
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 50 - Tomorrow Group Withdraws Lawsuit

At the same time, in the chairman's office of Mingyi Group, Chairman Park was following the phone with an iron face, and the person on the other end of the phone was cursing at him. But he was also all helpless, not only did he not have the slightest dissatisfaction, but he was also there apologizing one after another, obviously, he was very scornful of the person on the phone.


The phone call was from the Director of the Secret Service of the Goryeo Kingdom. Goryeo country's secret service director is also very helpless, this morning he came to work, he received the agents he arranged in China in one night almost all have been cleaned up. Before he could get angry, he saw a piece of white paper on the desk in his office, he lightly glanced at it, and this look immediately scared him into a sweat. Only to see that the paper listed the list of most of the Goryeo State's agents around the world, and there was also a sentence left on it, telling him to let the Ming Dynasty Group be honest in China.


It was obvious that people were threatening him, but in the face of such a threat, he didn't have the slightest solution. Because people were able to exterminate all the agents he had arranged in China overnight, and they were also able to list most of the Goryeo State's agents around the world, and then put them on top of his office desk without him realizing it, so what does this mean?


It means that this is a small warning from people, since they can exterminate his agents in China, and now they have the list in hand, if you don't do what he says, then he will exterminate your agents around the world.


It seemed that the other party was kindly verifying the worries of the Director of the Secret Service, when his subordinates came in to report that the agents they had arranged in the Middle East by the Goryeo Kingdom had also been exposed one after another. And the enterprises belonging to the Goryeo country there were also subjected to the inexplicable impact of the Exploding Bear Mercenary Group, and the Exploding Bear Mercenary Group also left only a sentence, telling the Tomorrow Group to be honest in Huaxia.


The head of the Goryeo State's Secret Service slumped in his office chair in frustration, and his heart couldn't help but sting. It wasn't easy to cultivate an agent, and it was even more difficult to successfully arrange an agent out. He had spent countless efforts to lose everything just because of the Tomorrow's Day Group, and he was very unwilling to do so.


But there was nothing he could do about it, because he had no idea who had done it. What he could estimate was that the other party must be Chinese. He couldn't go to the Chinese government to ask for an explanation because of this, he couldn't just say that it was the Chinese who did it with a blank sheet of paper, could he? Besides, you have arranged agents in China, what do you want to do? People do not find you trouble is good, you also turn to find them, this also does not make sense. After all, some things can't be brought to the surface.


Thinking about the director of no way, went to the chairman of the bright day group to a phone call, he will be all the anger in the bright day group's chairman of the park.


He asked Chairman Park who he had recently offended in China. Chairman Park stared blankly, then replied that he hadn't offended anyone.


Goryeo country's director of the hearing immediately stormed, on the phone roared to: "You did not offend anyone, but my people have lost most of the people, people are only left a sentence, told you tomorrow day group in China honestly. I tell you, you'd better think carefully about what people you have offended. You now immediately go to the people to apologize, beg for their understanding. Otherwise, you're just waiting to go back to your country and go to jail." After saying that and without waiting for Chairman Park to make any reaction, he hung up the phone.


By this time, Chairman Park also understood. He could hear that the Director of the Secret Service was not joking with him, and the only person he had recently had a conflict with in China was Yu Tian. He hadn't really thought that Yu Tian actually had such a huge amount of energy, he thought that the other party was just a bodyguard. Thinking of this, he hurriedly called his special assistant in.


Kim Yong Sung walked in and asked, "Director Park, you're looking for me?"


Chairman Park rubbed his forehead and said, "Assistant Jin, you immediately go to the Deep Sea City Police Station and withdraw all the accusations our Mingyi Group has made against Yutian."


Kim Yong Sung thought he had heard wrong as he asked with some uncertainty, "Dong Park, you mean?"


Shaking his head helplessly, Chairman Park repeated in frustration, "You heard right, go to the police station immediately and cancel all the charges we have against Yu Tian. Remember, be sincere in your attitude and apologize to him for me, make sure to gain Yutian's understanding. En, you tell him that I will find the time to personally make amends to him."


Kim Yong Sung nodded and with a puzzled look on his face, he headed straight for the Deep Sea Police Station.


South Cloud Hotel's Listening to the Rain Pavilion box, Peng Yuyan their women are lively. On the table in the center of the box, there were some desserts, two bottles of red wine, but no one drank the wine, and a cup of coffee was placed in front of each person. Listening to the soft music playing inside the box, Peng Yuyan and the girls sipped their coffee from time to time and just chatted about something.


Pang Yuyan looked at Fan SiYu and smiled, "Formal acquaintance, my name is Pang Yuyan, I'm twenty years old this year, I'm a junior at Capital University, I'm glad to know you." While saying this, she stretched out her right hand and looked at Fan SiYu.


Although Fan Siyu's surname is usually a bit violent, but at this moment, it is a bit timid, hastily reached out and shook his hand and said, "My name is Fan Siyu, this year are twenty-five, I work in the Deep Sea Police Department, I'm also very happy to know you."


"Oh, then I'll call you Sister Siyu from now on, you can just call me Yuyan." Peng Yuyan quickly said, and then and Zhao Yutong, Huang Yuejiao, Xia Kexin and other people introduced each other to recognize the next, Sun Xiaodie is exempted, in the capital city two people are familiar with can not be familiar.


Fan Si Yu looked at Pang Yuyan and asked a little apprehensively, "Yuyan, you. You don't blame me?"


"Blame you, blame you for what?" Pang Yuyan's eyes widened in wonder.


"It's the matter with Tsunami ah, that, in fact, Tsunami has long told me about your affection for him, and he for you." Speaking here, Fan Si Yu was so nervous that she was a bit unable to continue. However, in a whirlwind, she raised her head again and said decisively, "I know it's a bit wrong of me to do so, in fact, before I got together with him, he told me about you, and I also know that he has you in his heart, but I have no way of controlling my own emotions, but don't worry, as long as I can be by his side, I won't think about anything else."


Looking at Fan SiYu's slightly red eyes, Pang YuYan was touched and gripped Fan SiYu's hands tightly, and said sincerely, "What do I blame you for? It's too late for me to thank you, the last time you deflected a bullet for him, your injuries shouldn't even be fully healed by now, and this time you delivered the important evidence in time, making our launch so successful."


Then Pang Yuyan added in a somewhat self-deprecating manner, "Besides, who am I to blame you for the fact that I myself have been simmering for so many years, and up to now I haven't even gotten a word of affirmation from him."


Fan Siyu hurriedly comforted to: "Yuyan you don't blindly think, Xiaotian told me, he said that he is ready to go to find you after this mission, in fact, I can understand that he loves you the most in his heart."


Sun Xiaodie, on the other hand, nodded and said, "Although I think that Brother Xiaotian is good, I also think that Sister Yuyan loves too bitterly."


"It doesn't matter if it's bitter or not." Pang Yuyan shook her head, then spoke softly, "As long as one truly loves a person, if one can obtain his love, any more persistence is worth it."


After a pause, Pang Yuyan said seriously to Fan SiYu, "Xiaotian, he is destined to be a character who will stand at the top, and there may be other redheads around him in the future, I hope you will think twice before you act, is it worth it?"


Fan Si Yu replied firmly, "I don't need to think about it, I just need to be by his side."


Pang Yuyan nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile and a snicker, "To tell you the truth, I'm actually a latecomer as well. You'll know this later when you meet Sister Ruobing. However, tell me, how did you fall for him?"


Fan Si Yu blushed in shame all of a sudden and lowered her head and whispered, "I don't know, ever since he saved me, and then so many things happened one after another, and then I."


Huang Yuejiao skimmed her mouth when she heard this and said sourly, "To say a series of things, I still have a series of things with him too?"


Now all the people looked towards Huang Yuejiao with ambiguous smiles on their faces. Zhao Yutong hurriedly said, "I can't tell, our Miss Huang is actually in the underground party."


Xia Kexin, on the other hand, asked with an innocent look on her face, "Really, when did you guys start."


"Hello. Hey. Hey, you guys don't think blindly, I'm talking about serious things, not what you guys think." Huang Yuejiao's entire face was red and she hurriedly defended herself.


Sun Xiaodie, on the other hand, had a look of contempt on her face as she opened her mouth and said, "Che, who said that falling in love isn't a serious matter?"


Pang Yuyan was also a bit high and mighty as she said, "Oh, Yuejiao, tell me about you and him, I don't mind having another sister."


Now, Huang Yuejiao's neck stiffened, her red face said loudly, "Yes, this girl is in love with Yutian, as long as he nods his head, I, Huang Yuejiao, am his person, how about it, no?"


Looking at Huang Yuejiao's dilemma and then hearing her words, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing.


Just then, Fan Si Yu's cell phone rang, she picked up the phone and said a few words before hanging up. Then she excitedly blurted out, "Sisters, I have good news for you, the Tomorrow Group has withdrawn their charges against Tsao Tian. This should make TsaoTian okay."


Everyone cheered when they heard this, and then looked at Pang Yuyan again, asking her what to do now, and naturally now everyone was centered on her.


Pang Yuyan glanced at everyone, then smiled, "Let's go to the police station first to see what's going on, and if it's true. We'll then take the relevant documents to the detention center."


Then a group of pussies headed for the Shamrock Police Department.