
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 31 How much money must be saved in ?

Yu Tian walked to the side of the road ready to take a cab back, but those cabs saw him like a ghost not only did not stop, but accelerated away. Seeing such a situation, Yu Tian is also a bitter smile and shake his head, he knows that the blood on his body to scare people. Just when he was thinking and sighing to himself, a police car drove over, before he could react, the car jumped down a familiar figure rushed towards him, it was Fan Si Yu.


Fan Siyu hugged Yutian and hurriedly asked, "Xiaotian, how did you pull, why did you bleed so much? Does it matter, I'll take you to the hospital right away."


Yutian hurriedly comforted, "I'm fine, it's just a few minor injuries. But why are you here?"


"The 110 desk got a 911 call saying there was a guy here covered in blood and I didn't know what had happened. I just happened to be in the neighborhood so I came over to take a look, I didn't realize it was you. Let's go we'll go to the hospital." Fan Si Yu finished explaining and pulled Yu Tian towards the car.


Sitting on the car, Yu Tian made a call to Zhao Yutong, telling him that he had a bit of a problem, telling her to go back first with Fei Long and the others, just after hanging up the phone the cell phone ran out of battery, turning his head he said to Fan Si Yu, "That, Si Yu. I'm really fine, I don't need to go to the hospital, so you can just send me back to Mangrove Villa."


"If you don't go to the hospital, you have to bandage it." Fan Si Yu crossed Yu Tian's eyes and then said, "Why don't you go to my house, my house has a medicine box, I'll bandage it for you."


"Uh, to your home?" Yutian asked with a little uncertainty, if he met Fan Lijun, what should he say, could he tell him that he met a killer? Besides, there is a little bit of ambiguity between himself and Fan Siyu, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to meet him?


"What? Not willing?" Fan Siyu gave Yu Tian a blank look, as if she could see what Yu Tian was thinking, and then said, "Don't worry, my dad lives in the unit dormitory, I'm staying with a friend, and she's working the night shift tonight."


"No, you're thinking about the wrong thing. I was thinking about going to meet my old husband, should I buy some kind of gift?" Yu Tian awkwardly laughed dryly and teased at Fan Si Yu.


"Squeak" a piercing sound of brakes came, Yu Tian suddenly forward, almost hit the windshield. Fan Siyu looked at Yu Tian, she did not expect Yu Tian will say such words, heart is a burst of sweet, blushing face, but the mouth is said: "Come on, just you?"


Soon the police car drove into a neighborhood, and Fan Siyu brought Yu Tian to where she lived. Casually found a pair of slippers for Yu Tian to change. Her mouth said, "Just wear them, we don't have any men here."


Yutian changed slippers and walked in to give the room a general sweep, it was a two-room, two-bedroom house. In the center of the living room there is a 42-inch LCD TV, coffee table piled up snacks, a set of pink cloth sofa around the coffee table placed in that. "Ew," Yu Tian's eyes instantly lit up when he saw the sofa. It's black, but I just wonder what size it is? Utena thought in her mind.


"What are you looking at?" Fan Siyu asked a little strangely when she saw Yu Tian's eyes staring at a certain place without moving. She followed Yu Tian's eyes, and with a loud "Ah", she rushed over, grabbed the black bra on the sofa and ran towards the restroom. Fan Siyu only now remembered, she got up this morning, changed underwear, because no man came, also did not care much, casually changed underwear still on the sofa, but did not expect to have Yu Tian this variable. Thinking of this Fan SiYu can not care about shyness, and quickly put the restroom, the balcony ah some sensitive things put away. Then again, the wind and fire rushed into their own bedroom, another burst of tossing.


Finally finishing up, Fan Si Yu walked out with a red face, ruffled her hair with her hand, and then said, "There are drinks in the fridge, take whatever you want to drink yourself, I'll go look for the medicine box." Saying that, he walked into another bedroom, and in a short while, he carried a medicine box out. I have to say that this medicine box is quite complete, there are gauze, alcohol, anti-inflammatory drugs and so on. Fan Siyu helped Yu Tian take off his shirt, then used alcohol to disinfect the wound, put on some anti-inflammatory medicine, and then used gauze to bandage it up. The whole process Fan Si Yu is gentle and soft, afraid of hurting Yu Tian. Yu Tian silently looked at Fan Si Yu for him to do all this, also very touched. Now Fan Siyu where there is still a criminal police chief of the mighty, is simply a gentle like water wife.


"Okay," Fan Si Yu's words also pulled Yu Tian back from his trance, Fan Si Yu put away the medicine box and said to Yu Tian, "You watch the TV first, I'm going to take a shower." After saying that she ran to the bedroom and grabbed her pajamas and walked into the bathroom.


Yutian sat on the sofa but couldn't keep still to watch the TV, the sound of running water and the blurry figure in the bathroom made him horny too. He had no choice but to turn up the sound of the TV as a way to distract himself.


Not long after the bathroom door opened, Fan Siyu walked out wearing a set of white semi-transparent pajamas, the red underwear underneath that pajamas was also visible. Fan Siyu walked to Yu Tian's side, and while combing her wet hair with her hand on the side of her head, she asked: ''Do you want to wash it? If you want to wash it, I'll go find a bigger leisure suit and see if you can wear it."


Just when Fan Siyu turned her head sideways, Yu Tian saw a piece of white tender breast from the wide collar of Fan Siyu's pajamas, and Yu Tian instantly felt a stream of hot water flow out of his nose, but his eyes couldn't turn away.


Fan Si Yu seemed to have noticed something as well, and couldn't help but have multiple red clouds rise on that delicate face. She looked at Yu Tian with a red face, and as she watched, Fan Si Yu's eyes also became a little bit mesmerized. She looked at Yu Tian and raised her head, her mouth murmured, "Xiaotian, kiss me."


Now, Yu Tian where can still hold back, a hold Fan Siyu, pasted that delicate red lips, greedy for. Moment two people are clothes flying, Yu Tian slowly put Fan Siyu down on the sofa, to further when, Fan Siyu a pull Yu Tian said: "Do not, Xiaotian, you first go to wash, I will wait for you."


Yutian heard, three steps to do two steps to run into the bathroom hurriedly took a shower, and then a pick up Fan Siyu into the bedroom, and then was turned red wave, after Fan Siyu's cry of pain, the two are a few times clouds and rain, the bed is also a red plum point.


After the passion, Yu Tian took out the cigarette box and casually pulled out a cigarette, Fan Siyu is also a good boy to take over the lighter for Yu Tian point on, and then lie on Yu Tian's chest, with that delicate little hand stroked Yu Tian's body's tired scars. Looking at the scars that covered one another, Fan Siyu's eyes reddened, how did this man beside her come over before? The shocking scars on his body were frightening to look at now. Behind his smile, which seems to be indifferent to everything, how many frightening experiences has he had? Fan Siyu, who doesn't believe in superstitions, is now a bit thankful to the heavens for letting her beloved man live through those cruel circumstances. Thinking of this Fan Siyu raised her head and said to Yutian: "Xiaotian, promise me, in the future you must protect yourself well, there is something I hope you can also say to me, I hope I can share with you."


Yutian spat out a smoke ring and looked at Fan Si Yu and said seriously, "I promise you. Don't worry, I'll be fine."


"Really, you said oh." Seeing that Yutian promised, Fan Si Yu also excitedly climbed up and asked.


"True." Yu Tian was about to reply, but as Fan Si Yu climbed up, his words choked back and his eyes glazed over. Since Fan Siyu climbed up as soon as she was happy, she didn't expect to exert herself too much, and the towering peaks on her chest flung over at once, almost hitting Yu Tian's face.


"What are you looking at? Pervert." Fan Si Yu waved her little pink fist and asked, although she had this intimate relationship with Yu Tian, she was a bit overwhelmed by the sight of Yu Tian's aggressive eyes.


"Oh, no, didn't look at anything." Yutian came back to his senses, then he said flirtatiously, "I was just thinking that if we have a child in the future, we won't have to think about milk powder money at all. With your capital we won't need to buy milk powder even if we give birth to ten or eight of him, so how much money would we have to save?"


This word at once to Fan Si Yu to shame, she spit Yu Tian a mouthful of said: "You when people are pigs ah, but also ten eight, to give birth to you go to give birth to a good."


Yutian smiled thievishly, "I would like to, but I don't have that organ, I can only play a supporting role. Besides, this has to be a good cooperation between the two of us, doesn't it?"


"You still say that, I told you to say that. See if I don't beat you into a pig's head?" Fan Si Yu was so shy that she punched Yu Tian's head with a pair of small pink fists.


With a laugh, Yutian hugged Fan Si Yu in his arms, then the two of them spoke sweet whispers. Tired, they fell into a deep sleep.