
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 55 - Do you really think I'm an ingrate

Not long after Zhao Zhennan left, Pang Yuyan and the girls chirped and walked down the stairs, all of them flamboyant, dazzling Yu Tian. "Are you guys going to a beauty pageant?"


In response to Yu Tian, a group of beautiful women looked at him with contempt.


Zhao Yutong said without any good humor, "It's Sister Yuyan's first time in the deep sea, shouldn't we as hosts take her out for a spin?"


"Should, should." Yu Tian hastily expressed his approval.


"That will do, let's go." With a pretty face, Fan Si Yu led the way towards the door.


Following Zhao Yutong to her garage, several people split up into a BMW and an Audi A8, leaving Villa 2 and heading towards the mall.


Shadow and Jack and the others also drove the other car, following not too far behind, taking on the responsibility of protecting them.


Not long after, under Zhao Yutong's guidance, the group arrived at a shopping mall called Bermuda Mall.


After parking the car, as soon as Pang Yuyan and the girls got down from the car, they attracted the eyes of countless pedestrians. There were constantly pedestrians crashing into the streetlights on the side of the road, and the traffic order in the parking lot was in chaos, with the sound of car horns.


Bermuda mall covers a large area, it is estimated that a circle will take ten minutes. A total of four floors, inside all kinds of things, the higher up the higher consumption.


Zhao Yutong was obviously a longtime guest here, and without the slightest pause in her footsteps, she led Pang Yuyan and the others straight to the fourth floor, while Yutian followed behind unhurriedly.


On the fourth floor of the shopping mall, the appearance of Peng Yuyan and her group of beauties made those customers who were buying things pay attention to them frequently. Ignoring the fiery eyes of the bystanders, Peng Yuyan and the girls were at each of the brand-name counters, picking out the goods they had their eyes on.


Looking at the wide array of goods, Pang Yuyan pulled Yu Tian by her side and said, "Xiaotian, help me pick one."


"Oh, seriously, I'm really inexperienced at picking this stuff. Just buy whatever you see yourself liking, pick whatever you want."


"No, I want you to pick one for me." Pang Yuyan pouted her reddish mouth and shook Yu Tian's arm with both hands.


Shaking his head helplessly, Yu Tian walked over to a jewelry counter called 'Cadia' and bent down to pick there. Suddenly, his eyes stopped on top of an exquisite diamond ring.


Capturing Yutian's line of sight, the counter attendant came up at the right time, pointing at the diamond ring and introducing it: "Sir, you can take a look at this ring, which is specially made by our company to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of the brand 'Cadia'. This product is divided into a mother ring and two child rings. Designed by our company's top designer, it is fully handmade. It is now priced at 990,000 Huaxia coins, symbolizing that couples can last for a long time."


Before Yutian could open his mouth, a middle-aged man in his thirties walked over and said, "Just like him, he's a bumpkin, can he afford to sell this ring?"


Turning around, he spoke enthusiastically to Pang Yuyan again, "Miss, how are you. My name is Yan Kunshan, the boss of a coal mining company in Jinxi Province, I wonder if I could have the Sin to know Miss's name?"


"I think that you don't have this chance to know." To Yan Kunshan, who was dressed in a famous brand and had his leather shoes polished, Peng Yuyan did not have the slightest bit of politeness.


"Hehe, maybe I am too abrupt, like this, I will buy this ring for the lady, how about we make friends?" Yan Kunshan accompanied with a smile.


Pang Yuyan was about to refuse when the corner of Yutian's mouth rose slightly and he said with a smile, "Yuyan, since Mr. Yan is giving so much face, you should take it as well."


When Yu Tian said this, Peng Yuyan didn't say anything, but only glared at Yu Tian with her almond eyes slanting.


Fan Siyu heard but hurriedly prepared to stop it, Huang Yuejiao hastily pulled back. She was ghostly, knowing that there was a good show to watch, how could she let Fan Siyu spoil it.


Yan Kunshan, this fool, actually gave Yutian an admiring look, as if to say, "You kid is still full of sense." A million dollars was nothing to him, and to be able to recognize such a beautiful woman, he felt that it was worth the money.


Then, Yan Kunshan shouted to the waitress in a wealthy manner, "Miss, help me wrap this ring."


"Yes, one moment please. Sir, please follow me to this side to pay." The waitress was beaming, the commission she took from the sale of this ring alone would be several times her monthly salary.


When payment was received, the waiter wrapped the ring and prepared to hand it to Yan Kunshan.


Yutian hurriedly stepped forward and picked up the ring, handing it over to Pang Yuyan's hand. "Yuyan, this is a gift from Mr. Yan, don't thank him yet."


Hearing this, Pang Yuyan smilingly said to Yan Kunshan, "Mr. Yan, my name is Pang Yuyan, thank you for the gift."


"Well la, now that we've also gotten to know each other, it's time for us to hit the road back home, right?" Huang Yuejiao smiled thievishly and added a timely sentence.


Yu Tian nodded, "En, Mr. Yan, then we'll go back first, see you again sometime." Saying that, he pulled Pang Yuyan and the few of them, preparing to leave.


Seeing this situation, Yan Kunshan's face changed, this time they left, didn't he spend into millions for nothing? He felt that he had been tricked by Yu Tian. So he immediately shouted, "Kid, stop right there."


"Is there anything else Mr. Yan wants?"


"Boy, do you really think I'm an ingrate?"


"That's what you said yourself, not me." Utena said with a smile.


"Haha, good boy, not small in guts, you actually dare to cheat on my Yan's money?" Yan Kunshan laughed back in anger, then he threatened, "I'm not afraid to tell you, I came to Deep Sea this time to invest. Yesterday, Deep Sea's Mayor Li even personally received me. I advise you to be sensible, either, return the ring to me, or, that Ms. Peng. You know. You know."


Yu Tian's face changed steeply, flying up with a kick, Yan Kunshan immediately shot out far like a cannonball, hitting the top of one of the mall's pillars before stopping, with a 'pfft' sound, spitting out a large mouthful of blood.


The customers of the mall, as well as the salesperson, screamed in fear when they saw this scene, and the security guards of the mall quickly ran over when they heard the screams.


When Shadow heard the commotion, he hurriedly rushed up with a few of Jack's men, Utena swept a glance at Shadow, signaling that he was fine, and a few of Shadow's men stood at the edge of the corner, silently watching the developments.


Yan Kunshan wiped away the blood on the side of his mouth and said with a sinister look in his eyes, "Kid, you even dare to hit me, if you have the guts, just wait for me, if I don't get you killed, I won't be called Yan Kunshan."


After saying that, he took out his cell phone from his shirt pocket and dialed a string of numbers quickly. "Hello, Mayor Li? I'm Yan Kunshan. I met a group of crooks on the fourth floor of the Bermuda Mall, they cheated me out of my money not to mention that they also beat me to death, I hope you can send someone over to deal with it. Otherwise, I really don't dare to invest in Deep Sea, the law and order here is too bad."


After getting the reply that Mayor Li would send someone over right away, Yan Kunshan hung up the phone with satisfaction, then arrogantly said to Yutian, "Kid, you're dead, Mayor Li will send someone over right away."


Having comprehended Yutian's power, Yan Kunshan shouted at the mall security again, "I'm spending money in your mall, and I met this group of crooks, and they even beat me up like this, your mall will have to give me a statement, at the very least you can't let these crooks run away. Otherwise, all my losses will be borne by your mall."


Hearing Yan Kunshan's words, the mall security guards also reflexively surrounded Yutian's several people in the center.


Yu Tian, on the other hand, wanted nothing to happen as he took the ring apart and took out a sub ring for Peng Yuyan to put on. "Yuyan, how is it? Do you like it?"


"Love it, thank you, Xiaotian." Seeing that Yu Tian personally put it on for her, Pang Yuyan nodded her head repeatedly with a happy face, and in front of the crowd, she shyly printed her own red lips on Yu Tian's cheeks.


"It's good if you like it, silly girl, what's the point of saying thank you between us?" Yu Tian lightly please patted Peng Yuyan's head and said.


This scene infuriated Yan Kunshan. The ring that he had spent his own money on, just like this, he let Yu Tian use it as a favor. He couldn't wait to push Yu Tian and put his old face on it.


Wiping the red lipstick mark on his face, Yu Tian took out another sub ring and put it on the finger of Fan Si Yu's left hand. Then with a smile, he said, "Make a mark, and from now on, you're my person."


With tears in her eyes, Fan Siyu stood on her tiptoes on her small feet and ignored the surprised eyes of the crowd before giving Yu Tian a fierce kiss on his other cheek. "I love you, Xiaotian, as long as you have me in your heart, I will stay with you for the rest of my life."


"Silly girl, where is a lifetime enough? In the next life, the next life you won't be able to run away." Yu Tian tenderly wiped away Fan Si Yu's tears.


Seeing that Yutian shamelessly utilized the ring that he, Yan Someone, had spent money on to wrestle his way to the right and left, Yan Kunshan could not withstand the blow, and once again a mouthful of blood sprayed out of his mouth.


Huang Yuejiao muttered in a small voice with grudging eyes, "Big pervert, *ghost*."


Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie didn't say anything, but their eyes had a wave of envy and loss that they couldn't hide.


Most of the male compatriots inside the shopping mall also stared at Yu Tian in unison, and they were envious and jealous from the bottom of their hearts for Yu Tian's ravishing fortune.


Just when Yu Tian and Peng Yuyan Fan Si Yu were in a tender moment, more than a dozen criminal police officers rushed up, and the leader was Xiao Pinxiang, the deputy director of the Deep Sea Police Department.


Xiao Pinxiang walked up and asked loudly, "Who is Yan Kunshan?"


Knowing that the people sent by Mayor Li had arrived, Yan Kunshan hurriedly stood up and shouted, "I am." After saying that, he also gave Yutian a smug look, as if to say, you're dead.