
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 45: What I need is a brother

At this moment, Governor Qian did not have the majesty of his governor of a province, he said to Li Lei, "Yutian has now been put in a detention center, and I have finally lived up to the old governor's wishes."


Li Lei laughed and said, "Xiao Qian, I'm still very relieved that you're doing your job. This time it is also considered that our Li family owes you a favor."


Governor Qian hastened to say, "Don't say that, old governor, without your support, how would I be in the position I am in today? To be able to share the old governor's worries this time, it is also considered a slight token of my appreciation for the old governor's support over the years."


Li Lei looked at Governor Qian and smiled broadly, "Good, this also counts that I didn't look at the wrong person at first. Xiao Qian, let's go, we haven't seen each other for several years, let's have a good drink today." He said, pulling Governor Qian toward the dining table.


Yu Tian walked into one of the prison rooms in the guardhouse, and six people stood up inside, and there was another person who couldn't be seen, cowering in the innermost corner. The prison guard said to Yu Tian, "You'll be staying here, I hope you'll strictly abide by our rules here, or else you won't have any good fruit to eat." Then with a wink to the people inside, he closed the door and left.


As soon as the prison guards left, Yu Tian also walked to the innermost empty bed, lay down on it and prepared to rest. The six people surrounded up, one of the big man of one meter eighty-nine feet on Yu Tian's bed, the whole bed shook up. The big man looked at Yu Tian and said, "Kid, what did you do to get locked in here, don't you understand the rules here?"


Yu Tian gave the big man a cold look and said, "Take your feet away."


The big man was Yu Tian's eyes look a little hairy, but think about their own so big head is still afraid of the kid in front of him, this to say out how he still mix ah? So he laughed and said: "Kid, you are quite crazy, I will not take away what you can do?" Said also put his foot and stomped twice, stomping the bed are almost collapsed.


Yu Tian's eyes shot out a cold aura, his right leg raised to the big man's chest is a foot. The big man close to two hundred pounds of body immediately flew out, hit the opposite wall and bounced back, face to face on the ground on the motionless.


The remaining five people were scared, they were just about to teach Yutian a lesson as a way to kiss the big man's ass, but they didn't realize that this weak looking kid had such a terrifying hand. They couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat on their faces thinking, fortunately they rushed a step late.


Yutian turned his gaze to the remaining five people, and immediately scared those five people to death. One of the thinner ones hurriedly said, "Big brother, it's none of our business ah, it's the director of the detention center who wants Brother Gang, that is, this one on the ground to come to trouble you."


When Yu Tian heard this he pointed down to Gang on the ground and said to the five people, "Wake him up." Gang was woken up in a few moments, he looked at Yu Tian with fear in his eyes, he now regretted how he agreed to that Director Yuan's conditions, damn where is this calling himself to teach someone a lesson, this is simply calling him to send him to his death.


Yu Tian also looked at Brother Gang and smiled, "What, you don't want to say something?" That smile was so evil in Gang's eyes at the moment.


Brother Gang forced himself to tell Yutian that his name was Liu Gang, and he was considered a bully in this Deep Sea Detention Center. Just this morning, the director of the detention center, Yuan Qi, approached him, saying that there will be a new person in the detention center today, and asked Liu Gang to teach him a lesson, and it is best to beat him up, and if Liu Gang does this, Yuan Qi will help Liu Gang find a way to let him out.


Hearing this Yu Tian also understood, this must be another Li family*s trick, Yu Tian is also a little speechless, these little tricks really useful to himself? The other people do not know, Li Zicong should also know ah. Li Zicong really was wronged, he just wanted to put Yu Tian locked up can not get out of the good, other than he did not expect, these are Yuan Qi in order to curry favor with the Li family, think of course to do.


Looking at Liu Gang, Yu Tian said, "I just want to stay here quietly for two days, as long as you don't mess with me, I won't do anything to you."


Liu Gang was on the verge of crying, he had just received such a kick, how dare he mess with Yu Tian? So he said repeatedly, "I don't dare, I don't dare."


Just then, the prison guards came in, and seeing Liu Gang's appearance was a bit of a surprise, so they hurriedly asked, "How are you pulling?"


Liu Gang glanced at Yutian and hurriedly said, "It was my own carelessness that hit the wall and bumped into it."


The warden said meaningfully, "Did someone beat you up, don't be afraid to speak up, we'll take care of this by the book."


Liu Gang hurriedly insisted, "Thank you for the political axe's concern, it's really my own carelessness that hit me."


Seeing that Liu Gang was so insistent, the prison guard didn't say anything, only giving Liu Gang a hard look as he was leaving.


When the prison guards left, Liu Gang's gang gathered around Yu Tian's side and spoke kind words, wanting to try to please the great god in front of them, as Yu Tian's ruthless methods made them feel extremely fearful.


Yutian also casually asked the next few people are because of what came in, the few people are busy talking about, this is because of the robbery, that is because of the fights and injuries.


However, let Yutian interested in is, Liu Gang pointed to shrink in the corner of the man said: "that kid can not be, rice study back to the doctorate in economics, before it seems to be a what a large group of department manager in the United States, but because of his girlfriend in China was a rich second-generation insulted, his girlfriend also committed suicide, think about that kid is also poor, originally They are ready to get married in that year, the boy also made the intention to return home, but did not expect to wait for is such a news. That kid can't be angry, after returning to his country, he found an opportunity to waste that rich second generation's lifeblood, just like that this kid was locked in."


Yu Tian listened and walked up to the man. In a soft voice, he asked, "Hello, my name is Utena, how may I address you?"


The man raised his head, a pale and showy face without a trace of blood color, his eyes also appeared hollow and lifeless, there was also a faint bruise on his forehead, when he heard Yutian's kind question, he wanted to say something, but then he looked his head towards Liu Gang, and then quickly lowered his head and shrunk again.


Yu Tian looked at the young man's reaction, so he suspiciously stared his eyes at Liu Gang, Liu Gang took a look and hurriedly said, "Big brother, that was me being an asshole before, I won't dare in the future." Saying that, he hurriedly ran to the front of the young man and said, "Hu Nianzong, in the past it was me who was wrong, I'm here to apologize to you, don't take it to heart ah." Liu Gang wasn't stupid, he knew that in order to not make Yutian angry, he had to obtain the forgiveness of the person in front of him.


Hu Nianzong didn't say anything and just shrunk his body again. Seeing this, Yutian said gently, "You don't have to be afraid, he won't bully you in the future." Liu Gang also hurriedly assured, "I won't dare to do it again."


Only then did Hu Nianzong slowly raise his head, looked at Yu Tian and softly said, "Thank you." Then it was silent again, only his eyes seemed to have changed a little, but it was all sad colors.


Yu Tian read his sadness and said comfortingly, "I've just gotten a rough idea of your matter, but what I want to tell you is that if your girlfriend is alive in heaven and sees you in your current state, how painful would it be for her? She is gone, but I think she also wishes you a good life, if she knows that you are in prison in order to avenge her, she should be reluctant for you to do so. Of course from our men's point of view, but I am very supportive of what you do, their own women were bullied by others, we do men's farts do not put a, then there is no need to stand to pee. But I look down on you now, look at you now there is a man like? If you really love your girlfriend, you should pull yourself together, call the shots in the field you are good at, and make your girlfriend proud of you in heaven, that's the only way to show a man's true colors. ' Hu Nianzong listened to the eyes are slowly bright up, yes, he is now so indeed too decadent, if she saw, should be very sad, right? Think about their own year in the Wall Street called "ghost hand" when, how powerful, did not expect to fall into today's this way. No, I must get up again.


Thinking of this Hu Nianzong's eyes shot out a ray of wisdom, but immediately dimmed, his mouth muttered, "Starting over, is it really possible? I can't even get out now, what else to talk about, that's all delusion."


Yutian looked and smiled and asked, "If I can get you out and give you ten billion dollars, what can you give me?"


Hu Nianzong's eyes shone straight up when he heard this, and he stood up with a huff and said, "If you can let me out, then this life of mine is yours, and if you give me ten billion dollars, no, as long as it's just one billion dollars, I'll be able to help you sweep through the business world of Huaxia."


Yu Tian shook his head and once again remained a heavy weight and said, "If I give you ten billion dollars in Yin pounds, what will you give me?"


Hu Nianzong said without changing his face, "Give me a certain amount of time and I can help you laugh at the world in business."


Yu Tian laughed, then asked, "Really? And how do you know that what I said wasn't a lie?"


Hu Nianzong said without any hesitation, "There is no need for you to lie to me, and without a certain amount of eyesight in our economic field, that can't be mixed up. As for my promise to you, I can only say that I can guarantee it with my head, besides this I can't think of what I have, which can be more convincing than my head."


Yu Tian laughed loudly, then said, "I don't need your head either, what I need is a brother who is rich and noble together. Recuperate well, I will take you out in less than two days, now that you are like this, I can't afford to lose this person even if I take you out."


Hu Nianzong nodded heavily, he looked at Yutian, he knew that this person in front of him, was worth following for his whole life, as long as he followed him, his future days would definitely not be uneventful, he felt that his hot blooded energy from that year was back again, raising his head and looking upwards, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate through the ceiling, and went straight to the clouds. Hu Nianzong silently said in his heart, "Ah Ying, you watch, I will fight a piece of the world, I will make you proud of me even in heaven."