serious?" Xia Ke Xin asked softly, within the girls here, she was the only one who saw Yu Tian for the first time after the incident at the guardhouse.


Yutian was moved to look at Xia Kexin and replied softly. "I'm fine."


"It's good that it's okay." Looking at Yu Tian's gaze, Xia Ke Xin somewhat dared not meet her eyes. With a red face, her hands gently tugged at the tablecloth. Seeing Xia Kexin's shy appearance, Yu Tian didn't know what to say for a moment.


That kid Jiang Bo was resourceful, hurriedly pulling over An Xiaohu and introducing everyone one by one, changing the topic and dissolving the embarrassment between Yutian and Xia Kexin.


Fan Gang also took over the topic and laughed bashfully, "Since everyone is here, let's start eating? Boss, what to drink?"


"We all have classes in the afternoon, so don't drink, it's bad publicity, just have a drink."


Yang Mingqi and Liu Feifei stood up and poured a cup of orange juice for Yu Tian and Zhao Yutong respectively. Then, lifting up their own cups, the two of them were overflowing with gratitude towards Yu Tian and Zhao Yutong, ''Boss, Ms. Zhao. The two of us are here to toast you with drinks instead of wine. Without your helping hands, it would be impossible for us to still be sitting together today. Come on, let's drink up first."


Yu Tian and Zhao Yutong also hurriedly stood up and drank the drinks in their cups in one gulp. Then, Yu Tian smiled bashfully. "We're all brothers, and saying words of thanks would be out of place. In the future, when we're all together, don't keep thanking each other."


Zhao Yutong also lightly raised her red lips and softly said, "We are all together, both classmates and friends, we don't need to be polite to each other, from now on you guys just call me Yutong."


"Haha, Boss and Yutong are right, we are classmates, friends and brothers, we don't need to be so polite to each other. Come on, let's all raise our cups and take a walk." Fan Gang raised his cup, and his words showed the bravado of the Jiaodong people.


After a bam, bam, bam sound of clinking glasses, everyone grabbed their chopsticks and picked out their favorite food in response to the food in front of them.


After eating, Fan Gang grabbed in front of Yutian to buy back the bill, and after everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, they went their own separate ways, heading for their own classrooms.