
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 30 - Blood Fury Attacks

Yu Tian walked out of the rose garden not far before a group of people blocked his way. Yu Tian looked up at a young man in front of him, "What's the matter with you guys? Why are you blocking my way."


The leading young man said arrogantly when he heard Yutian's question, "Kid, did you just come out of the villa inside?"


Utena nodded and said, "Yes, so what?"


Looking at the skinny Yu Tian in front of him, the young man said contemptuously, "Not much, just want to tell you not to go that far in with Yue Jiao in the future."


Yutian was speechless for a while, how did he keep stumbling upon this doggone thing. So he smiled and asked, "Oh, what if I say no?"


"Hahaha," the young man burst into a maniacal laughter, looking at Yu Tian as if he was looking at a dead man. He threatened, "If you don't listen, you'll die an ugly death."


"Oh, then I look forward to it, but for now, please get out of the way." Utena said indifferently.


The young man froze, he didn't expect Yu Tian to take his words seriously at all. At once, his face changed, "You're very wild, you're the first person to speak to me, Wang Zhihua, like this. Today I will teach you a good lesson, let you know know that the woman that I, Wang Zhihua, have my eyes on, is one that you can't just go near." After saying this, he waved his hand to the dozen or so juniors behind him and said, "Give me a hard beating, beat me to death."


As soon as they heard that, the juniors at the back rushed up with their machetes and slashed at Yu Tian's body. Yu Tian sidestepped one of the gangster's machete, his right hand grabbed his arm and sent it forward, the gangster's machete cut open another gangster's chest. Then Yu Tian does not stop, footsteps slip, left hand palm on one of the gangster's chest, only to hear "Ka-ching" sound, chest ribs should be broken a few. Continuously again is hard several punches, not a moment more than a dozen gangsters are all lying down.


Yu Tian turned his head to look at Wang Zhihua and asked with a sneer, "Now what do you think I should do to return the enthusiasm you just showed me?"


Wang Zhihua's face turned pale and he backed up, saying under his breath, "Don't mess around, do you know who I am? My dad is Wang Qiang, the vice master of the Green Dragon Gang, if you hit me, my dad and the Green Dragon Gang won't let you go. As long as you let me go, I promise I won't trouble you again in the future."


Yu Tian shook his head, to this time, this kid is still threatening him, since the beam has been knotted, there is nothing to say. So he was two kicks in a row on Wang Zhihua's one pair of knees, let this kid in the future to lie in bed, so as not to come out to harm people.


Leaving a ground of people wailing there, Yu Tian continued to walk forward, suddenly he felt a trace of dangerous aura coming straight towards him, this feeling was the first time since he came to the deep sea. He raised his head and looked around, only to see a middle-aged man in his thirties in front of him holding his hands was staring at him coldly, not hiding the murderous aura in his eyes at all.


When Yutian walked in, the man coldly asked, "Are you Yutian?"


"I am, who are you?" Utena asked rhetorically.


The man still had that icy voice that said, "You can call me Bloodshed, someone offered five million dollars for your life, so here I am."


Yu Tian was also a bit surprised that someone had actually invited Blood Fury, it seemed that the other party was determined to take his life. Blood Fury, ranked eighth on the Heavenly Ranking, good with a knife, and is a solitary, cold and ruthless, his men never live. It is said that someone once asked him to kill a rich man in Europe, that rich man's family from top to bottom, even the servants died cleanly, among them there are a few seven or eight years old children. The blood stained the entire villa, and even the lawn in front of the villa is covered with blood. Thinking of this Yu Tian blandly said, "Do you think you can successfully get to take five million?"


Blood Fiend obviously heeded the wrong meaning of Yu Tian, shook his head and said, "This is not something you can *heart*, you are not ashamed to die in my hands." After saying that loosened the hands clasped on the chest, in his hands was a paper-thin slice knife, Yu Tian as if he smelled the bloody flavor on that knife.


"Suffer death," said the blood fury rushed up, to the Yu Tian head is a knife. Yu Tian did not dare to be careless, on the head of a bias narrowly avoided the blood fury this knife, blood fury is worthy of being the eighth ranked masters of the Heavenly Ranking, the moves have not been used old on the right hand backhand to the knife a cross a draw, Yu Tian's chest was a slice knife cut a shallow mouth, the blood Miluo bubbling outward. At this time, Yu Tian is also a foot lift on the horizontal swept over, Bloodshed left hand a block, back to the trend of two steps back. Just see Yu Tian as if counting to the action of the blood fury, do not stop, an arrow step rushed up, flying up a foot on the blood fury's chest, "Kacha" sound of the blood fury's ribs were Yu Tian kicked two broken, then the mouth is also a poof, a mouthful of fresh blood on the spray out.


While you're sick to kill you, the long experience of life and death of Yu Tian naturally understand this reasoning, and then again is a ruthless two punches in the blood fury's abdomen, the blood fury was sent flying out of a fall on the ground. Yu Tian did not stop there, jumped up in the air, right foot to the blood fury's chest to step on, blood fury although seriously injured, but also reaction is not slow, on the ground a roll, narrowly avoided the past. Yu Tian's foot stepped on the ground, immediately stepped on the ground a deep footprints, the ground is also dusty. Blood fury is also to take advantage of this opportunity, waved the knife to Yu Tian chopped over, Yu Tian sidestepped did not dodge, back was cut a deep mouth, endure the pain Yu Tian turned around with his left hand is a fishing, the blood fury's right hand holding the knife grabbed in the hand, and then the right elbow of Yu Tian's right hand on the wrist of the blood fury hit hard, "bam crotch" blood fury's knife fell to the ground. Bam crotch", Blood Fury's knife fell to the ground. After that, Yutian's left foot kicked Bloodshed's knees twice, and Bloodshed fell to the ground. Finally, Yu Tian lifted his right foot and stepped hard on Bloodshed's back, Bloodshed struggled for a couple of times and then didn't move, when he was dying, Bloodshed said to Yu Tian: "You are very strong, I didn't think I would die in your hands, however, you are also in trouble, after killing me, you will wait for the Black Alliance's endless pursuit of you." After saying that, he was out of breath.


Hearing the words Black Alliance, Yu Tian was also shocked. The Black Alliance was an assassin organization in the assassin world, and there were also many experts inside. Like the first and second ranked killers in the Heavenly Ranking List were heard to be from the Black Alliance, and the elders inside were even more unfathomable. The black alliance, but accept the mission, that is not to achieve the goal will not stop, a batch can not be sent to the next batch, and a batch than a batch of strong, until the completion of the task. This organization allows the world's political axe is also a headache, and no one knows where the organization's base camp. Think of this Yu Tian is also a bitter smile, this seems to be a real trouble, they are not afraid of a person, can not win the fight on the run, he wants to go to the Grim Reaper, I guess there are not a few people can keep him. But now he still has a mission in mind, if the opponent has a few more experts like Blood Fury, then he wants to safely escort Zhao Yutong to escape, that is basically impossible. Not to mention the fact that there were those people from the island country who were there to watch over him, and he also had a not-so-small grudge against the White Tiger Gang as well. Looks like it's time to call them back, Yu Tian thought in his heart, so he took out his cell phone and dialed a number, and softly said into the phone, "Shadow, lead them back."


After Shadow answered the phone, there was a smile on his expressionless face, finally he could return to the young master's side. Turning his head to the several people who were looking at him with bated breath, he said, "Pack up and go to Huaxia."


In the top floor presidential suite of Peng Hai Group, Li Zi Cong was doing piston movements on a second-rate actress when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Li Zicong climbed up, put on his clothes and walked out. He knew that the only person who came to find him at this time was Uncle Pipe, and if Uncle Pipe came to find him at this time, he must have something very important as well, otherwise with Uncle Pipe's character he wouldn't have come at this time.


Looking at Uncle Pipe, Li Zicong asked, "Uncle Pipe, what's the matter?"


"Young Master, the Black Alliance's people failed." Uncle Guan replied with an eager expression on his face.


"What? They actually failed as well?" Li Zicong was also incredulous, but quite unusually Li Zicong didn't get angry this time.


"Yes, when our people went over, there were only the bodies of the Black Alliance people there." Uncle Pipe answered truthfully.


"Haha" Li Zi Cong laughed, he said sinisterly, "Yu Tian ah Yu Tian, this time I'll see if you're still dead or not, you actually dared to kill someone from the Black Alliance, you'll just wait for the Black Alliance's pursuit."


After a pause, Li Zicong said to Uncle Guan again, "Uncle Guan, tell the island side to tell the Koga faction to come over as soon as possible, and help the White Tiger Gang to take care of the Green Dragon Gang, so that the Deep Sea's *** will be pinched in my Li Zicong's hands. And contact the people from the Black Dragon Society, I have given them so much convenience, to show their sincerity, it's time for them to help me create some trouble for Yutian."


"Yes, young master, I'll do it right away." With that, Uncle Guan retreated.